Canary Black

Canary Black 2024


L'agent de la CIA Avery Graves és víctima d'un xantatge per part d'un grup terrorista que ha segrestat el seu marit. L'Avery recorrerà als seus contactes dels baixos fons per aconseguir la informació que volen els segrestadors, però haurà de fer front a diverses traïcions mentre arrisca la vida per portar a terme un rescat que podria desencadenar una crisi mundial.


Pardal vermell

Pardal vermell 2018


Dominika Egorova (Jennifer Lawrence) és reclutada contra la seva voluntat per ser un “pardal”, una seductora ensinistrada del servei de seguretat rus. Dominika aprèn a utilitzar el seu cos com a arma, però lluita per conservar el sentit de la identitat durant el deshumanitzador procés d'entrenament. Trobant la seva força en un sistema injust, es revela com un dels actius més sòlids del programa. El seu primer objectiu és Nate Nash (Joel Edgerton), un funcionari de la CIA que dirigeix ​​la infiltració més confidencial de l'agència a la intel·ligència russa. Els dos joves agents cauen en una espiral d'atracció i engany que amenaça les carreres, les lleialtats i la seguretat dels països respectius.



Salt 2010


Com a agent de la CIA, Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) va fer un jurament de deure i honor al seu país. La seva lleialtat és posada a prova quan un desertor l'acusa de ser una espia russa. Salt es fuga i es veu obligada a utilitzar totes les seves habilitats i anys d'experiència com a espia encoberta per evitar que la capturin. Els esforços de Salt per demostrar la seva innocència només serveixen per aixecar encara més les sospites sobre els motius. Mentre continua la caça per descobrir la veritat que s'amaga darrere de la seva identitat, una pregunta continua latent: "Qui és Salt?"


Sense sortida

Sense sortida 1987


El secretari de Defensa David Brice (Gene Hackman) mata el seu amant en un rampell de fúria. Per encobrir l'escàndol, el seu fidel ajudant (Will Patton) fa que les sospites recaiguin sobre un espia rus, i per trobar-lo recluta el comandant de marina Tom Farrell (Kevin Costner). A mesura que la investigació avança, Farrell descobreix horroritzat que totes les pistes l'inculpen directament a ell i que la seva vida corre perill.


Llicència per matar

Llicència per matar 1975


Jonathan Hemlock és un professor d'art que havia estat agent secret anys enrere. Ara l'obliguen a una última missió: assassinar un perillós criminal rus. Aquesta feina el porta fins als Alps suïssos, on perseguirà el seu objectiu fins al cim d'una muntanya.



Encadenats 1946


Després de la Segona Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el pare d'Alicia Huberman, un espia nazi, és condemnat per traïció contra Estats Units. Després del judici, Alícia dóna una festa en què apareix un atractiu desconegut anomenat Devlin. Es tracta d'un agent dels serveis d'Intel·ligència que reclama la seva col·laboració per atrapar Alexander Sebastian, el cervell dels nazis al Brasil. Al principi es mostra reticent, però finalment hi accedeix, sobretot, perquè s'ha enamorat de l'atractiu agent americà. Un cop al Brasil, l'Alícia es guanya la simpatia de Sebastian i es viurà a casa seva. Però la seva implicació a l'assumpte acaba posant en perill la seva vida.



Arabesc 1966


David, un famós egiptòleg, es veu involucrat en la lluita pel poder que mantenen tres bàndols en un país de l'Orient Mitjà. L'objectiu és desxifrar una inscripció jeroglífica que tothom busque. David és contractat per traduir-la, però sap des del primer moment que la seva vida estarà constantment en perill. Però trenta mil dòlars, la seva lleialtat al Primer Ministre i, sobretot, la bella Jazmine, l'obliguen a seguir el joc fins al final.


El tren dels espies

El tren dels espies 1979


El general Marenkov decideix passar a l'oest. Serà ajudat en aquesta temptativa per l'agent secret Wargrave. En vista de la importància de la seva funció a la Unió soviètica, els agents moscovites (entre els quals l'agent Bunin) faran de tot per eliminar-lo.


La carta del Kremlin

La carta del Kremlin 1970


El 1969, un grup d'espies-aventurers (la majoria identificats per malnoms) heteròclit, vingut dels Estats Units i dirigit per Ward, torna a Moscou. Entre ells es troben sobretot Charles Rone, un oficial de soldat d'infanteria de marina, 'B.A.', una jove de la qual Rone s'enamora, Warlock, un homosexual que fa jersei per relaxar-se, Janis que actua com a prostituta. La seva missió és de recuperar un document confidencial anomenat "La Carta del Kremlin", encobrint un acord oficiós entre els Estats Units i la Unió Soviètica, destinat a contrarestar la potencial amenaça militar de la Xina…



Lioness 2023


Cruz Manuelos, a rough-around-the-edges but passionate young Marine, is recruited to join the CIA's Lioness Engagement Team to help bring down a terrorist organization from within. Joe, the station chief of the Lioness program, is tasked with training, managing and leading her female undercover operatives.


