
Šarlatán 2020


Nascut a principis de segle XX, l'herbolari Jan Mikolasek es va fer ric i famós després de curar innombrables malalties amb mitjans poc ortodoxos. Veritable emblema de Txecoslovàquia abans de la Segona Guerra Mundial, el curander es va fer encara més apreciat durant l'ocupació nazi i el règim comunista. Cada règim aprecia la seva habilitat i el protegeix. Però, quant li costarà mantenir el seu estatus en un nou canvi polític?


Suspects in Love

Suspects in Love 2010


In order to rescue her best friend Coco Kam, masseuse Cheng Siu-Yan is embroiled in a triad murder case. Wrongly accused that she has killed someone, Yan hides away from police and gangsters by reluctantly returning to her long-separated father Cheng Tsun-Cheong. Cheong manages a Chinese herbal tea shop but business is failing. Yan drags through the days stressfully until Ng Chung-Ming comes into her life. Chung-Ming claims to have a secret prescription for making Chinese herbal tea but he is actually an undercover police. By investigating Siu-Yan's case, Chung-Ming hopes to get promoted and marry his inspector girlfriend Cheung Sz-Man. But when he meets the cheerful Siu-Yan, he begins to develop his self-esteem and his relationship with Siu-Yan grows.