Viatge fantàstic

Viatge fantàstic 1966


El professor Bennet és un científic que ha creat una fórmula que permetria reduir el cos humà a un grandària microscòpica durant un temps il·limitat. Quan es disposa a entregar-la al Pentàgon, uns espies provoquen un accident de trànsit que deixa el professor incapacitat per a tota feina científica. Però les Forces Dissuasòries de Miniatures Combinades engeguen un pla per operar-lo des de l'interior.


Journey to the Microcosmos

Journey to the Microcosmos 2019


Take a dive into the tiny, unseen world that surrounds us! With music by Andrew Huang, footage from James Weiss, and narration by Hank Green, we want to take you on a fascinating, reflective journey through the microcosmos.


Microscopic Milton

Microscopic Milton 1997


Microscopic Milton in a British series of short animated films. Created and written by Tony Garth, they were first broadcast on CBBC between 1997 and 1999. Microscopic Milton was a tiny kid who lived in a clock on the mantelpiece in a house owned by Mrs. Witherspoon, who was unaware of Milton's existence. Milton was befriended by Mrs. Witherspoon's large, shaggy dog, Douglas. Each episode ran five minutes, and 26 episodes were produced. The narrative was provided by sitcom star Brian Wilde though airings in America were narrated by Kristen Johnston.