
Gladiator 2000


L'any 180, l'Imperi Romà domina tothom conegut. Després d'una gran victòria sobre els bàrbars del nord, l'ancià emperador Marc Aureli decideix transferir el poder a Màxim, brau general dels seus exèrcits i home de lleialtat indestructible a l'imperi. Però el seu fill Còmode, que aspirava al tron, no ho accepta i intenta assassinar Màxim.


Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt 2012


Hannah Arendt, filòsofa, pensadora i periodista, jueva i exiliada als Estats Units, és enviada a Jerusalem per The New Yorker a cobrir el judici del criminal de guerra nazi Adolf Eichmann, que és jutjat i condemnat a mort. Durant quatre anys Hannah treballa, marcada per la controvèrsia, escrivint un llibre titulat «Informe sobre la banalització del mal», que provoca immediatament un escàndol internacional.



Dr 1962



The End of Love

The End of Love 2022


After a reunion with her past, Tamara - a Jewish ex-orthodox turned feminist rocker - separates from her boyfriend, rebelling against romantic love and monogamy to embark on a path of exploration in search of her own desire.


Genius of the Modern World

Genius of the Modern World 2016


Historian Bettany Hughes retraces the lives of three great thinkers whose ideas shaped the modern world - Karl Marx, Frederick Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud.


Believe Nothing

Believe Nothing 2002


Believe Nothing is a British ITV sitcom starring Rik Mayall as Quadruple Professor Adonis Cnut, the cleverest man in Britain, and Oxford's leading moral philosopher. He is paid huge amounts of money for his views consulted by the government but he's bored and wants adventure so he joins the shadowy organization The Council which controls everything going on in the world. Starring alongside Mayall is Michael Maloney as Brian Albumen, Cnut's faithful servant, and Emily Bruni as Dr. Hannah Awkward who becomes professor of pedantics. The series was written by Maurice Gran and Laurence Marks, who give a twist to many of today's global issues. Although much hyped by ITV, who were hoping to repeat the success of Gran and Marks' previous project with Mayall, the successful The New Statesman, the series failed to catch on, and was dropped after one series.



Wanderlust 2016


Polish-Flemish philosopher Alicja Gescinska interviews national and international personalities with diverse philosophical and religious backgrounds.