Estat elèctric

Estat elèctric 2025


Una adolescent òrfena travessa l'Oest americà amb un robot misteriós i un rodamon excèntric a la recerca del seu germà petit.


Transformers: El despertar de les bèsties

Transformers: El despertar de les bèsties 2023


La batalla a la Terra ja no és només entre Autobots i Decepticons... Maximals, Predacons i Terrorcons s'uneixen a Transformers: El despertar de les bèsties.



Longlegs 2024


A la Lee Harker, una nova i talentosa agent de l'FBI, li assignen un cas sense resoldre un assassí en sèrie. A mesura que la investigació es complica i es descobreixen proves ocultistes, la Harker s'adona que hi ha un vincle personal amb l'assassí despietat i ha d'actuar amb rapidesa per evitar un altre assassinat familiar.


Black Hawk abatut

Black Hawk abatut 2001


Quan els Rangers dels Estats Units i un equip d'elit de la Delta Force intenten segrestar dos subordinats d'un senyor de la guerra somali, els seus helicòpters Black Hawk són abatuts i els nord-americans pateixen nombroses baixes, enfrontant-se en un intens combat terrestre amb la milícia.


Capitana Marvel

Capitana Marvel 2019


La història segueix Carol Danvers mentre es converteix en un dels herois més poderosos de l'univers, quan la Terra està atrapada enmig d'una guerra galàctica entre dues races alienígenes. Situada als anys 90, 'Capitana Marvel' és una història nova d'un període de temps mai abans vist a la història de l'Univers Cinematogràfic de Marvel.


Resident Evil: Benvinguts a Raccoon City

Resident Evil: Benvinguts a Raccoon City 2021


Nova adaptació al cinema dels videojocs de Capcom. La que va ser una puixant ciutat seu del gegant farmacèutic Umbrella Corporation, Raccoon City, és ara un poble agonitzant de l'Oest Mitjà. L'èxode de la companyia va deixar la ciutat convertida en un erm… amb un gran mal gestant-se sota la superfície. Quan aquest mal es desferma, un grup de supervivents s'han d'unir per destapar la veritat darrere d'Umbrella i sobreviure a la nit.



1992 2024



X-Men: Fènix Obscura

X-Men: Fènix Obscura 2019


Els X-Men s'enfronten al seu enemic més poderós: un dels membres, Jean Grey. Durant una missió de rescat a l'espai, Jean gairebé mor en ser aconseguida per una misteriosa força còsmica. Quan torna a casa, aquesta radiació l'ha fet més poderosa però molt més inestable. Mentre lluita amb l'entitat que habita al seu interior, Jean deslliga els seus poders de maneres que no pot controlar ni comprendre. Jean cau en una espiral fora de control fent mal a aquells que més estima i comença a destruir els llaços que mantenen units als X-Men.


12 micos

12 micos 1995


L'any 2035, el condemnat James Cole es proposa de mala gana per ser enviat en el temps per descobrir l'origen d'un virus mortal que va acabar amb gairebé tota la població de la terra i va obligar els supervivents a entrar en comunitats subterrànies. Però quan Cole és enviat per error al 1990 en lloc del 1996, és arrestat i tancat en un hospital psiquiàtric. Allà coneix la psiquiatra Dra. Kathryn Railly i el pacient Jeffrey Goines, fill d'un famós expert en virus, que pot tenir la clau del misteriós grup canalla, l'Exèrcit dels 12 Micos, que es creu que és el responsable de desencadenar la malaltia assassina.



Y2K 2024



Diamant de sang

Diamant de sang 2006


L'any 1999, durant la guerra civil de Sierra Leone, les vides de dos homes africans d'orígens ben diferents s'entrecreuen en una presó. D'una banda Solomon Vandy, un pescador negre obligat a treballar a les mines de diamants. De l'altra Danny Archer, un ex-mercenari blanc penedit del seu passat. Quan aconsegueixen sortir de la presó, tots dos s'endinsen en el perillós territori ocupat pels rebels amb l'objectiu de rescatar el fill de Solomon i també per trobar un gran diamant rosa.


