Jo, robot

Jo, robot 2004


Chicago, any 2035. Els humans viuen en completa harmonia amb els robots, que fan les tasques de la llar, es cuiden dels nens i faciliten la vida de les persones. Els robots no suposen cap perill perquè estan programats per les Tres Lleis de la Robòtica, que els impedeixen fer mal als humans. Però inesperadament un robot resulta implicat en l'assassinat d'un científic. L'inspector de policia Del Spooner investiga el cas amb l'ajuda de la doctora Susan Calvin, especialitzada en la psicologia dels robots. El seu objectiu final serà evitar un complot a través del qual els robots dominarien la raça humana.



Eva 2011


Un futur proper, on els éssers humans viuen acompanyats de criatures mecàniques, l'Àlex, un reputat enginyer cibernètic, regressa a Santa Irene amb un encàrrec molt molt específic de la Facultat de Robòtica: la creació d'un nen robot. En aquests deu anys d'absència, la vida ha seguit el seu curs per la seu germà en David i per a la Lana que, després de la marxa de l'Àlex, ha refet la seva vida. La rutina de l'Àlex es veurà alterada de forma casual i inesperada per l'Eva...



Sync 2014




Box 2013



Go Go Squid 2: Dt.Appledog's Time

Go Go Squid 2: Dt.Appledog's Time 2021


Ai Qing – also known by her gaming handle Appledog – is one of the top robot combat players in the land. A model professional, smart, and friendly, she has no shortage of fans, among whom is Wu Bai – also known as DT. Under Ai Qing’s tutelage, Wu Bai developed a keen passion for robot war contests and gaming, eventually becoming a star performer in his own right. Now, he has risen to become the robot combat scene’s biggest rising star, captaining a promising new team named Pirate, which threatens to outshine even Ai Qing’s powerful Appledog team. Despite their professional rivalry, the duo has remained close, and their feelings for one another continue to grow, with romance possibly in the cards. The ultimate challenge will come at the annual Robot Combat Competition, where the teams Pirate, Appledog, and others will duke it out for a coveted trophy!


I Am Not a Robot

I Am Not a Robot 2017


Kim Min Gyu has wealth and success, but lives an isolated life due to his allergy of people. He then meets and falls in love with a girl who is pretending to be a robot for her ex-boyfriend, a genius robots professor.


Are You Human?

Are You Human? 2018


Nam Shin is a son from a family who runs a large company. After an unexpected accident, he falls into a coma. His mother Oh Ro-Ra is an authority on brain science and artificial intelligence. She creates an android named Nam Shin III which looks like just like her son Nam Shin. The android pretends to be Nam Shin and he has a bodyguard So-Bong.


Gadget & the Gadgetinis

Gadget & the Gadgetinis 2003


Having been recruited by an elite international peacekeeping group called the World Organization of Mega Powers (WOMP), Inspector Gadget is now Lieutenant Gadget, and fights crime with a pair of mechanical assistants called Gadgetinis, who are small robot versions of the Inspector created by his niece, 12-year-old Penny (due to Brain retiring from active duty).


Robot Wars

Robot Wars 1998


Teams of amateur robot fighting enthusiasts battle it out over a series of rounds in a huge purpose-built arena aiming to become the Robot Wars Champion.


Science Vs. Terrorism

Science Vs. Terrorism 2019


Researchers are pushing the boundaries of their fields to develop more accurate and efficient responses against international terrorism.