L'habitació del costat 2024
Narra la història d'una mare molt imperfecta i una filla rancorosa separades per un gran malentès. Entre totes dues, una altra dona, amiga de la mare, és dipositària del dolor i l'amargor de totes dues.
Narra la història d'una mare molt imperfecta i una filla rancorosa separades per un gran malentès. Entre totes dues, una altra dona, amiga de la mare, és dipositària del dolor i l'amargor de totes dues.
John Bernard Books, un llegendari pistoler que deu la seva fama a la captura d'uns forjats als quals ningú aconseguia caçar, decideix tornar a la seva ciutat natal per viure en pau el que li quedi de vida. Tot i això, no tindrà més remei que saldar un compte pendent amb tres bandits. Va ser el darrer llargmetratge protagonitzat per John Wayne.
La Kate i el Singe són una parella de North Somerset amb dos fills, el Finn i el Reef. La seva vida canvia del tot quan a la Kate li diagnostiquen un càncer de mama incurable. Durant els seus últims dies la Kate escriu una llista on detalla els seus pensaments, consells i records per ajudar l'home que estima i els seus fills a gaudir de la vida quan ella no hi sigui.
After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Caco Vidal abandons his fancy life full of luxuries to start over again, not knowing that he will arrive in a very special place that is directly linked to his family's past.
After Molly Kochan receives a diagnosis of Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, she leaves her husband and explores the full breadth and complexity of her sexual desires for the first time in her life.
A story about a married couple both diagnosed with cancer and given limited time to live. As mother of two young children, Yoshioka Shuko notices a lump in her chest one day and goes to a hospital to have it checked out. When she is diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband Kenichi is fully prepared to battle the disease with her until he finds out that he, too is ill with lung cancer. For the sake of the children, the couple determine to not let this defeat them, but to approach life cheerfully and positively in what is a stirring and unforgettable record of a family driven by the strength of love and who never forgets their sense of humor.
Ancient medical science told us our minds and bodies are one; so did philosophers of old. Now, modern science and new research are helping us to understand these connections. In Healing and the Mind, Bill Moyers talks with physicians, scientists, therapists and patients—people who are taking a new look at the meaning of sickness and health. In a five-part series of provocative interviews, he discusses their search for answers to perplexing questions: How do emotions translate into chemicals in our bodies? How do thoughts and feelings influence health? How can we collaborate with our bodies to encourage healing?
An ordinary middle-aged woman has devoted her life to her family. She is diagnosed with terminal cancer and must prepare her goodbye to her family.
The lead, Dr. Sadami Shiratori worked in the operating room at a famous Tokyo hospital was around death on a daily basis. His own father, Teizo Shiratori is also a doctor, called Grandfather as he raised the estranged children of his wayward son, he practiced medicine in a small town on Hokkaido, Japan’s most northern island. His practice was limited only to terminal patients…in their own homes. He cared for them and helped both them and their families prepare for the ‘final journey’.
Based on the true story of writer Kang Chang-rae. Da-jung used to be a sweet working mom, but as colorectal cancer strikes her, she gradually becomes unable to eat. Da-jung's husband, Chang-wook, has never cooked before, but he begins cooking to take care of his wife's health and meals. Chang-wook handpicks decent ingredients and tries to develop healthy recipes to make a precious meal for his ill wife. Although he may be clumsy sometimes, he begins to realize how to treasure the time cooking and having a meal together with his family.
One of New Zealand's most loved comedians and broadcasters, Dai Henwood, offers an open and honest look into his courageous fight against cancer.