Rocky 4

Rocky 4 1985


Noves peripècies personals i esportives del boxejador Rocky Balboa, aquesta vegada enfrontant-se a un dur i fred boxejador soviètic: l'Ivan Drago.


Rambo III

Rambo III 1988


Quan descobreix que el coronel Trautman ha caigut en mans soviètiques a l'Afganistan, Rambo torna al servei per intentar alliberar el seu amic. Després de contactar amb la resistència afganesa, entra a la zona assetjada per les tropes enemigues…



Danko 1988


Danko, un dur policia soviètic, rep l'ordre de viatjar als Estats Units a la recerca d'uns delinqüents del seu país que estan introduint droga a l'URSS. Quan arriba a Chicago descobreix que ha de treballar amb un agent americà de la brigada de narcòtics.


Camí a la llibertat

Camí a la llibertat 2010


Història narrada en primera persona pel Slavomir Rawicz, enviat al gulag pels soviètics després de sobreviure a la invasió alemany de Polònia, qui aconsegueix fugir a peu del seu captiveri el 1940 travessant l'Himàlaia, el Tibet, el desert del Gobi i la Índia.


El nen 44

El nen 44 2015


La Unió Soviètica de Stalin és un paradís per als obrers: els ofereix tot allò que necessiten. No existeix el crim. Un dels pilars fonamentals de l'estat és que els ciutadans viuen lliures de la por de la delinqüència comú i dels delinqüents. Però en aquesta societat, hi ha milions de persones que viuen atemorides... precisament per culpa de l'estat.



Solaris 1972


La missió Solaris ha establert la seva base en un planeta que sembla albergar algun tipus d'intel·ligència. Un científic viatja fins allà per substituir un altre que ha desaparegut. Després de les seves investigacions, descobreix una realitat alternativa de la qual li serà molt difícil fugir.



Leto 2018


Viktor Tsoi, un jove músic que va créixer escoltant a Led Zeppelin, T-Rex i David Bowie, està tractant de fer-se un nom. La trobada amb el seu ídol Mike i la seva esposa, la bella Natacha, canviarà el seu destí. Junts construiran una llegenda com a pioners del rock rus.



K19 2002


Estimat i de confiança per als seus homes, respectat com el capità de submarins amb més experiència de la Marina soviètica, el Capità Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson) és destituït del comandament del K-19 quan el lideratge soviètic decideix que no està preparant el seu submarí insígnia prou ràpid per a la seva primera travessia. Al seu lloc, el Capità Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford), un oficial estrictament "orientat a la missió" i amb una voluntat de ferro, aconsegueix treure el K-19 al mar exactament a l'hora programada 16.00 hores del dia 18 de Juny del 1961.


Un, dos, tres

Un, dos, tres 1961


C.R. MacNamara, un alt directiu destinat a Berlín Occidental, rep l'encàrrec de tenir cura de la filla del cap durant una de les visites. Quan MacNamara s'assabenta que la noia s'ha escapat i ha contret matrimoni amb un exaltat jove comunista, i que el seu cap estarà de tornada en només vint-i-quatre hores, no li queda més remei que transformar el reticència revolucionària en un gendre digne; altrament, ja es pot acomiadar del seu ascens. Però en menys del que es triga a dir "un, dos, tres", els seus plans se li escapen de les mans i provoquen un incident internacional capaç d'enfadar els russos, els alemanys i, el que és pitjor, el seu pròpia dona, que ja és amb la mosca darrere de l'orella.


Dark Side of the Moon

Dark Side of the Moon 2012


For the last three years police Lieutenant Mikhail Solovyev has been chasing a maniac. The capital is petrified by this scourge of society who is leaving dead bodies in his wake. At the moment of his capture and arrest, a maniac crashes into Mikhail, causing the lieutenant`s death...Soloviev comes back to life after the accident and discovers that he has moved back in time and ended up in 1979 in his father`s body. Understanding nothing about this acci- dent, the lieutenant is trying to adapt to his new life. Coincidently, he works as a soviet police officer at the same time he is discover- ing his chances to get back...


Generation War

Generation War 2013


Five young German friends promise to meet again after WW2 ends, but soon their naive wishes of peace and happiness will become a long and tragic nightmare.


Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War

Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War 2024


With firsthand accounts and access to prominent figures around the world, this comprehensive docuseries explores the Cold War and its aftermath.


