Jojo Rabbit

Jojo Rabbit 2019


Jojo Rabbit és un nen vivint en plena 2a Guerra Mundial. La seva única via d'escapament és el seu amic imaginari, una versió de Hitler ètnicament incorrecta que incita els cecs ideals patriòtics del nen. Tot això canvia quan descobreix que la seva mare Rosie està amagant una jove jueva al seu àtic.


American history X

American history X 1998


Derek és un jove skin head d'ideologia neonazi que va ser empresonat per assassinar a uns negres que pretenien robar la seva furgoneta. Després de passar diversos anys a la presó, retorna al seu barri completament reformat i amb la intenció de transformar el seu germà petit, per a qui Derek ha estat el seu model que s'ha de seguir.


El fotògraf de Mauthausen

El fotògraf de Mauthausen 2018


Amb l'ajuda d'un grup de presoners espanyols que lideren l'organització clandestina del camp de concentració de Mauthausen, Francesc Boix, un pres que treballa en el laboratori fotogràfic del camp, arrisca la seva vida en planejar l'evasió d'uns negatius que demostraran al món les atrocitats comeses pels nazis en l'infern del camp de concentració austríac. Milers de fotografies que mostren des de dins tota la crueltat d'un sistema. Les fotografies que Boix i els seus companys aconsegueixen salvar serviran per condemnar alts càrrecs nazis durant el judici de Nuremberg de 1946, on Boix participa com a testimoni clau.



Lore 2012


Alemanya, 1945. La guerra ha acabat. Un grup de nens es proposa travessar el devastat país per reunir-se amb la seva àvia. La Lore, la gran, es queda a càrrec dels seus quatre germans quan els seus pares, membres de les SS, són capturats per les tropes aliades. Tots junts emprendran un viatge que els mostrarà la realitat i les conseqüències de les accions dels seus pares. Però quan coneix a l'enigmàtic i carismàtic Thomas, un jove refugiat jueu...


Marguerite Duras: París 1944

Marguerite Duras: París 1944 2017


En trobar uns vells quaderns en una caixa oblidada, Marguerite Duras recorda el seu passat. A la França ocupada pels nazis de 1944, la jove i brillant escriptora participa activament en la Resistència junt amb el seu marit, Robert Antelme.



Good 2008


John Halder és professor de literatura en l'Alemanya nazi. A poc a poc, les idees nazis el van seduint i els seus problemes familiars el porten a publicar una novel·la on defensa l'eutanàsia compassiva. El seu llibre resultarà molt útil al règim per donar suport a la propaganda governamental i John triomfa com a escriptor. L'èxit el du a prendre certes decisions que tindran conseqüències devastadores per a les persones que el rodegen.


Generation War

Generation War 2013


Five young German friends promise to meet again after WW2 ends, but soon their naive wishes of peace and happiness will become a long and tragic nightmare.


Rise of the Nazis

Rise of the Nazis 2019


How did 20th Century Europe's most liberal democracy fall into the hands of fascists? From Hitler's political scheming that turned Germany's parliament into a House of Cards, his War on Truth leading to book burning, and his scapegoating of minorities, this series explores in extraordinary detail the events leading up to the outbreak of World War II.


Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler

Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler 2011


Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was a mediocre who rose to power because of the blindness and ignorance of the Germans, who believed he was nothing more than an eccentric dreamer. But when the crisis of 1929 devastated the economy, the population, fearful of chaos and communism, voted for him. And no one defended democracy. As the dictatorship extended its relentless shadow, the leader claimed peace, but was preparing the Apocalypse.



Colditz 2005


During World War II, the Germans convert the castle of Colditz into an escape-proof prison where recidivist escapees are imprisoned under one roof. The most accomplished escape artists are gathered there, brave soldiers who view escape not only as a challenge but as a duty, in order to harass and irritate German forces as much as they can.


The Shield and the Sword

The Shield and the Sword 1968


The year is 1940 and Nazi Germany is at the height of its military prowess, having captured most of Europe and eyeing the Soviet Union to the East. The Russian military command suspects hostile intent from Germany and so arranges for its spies to infiltrate ranks of the German military and the SS. Alexander Belov is a Russian spy, who travels from Soviet-held Latvia to Nazi Germany under an alias of Johann Weiss. His mastery of the German language, steel nerves and an ability to manipulate others help him to use his connections in the SS to ascend the ladder of the German intelligence. He uses his position to identify sympathetic Germans, who help him to procure vital intelligence, and to help local resistance movements in their collective fight against Nazism.


Green Frontier

Green Frontier 2019


When a young Bogotá-based detective gets drawn into the jungle to investigate four femicides, she uncovers magic, an evil plot and her own true origins.


Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man

Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man 2002


The true story of Giorgio Perlasca, an Italian cattle dealer and avowed fascist who — trapped in Nazi-occupied Budapest after Italy's armistice with the Allies — nevertheless saved more than 5,000 Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust through a combination of lies, bribery and derring-do.


A History of Antisemitism

A History of Antisemitism 2022


A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from antiquity to the present day.



Brecht 2019


East Berlin, 1956. Bertolt Brecht, revolutionary of the theater and poet of the state, looks back: his exploits as a teenager during the World War I; his romantic adventures during the twenties; the escape of the Nazi regime; the return from exile. The life of a timeless classic, a class fighter, an indefatigable free spirit, a committed artist.


The Third Reich: The Rise & Fall

The Third Reich: The Rise & Fall 2010


An intimate, authentic portrait of Hitler's Germany as recorded by the people who lived it. Never-before-seen home movies, Nazi propaganda films and personal recollections culled from German's diaries, journals and letters provide a rare look inside the darker pages of world history.


Hitler Youth

Hitler Youth 2018


In 1930s Germany, the Nazi Party created the Hitler Youth to indoctrinate children and adolescents with Nazi ideology and prepare them to become a child army for Hitler. The first programme traces the rise of the movement through to the war. The second programme starts at the height of WW2 and traces the story of the Hitler Youth as they face defeat.


Inside the SS

Inside the SS 2017


With the aid of rare archives, this film retraces the bloody history of the SS, some of whose members are still alive and have accepted to speak.