Star Wars: Andor

Star Wars: Andor 2022


In an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue, Cassian Andor will discover the difference he can make in the struggle against the tyrannical Galactic Empire. He embarks on a path that is destined to turn him into a rebel hero.


Citadel Honey Bunny

Citadel Honey Bunny 2024


When stuntman Bunny recruits struggling actress Honey for a side gig, they are hurled into a high-stakes world of action, espionage and betrayal. Years later, as their dangerous past catches up, the estranged Honey and Bunny must reunite and fight to protect their young daughter Nadia.


Citadel: Diana

Citadel: Diana 2024


Milan, 2030: Diana Cavalieri is a double agent for the secret syndicate Citadel, who infiltrated Manticore, the rival agency that destroyed Citadel eight years ago. Trapped behind enemy lines, Diana has a chance to leave the agency forever, but she has to decide whether to trust a surprising ally: the heir of Manticore Italy, Edo Zani.


Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion 2023


Nick Fury and Talos discover a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls who have been infiltrating Earth for years.


The Sympathizer

The Sympathizer 2024


An espionage thriller and cross-culture satire about the struggles of a half-French, half-Vietnamese communist spy during the final days of the Vietnam War and his resulting exile in the United States.



Citadel 2023


What if you lost your memory? What if a spy didn’t know they were a spy? Years ago, the top agents of Citadel, Mason Kane and Nadia Sinh, had their minds wiped. But, they’re called back to action as sinister forces emerge from the past. With the help of spymaster Bernard Orlick, these former lovers must remember the past to save the future.


Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole 2023


Nothing is what it seems when John Weir, a master of deception in the world of corporate espionage, is framed for murder by powerful forces with the ability to influence and control populations.



Treason 2022


An MI6 deputy's bright future takes a sharp turn after a reunion with a Russian spy forces him to question his entire life.


The Veil

The Veil 2024


Two women play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. In the shadows, mission controllers at the CIA and French DGSE must put differences aside and work together to avert potential disaster.



Patriot 2015


To prevent Iran from going nuclear, intelligence officer John Tavner must forgo all safety nets and assume a perilous "non-official cover" -- that of a mid-level employee at a Midwestern industrial piping firm.


In From the Cold

In From the Cold 2022


Exposed as an ex-Russian spy, an American single mom must juggle family life and unique shape-shifting skills in a battle against an insidious enemy.



Spy/Master 2023


During the height of the Cold War, Victor Godeanu, the right-hand man and closest advisor to Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu, and secret agent for the KGB, must escape Romania and Ceaușescu before his cover is blown. Helped by an undercover Stasi agent and an up-and-coming CIA agent, Godeanu must elude the KGB and his own country’s spooks, fully aware that his defection is putting his family back home in mortal danger.


Davos 1917

Davos 1917 2023


More determined than ever to live her life in accordance with her deepest desires, nurse Johanna Gabathuler finds herself embroiled in a spy conspiracy with international implications. There’s a high price to pay and it’s risky to say the least, but she will do anything it takes to find her daughter and, ultimately, secure her freedom.


Brotherhood of the Rose

Brotherhood of the Rose 1989


Romulus and Remus were picked up at an orphanage at a young age, raised together as brothers and trained to supersede every other CIA agents.


Mukhbir: The Story of a Spy

Mukhbir: The Story of a Spy 2022


After the Sino-India war, a highly trained Indian spy enters Pakistan on a mission to gather crucial intelligence and stop Pakistan from launching an attack against India. Will he succeed?



Butterfly 1970


The life of David Jung, an enigmatic, highly unpredictable former US intelligence operative living in South Korea, is blown to pieces when the consequences of an impossible decision from his past come back to haunt him, and he finds himself pursued by Rebecca, a deadly, sociopathic young agent assigned to kill him.





Moscow, 1977. Two 'PONIES' ('persons of no interest' in intelligence speak) work anonymously as secretaries in the American Embassy. That is until their husbands are killed under mysterious circumstances in the USSR, and the pair become CIA operatives. Bea is an over-educated, Russian-speaking child of Soviet immigrants. Her cohort, Twila, is a small-town girl who is as abrasive as she is fearless. Together, they work to uncover a vast Cold War conspiracy and solve the mystery that made them widows in the first place.


A Dangerous and Secretive Path

A Dangerous and Secretive Path 1970


Yang Guang, deputy director of National Security Department 3, becomes embroiled in a complex conspiracy involving an international spy organization. As unexpected events unfold, Yang and his team face a potential crisis of leaking state secrets. Amid the turmoil, they investigate a mysterious woman, Zhao Yaning, whose role in the situation remains unclear. Despite facing numerous challenges, Yang Guang remains determined to uncover the truth and protect national security.


Bone Palace

Bone Palace 1970


Hidden in the middle of Berlin, ex-spies Simon and Meret run the safe house called "The Nest." When a threat they thought was eliminated catches up with them again, they suddenly have to hide from hit men, Russian agents, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND), ex-lovers and a lot of people they have wronged—and try to keep their marriage intact at the same time.