
Cuckoo 2024


Gretchen, una jove estatunidenca, es muda a Alemanya per viure amb la nova família del seu pare, el superior del qual, un home sinistre que respon al nom de Mr. König, li fa mala espina des del primer moment. Les peces encaixaran aviat i Gretchen haurà de protegir-se com millor ho sap fer: a ganivetades.


La taverna de l’irlandès

La taverna de l’irlandès 1963


La vida en una illa al sud del Pacífic és gairebé perfecta per a dos amics ja retirats de l'exèrcit: passen el seu temps a la taverna, lloc on discuteixen, barallen i s'alliberen de la monotonia de la vida tropical. I a aquest autèntic paradís arriba una estirada bostoniana que busca el seu pare.


La nostra germana petita

La nostra germana petita 2015


Sachi, Yoshino i Chika són tres germanes que viuen a Kamakura, Japó, a la casa de la seva àvia. Un dia rebran la notícia de la mort del seu pare, que les va abandonar quan eren petites. Al funeral coneixeran la filla que el seu pare va tenir 13 anys enrere i aviat les quatre germanes començaran a viure juntes.


En estat crític

En estat crític 1997


Werner Ernst (James Spader), un jove metge que treballa a la unitat de cures intensives d'un hospital, coneix dues germanes que s'enfronten per l'herència del seu pare, un pacient del centre que es troba en estat de coma.



Red 1970



Happy's Place

Happy's Place 2024


Bobbie inherits her father's restaurant and is less than thrilled to discover that she has a new business partner in the half-sister she never knew she had.



Onanay 2018


Sisters Maila and Natalie have different approach to their mother, Onay who has Achondroplasia. Maila is a nice and attentive daughter, while Nataile is arrogant and disobedient. Besides their different upbringing, they have a different father as well.


Almost Family

Almost Family 2019


An only child finds her life turned upside down when her father reveals that, over the course of his prize-winning career as a pioneering fertility doctor, he used his own sperm to conceive upwards of a hundred children, including two new sisters.



FlorDeLiza 2015


Crisanto is a soldier lovingly married to his wife, Beth, but is forced to be sent away to fight in a war someplace else, leaving his wife and daughter, Liza, behind. In the midst of the battle, Crisanto meets Florida, the two fall in love and have an affair, which produces a child, Flor. One day, the opposing side ambushed Crisanto, and he protected Flor and Florida by helping them hide inside the house, as a consequence, Crisanto becomes gravely injured when he is sent home, and unknowing of their secret affair, Beth hires Florida to be Crisanto's nurse. Eventually, Beth allows Florida's daughter, Flor, to stay over at her house and Flor eventually befriends Liza, however their friendship will be threatened by their parents' intertwining love stories.



SisterS 2023


Two women, one born in Canada and the other in Ireland, discover they are half-sisters and embark on a road trip to find their alcoholic father.


The Romance Manga Artist

The Romance Manga Artist 2021


Aiko goes to the funeral of her ex, Jun, where she is approached by his older brother Seiichirou, a reclusive romance manga creator, who asks her to date guys, and then report back to him, so he can portray it in his manga.