Trouble in Store

Trouble in Store 2011


In the spring of 1982, as Brezhnev’s power is waning, Yuri Andropov decides to tackle corruption and apathy in the Soviet Union.


Gulag, the Story

Gulag, the Story 2020


A major political, historical, human and economic fact of the 20th century, the Gulag, the extremely punitive Soviet concentration camp system, remains largely unknown.


The Game

The Game 2014


"The Game" is a 1970s Cold War spy thriller set in the world of espionage. It tells the story of the invisible war fought by MI5 as it battles to protect the nation from the threats of the Cold War.


Unknown Soldier

Unknown Soldier 2018


The Unknown Soldier miniseries expands the story of the 2017 film of the same name. The World War II series based on Väinö Linna's classic novel closely follows a machine gun company of the Finnish Army on the Karelian front during the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union, from mobilization in 1941 to the Moscow Armistice in 1944. It's a story about how camaraderie, humor, and a desire to survive connect men on their journey. War upends the lives of both the individual soldiers and those left on the home front, and leaves its mark on the entire nation.


The Assets

The Assets 2014


1985 serves as the backdrop to the final showdown of the Cold War when Sandy and her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille vowed to find the mole that would turn out to be the most notorious traitor in US history, Aldrich Ames. Sandy is in a race against time to save the Soviet intelligence officers from being caught and killed. Living her own double life at home, this beautiful wife and mother vowed to stop at nothing until she uncovered the truth.


Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow

Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow 1996


Russia’s War provides an important and in-depth account of the nation’s history throughout the period of Joseph Stalin's rule (1924-53). Told in ten parts, this astonishing documentary reveals eyewitness accounts, archival photography, documents and footage, and gives a remarkable insight into what let to the death of sixty-five million Soviets during Stalin’s reign of terror.


InterNYET: A History Of The Russian Internet

InterNYET: A History Of The Russian Internet 2019


Dashing authors, the first porn sites and the last bastards. How the Russian Internet appeared and how it changed: from complete freedom to the appearance of censorship and the law on isolation.



Babydoll 2024


1911, A graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Sasha Meshcherskaya returns to a small provincial town. The well-being of her family is based on her relationship with her loving uncle, the owner of the arms factory Nikolai Shumilov. Sashenka's parents: Prince Ivan Sergeevich Meshchersky and Maria Ilyinichna dream of their daughter's early marriage, and she herself dreams of a brilliant career as an architect. Wanting to please her parents, Sasha makes new acquaintances and instantly plunges into a whirlpool of intrigue, where political interests are at stake above personal passions. Cold-blooded murders and blackmail, intricacies of conspiracies, daring provocateurs eluding detection - all this captivates the enthusiastic schoolgirl, who experiences mortal melancholy from the paucity of life prospects. Without noticing it, Sasha becomes an ideal target for terrorist hypnosis.


Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone

Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone 2022


What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. A series of films by Adam Curtis.


Apocalypse: Stalin

Apocalypse: Stalin 2015


The rise of Stalin, from his early beginning as a bankrobber to the cold-blooded leader of the Soviet Union.


Space Race

Space Race 2005


The untold true story behind the Cold War race to put man into space.


Chasing the Moon

Chasing the Moon 2019


An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon. This documentary pulls back the curtain on the familiar narrative of the moonshot, revealing a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama.


The Silent War

The Silent War 2013


The story of the underwater war between US, UK and Soviet submarines in the second half of the 20th century.


Star City

Star City 1970


A propulsive, paranoid thriller that takes us back to the key moment in the alt-history retelling of the space race — when the Soviet Union became the first nation to put a man on the moon. But this time, the story is explored from behind the Iron Curtain, showing the lives of the cosmonauts, the engineers and the intelligence officers embedded among them in the Soviet space program, and the risks they all took to propel humanity forward.


War of the Century

War of the Century 1999


The War of the Century: When Hitler Fought Stalin, is a BBC documentary film series that examines Adolf Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 and the no-holds-barred war on both sides. It not only examines the war but also the terror inside the Soviet Union at the time due to the paranoia of Joseph Stalin - the revenge atrocities, the Great Purge of army officers, the near-lunacy orders, and the paranoia of being upstaged by others, especially Marshal Zhukov. The historical adviser is Ian Kershaw.