Els avantatges de ser un marginat

Els avantatges de ser un marginat 2012


És l'any 1991 i en Charlie, un noi acadèmicament precoç i poc sociable, és un marginat, sempre observant des de la distància, fins que un parell de joves carismàtics l'acullen sota les seves ales. La bella Sam, d'esperit lliure, i el seu germanastre Patrick, sense por a res, cuiden de Charlie oferint-li noves amistats, el primer amor, sexualitat incipient, festes sense fi, visionats a mitjanit de «The Rocky Horror Picture Show», i la cerca de la cançó perfecta.


I Saw the TV Glow

I Saw the TV Glow 2024


L'adolescent Owen només està intentant superar la vida als suburbis quan el seu company de classe li presenta un misteriós programa de televisió nocturn: una visió d'un món sobrenatural sota el seu. A la llum pàl·lida de la televisió, la visió de la realitat d'Owen comença a trencar-se.



Martin 1992


Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his romantic relationship with girlfriend Gina, her best friend Pam and escapades with best friends Tommy and Cole.


El Señor de los Cielos

El Señor de los Cielos 2013


Set in the 1990s, these are the life and times of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a man who became the head of the Juárez cartel. Nicknamed “El Señor de los Cielos” (Lord of the Skies) because of the large fleet of airplanes he used to transport drugs, he was also known for washing more than $200 million through Colombia to finance his huge fleet. He is described as the most powerful drug trafficker of his time.


At the Threshold of an Era

At the Threshold of an Era 1999


Spanning 20 years, from 1990 to 2010, the series tells of three entrepreneurs who founded a company together to achieve the ultimate goal of developing a pollution-free town in Hong Kong. Through the years, they face many struggles, but most particularly, the family vendetta between two of the company founders.



Westside 2015


The story of legendary safe cracker and career criminal Ted West and his firecracker of a wife, Rita. Combining real events and the rich folklore of the West family and associates, this is rollicking history, and a tempestuous romance, set at a time of great social upheaval.


Fresh Off the Boat

Fresh Off the Boat 2015


A '90s-set single-camera comedy about a hip-hop-loving Asian kid growing up in suburban Orlando, being raised by an immigrant father obsessed with all things American and an immigrant mother often bewildered by white culture.


Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks 1990


The body of Laura Palmer is washed up on a beach near the small Washington state town of Twin Peaks. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is called in to investigate her strange demise only to uncover a web of mystery that ultimately leads him deep into the heart of the surrounding woodland and his very own soul.


The Famous Teddy Z

The Famous Teddy Z 1989


A mailroom clerk becomes a top agent at a Hollywood talent agency after he impresses a notoriously self-centered client. The series was inspired by an actual 1940s encounter involving Marlon Brando.



Yellowjackets 2021


This equal parts survival epic, psychological horror story and coming-of-age drama tells the saga of a team of wildly talented high school girls soccer players who become the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the remote northern wilderness. The series chronicles their descent from a complicated but thriving team to savage clans, while also tracking the lives they’ve attempted to piece back together nearly 25 years later.


Verão 90

Verão 90 2019


A romantic comedy revolving around the life of three former child stars that wish to relive their fame after the end of their childhood musical group, Magic Bunch. Now in the fun-filled 90's, fate reunites the trio formed by Manu and the brothers João and Jerônimo. It also brings back the love between the aspiring young actress and João, as well as the rivalry between their disagreeing mothers. At the same time, fueled by his dubious character and jealousy towards the new couple, Jerônimo will do anything to bring back his days of glory, even if it means jeopardizing his own family.


Our Friends in the North

Our Friends in the North 1996


An epic tale of a changing Britain over four decades, seen through the eyes of four friends.



Oasis 2023


Set in the turbulent times of South Korea between the ’80s and ’90s, it depicts the fierce life, revenge, and conflict of young people who have to pursue power and wealth by any means in an era filled with wrong social values. Lee Doo Hak is a young man who was born in a small city in Jeolla Province and grew up innocent with a clever brain. However, he fatefully becomes caught in a whirlpool of events and ends up in the middle of conflict. After going through a real estate fraud group, he becomes a “political gangster” and lives his life to avenge his father’s unjust death.



Spawn 1997


Todd McFarlane's Spawn is an animated television series which aired on HBO from 1997 through 1999. It is also released on DVD as a film series. It is based on the Spawn comic series from Image Comics, and was nominated for and won an Emmy in 1999 for Outstanding Animation Program. An unrelated series titled Spawn: The Animation is in production since 2009, with Keith David reprising his role as the titular character. Like the comic book, the series features graphic violence, sexual scenes, and extensive use of profanity. Todd McFarlane's Spawn was ranked 5th on IGN's list of The Greatest Comic Book Cartoons Of All Time.



Barracuda 2016


Melbourne 1996. The Golden Age of Australian swimming is beginning and a scholarship to an exclusive boys school brings 16-year-old Danny Kelly one step closer to his ultimate goal - winning Olympic gold. Initially, Danny struggles to find his place in the prestigious social circles of the private boys school. However under the charge of highly regarded coach Frank Torma and a friendship/rivalry with teammate Martin Taylor, Danny is soon on track to become Australia’s youngest swimming champion, the unstoppable 'Barracuda'.


Dexter: Original Sin

Dexter: Original Sin 2024


In 1991 Miami, Dexter Morgan transitions from student to avenging serial killer. When his bloodthirsty urges can't be ignored any longer, Dexter must learn to channel his inner darkness. With the guidance of his father, Harry, he adopts a Code designed to help him find and kill people who deserve to be eliminated from society without getting on law enforcements' radar. This is a particular challenge for young Dexter as he begins a forensics internship at the Miami Metro Police Department.


The Octopus

The Octopus 1993


The 1993 Telenorba sit-com written and directed by Gennaro Nunziante. The Show it's a parody, in Apulian dialect sauce, of the Michele Placido starring series "La Piovra" (1984) A bloody feud features two families, the Inpetto and the Sanguellatte. At the origin of it all is a wrong suffered on a Sunday morning many years earlier. Rocco Sanguellatte's mother, intent on preparing the traditional ragout, realized she lacked parsley, essential for seasoning the braciole. She then went to ask for some from across the street, that is, Freddy Inpetto's mother, who, however, apologized, telling her that she had none in the house, dismissing her. Shortly thereafter, Rocco, having met his friend Freddy, noticed something green between his teeth, identifying it precisely as parsley, thus inferring disrespect to his mother and thus beginning the tragedy.


Soar High!

Soar High! 2022


Iwakura Mai lives with her parents Kota and Megumi and older brother Haruto. Her father Kota runs a small factory in Higashi Osaka, a district that is known for its craftsmen. Mai is shy and withdrawn. But when she visits her grandmother Shoko who lives on Nagasaki’s Goto Islands which has a rich natural environment, she is entranced by the Baramon kites that catch the wind and soar high in the sky. Wanting to fly high in the sky like these kites, Mai’s longing swells into a dream to become a pilot. Even though she works hard, the path to getting there is tougher than she had imagined. As Mai deepens her ties with the people living in her two hometowns of Higashi Osaka and Goto, her dream eventually takes a new form. She gathers enthusiastic friends to build a small electric plane that can fly to and from the islands. Her dream becomes a wing that carries everyone’s dreams and takes off.



Millennium 1996


A retired FBI serial-profiler joins the mysterious Millennium Group, a team of underground ex-law enforcement experts dedicated to fighting against the ever-growing forces of evil and darkness in the world.


The Drive of Life

The Drive of Life 2007


The Drive of Life is a 2007 grand production drama by TVB and CCTV as a joint production. It was specially filmed to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong back to China from Britain during the period of 1997-2007. The theme of the series revolves around the automobile industry in China. Told in flashback from 1994, the ups and downs and transformations that Hong Kong has been experiencing before and after the transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong is used as a narrative device. The series was filmed in Hong Kong, Beijing, Ningbo and Vancouver from early October 2006 until May 2007. The automobiles featured in the series are from Geely Automobile, as a fictional brand name "Hua-Zhe". This film ties with TVB drama "War and Beauty" for the record of having the most "Best Actress" winners, where Jessica Hsuan, Charmaine Sheh, Sheren Tang and Myolie Wu won their respective "Best Actress" awards in 1999, 2006, 2009/2010, and 2011.