Fins al darrer home

Fins al darrer home 2016


Narra la història de Desmond Doss, un jove metge militar que va participar a la sagnant batalla d'Okinawa, al Pacífic durant la II Guerra Mundial, i es va convertir en el primer objector de consciència en la història nord-americana a rebre la Medalla d'Honor del Congrés . Dos volia servir el seu país, però des de petit s'havia fet una promesa a si mateix: no agafar mai cap arma.


Kill Bill: Volum 1

Kill Bill: Volum 1 2003


Uma Thurman és una assassina que, el dia del seu casament, és atacada pels membres de la banda del seu cap, Bill (David Carradine). Assoleix sobreviure a l'atac, encara que queda en coma. Cinc anys després desperta amb un tros de metall al cap i un gran desig de venjança al seu cor.


Bullet Train

Bullet Train 2022


Cinc assassins a sou són a bord d'un tren bala que viatja de Tòquio a Morioka amb unes poques parades intermèdies. Descobreixen que les seves missions no són alienes entre si. La pregunta és qui sortirà viu del tren i què els espera a l'estació final.


Els set samurais

Els set samurais 1954


Una banda de bandits atemoreixen els habitants d'un petit poble, saquejant-los periòdicament sense pietat. Per repel·lir aquests atacs, els vilatans decideixen contractar mercenaris. Finalment, aconsegueixen els serveis de 7 guerrers, 7 samurais disposats a defensar-los a canvi, tan sols, de recer i menjar.


L’últim samurai

L’últim samurai 2003


Any 1870. El capità Nathan Algren, un veterà de la guerra civil americana, va al Japó amb la missió d'ensenyar els japonesos com funcionen les armes que els venen els americans. La prioritat de l'emperador japonès, que vol modernitzar el seu país, és acabar amb els últims samurais. Katsumoto, l'últim líder d'aquest llinatge, captura el capità Algren, que ha resultat ferit. Durant la convalescència, Algren i Katsumoto establiran una relació que durà l'americà a aprendre el codi d'honor i les tradicions dels antics guerrers japonesos.


Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation 2003


Bob Harris i Charlotte són dos nord-americans que es troben a Tòquio. Bob és una estrella de cinema de mitjana edat que ha vingut a rodar un anunci. Charlotte és una dona jove que acompanya a tot arreu el seu marit, un fanàtic de la feina. Incapaços de dormir, els camins de Bob i Charlotte es creuen per casualitat i no trigarà a néixer entre ells una sorprenent amistat. S'aventuren junts a la vida nocturna de Tòquio, comparteixen inoblidables experiències amb els habitants de la ciutat i acaben descobrint una nova manera de veure la vida.



Monstre 2023


Quan el seu jove fill Minato comença a comportar-se de manera estranya, la seva mare sent que alguna cosa va malament. En descobrir que el responsable de tot això és un professor, irromp a l'escola exigint saber què està passant. Però a mesura que la història es desenvolupa a través dels ulls de la mare, el professor i el nen, la veritat va sortint a la llum, a poc a poc...


Lobezno immortal

Lobezno immortal 2013


Seqüela de “X-Men: la decisió final”. El film se centra en la solitud del protagonista després de la desaparició definitiva de Jean Grey i altres companys. Logan amnèsic busca respostes sobre el seu passat al món del crim organitzat del Japó, on un home a qui va salvar la vida en el passat li ofereix una cosa que fa temps que desitja: fer Lobezno mortal.



Godzilla 2014


Un monstre marí prehistòric conegut com a Godzilla, originari d'una era en què la Terra tenia un elevat nivell de radiació i que encara s'alimenta de radioactivitat, ha sobreviscut amagat fins als nostres dies tot i els intents d'eliminar-lo als anys 50. Quan dos monstres malvats de característiques similars es desperten després d'un llarg període de letargia, l'enfrontament entre el Godzilla i aquests éssers posa en perill la humanitat.


Pacific Rim: Insurrecció

Pacific Rim: Insurrecció 2018


Un futur proper. Després de la primera invasió que va patir la humanitat, la lluita encara no s'ha acabat. El planeta torna a ser assetjat pels Kaiju, una raça d'alienígenes colossals que emergeixen des d'un portal interdimensional, amb l'objectiu de destruir la raça humana. Davant aquesta nova amenaça per a la qual els humans no estan preparats, els Jaegers, robots gegants de guerra pilotats per dues persones per suportar la immensa càrrega neural que comporta manipular-los, ja no estan a l'alçada del que se'ls ve a sobre. Serà llavors quan els supervivents de la primera invasió, a més de nous personatges com el fill de Pentecost (John Boyega), hauran d'idear la manera de sorprendre l'enorme enemic, apostant per noves estratègies defensives i d'atac. Amb la Terra en ruïnes i intentant reconstruir-se, aquesta nova batalla pot ser decisiva per al futur.


Karate Kid 2

Karate Kid 2 1986


En Daniel i el senyor Miyagi viatgen a Okinawa, a la petita vila en la qual l'ancià va néixer i de la qual va haver de marxar per un assumpte d'honor. El seu pare està greument malalt i vol veure'l, però també li espera el seu antic amor de joventut. L'arribada del senyor Miyagi reobre unes ferides que el temps i la distància semblaven haver esborrat.


My Hero Academia: Missió mundial d’herois

My Hero Academia: Missió mundial d’herois 2021


Per tal d'atraure els herois i matar-los tots alhora, els acòlits de Humarise, seguint el seu líder Flect, col·loquen bombes per tot el planeta. Els alumnes de l'escola Yûei estan fent pràctiques i són convocats per localitzar les bombes i evitar víctimes innocents.


El temps amb tu

El temps amb tu 2019


En Hodaka Morishima, un adolescent que ha fugit a Tòquio, passa els dies de manera solitària, però finalment troba feina com a redactor en una revista d'ocultisme. Després de començar a treballar, es troba que cada dia plou. En un racó de la ciutat, acaba coneixent una noia anomenada Hina, té un poder especial: pot aturar la pluja i fer que torni a sortir el sol.


My Hero Academia: Dos herois

My Hero Academia: Dos herois 2018


Mentre els alumnes de l'institut Yûei es preparen per passar les vacances d'estiu, l'All Might i l'Izuku reben una invitació per visitar una ciutat mòbil flotant coneguda amb el nom d'Illa I. Allà està a punt d'inaugurar-se una gran exposició, l'Expo-I, on es mostraran els principals avenços tecnològics dels científics especialitzats en dons per ajudar els herois a dur a terme la seva difícil tasca. Quan arriben a l'illa, l'Izuku coneix la filla d'un gran amic de l'All Might, la Melissa, que li recorda a ell mateix en el passat, perquè no té cap do. De sobte, durant la festa de recepció de l'Expo-I, un malvat desconegut saboteja el sistema de seguretat i tots els convidats que hi ha a la festa són agafats com a ostatges. 


Drive my car

Drive my car 2021


Yusuke Kafuku, actor i director de teatre, encara no ha passat pàgina d'un profund trauma personal. Així i tot, accepta dirigir un muntatge multilingüe de “L’oncle Vània” en un festival a Hiroshima. Allà coneix la Misaki, una jove reservada que li han assignat com a xofer. Al principi s’hi oposa perquè prefereix conduir ell mateix el seu propi cotxe, un Saab 900 vermell, però la perícia de Misaki l’acaba de convèncer. A mesura que van passant els trajectes junts, la sinceritat creixent de les seves converses els obliga a plantar cara al passat i compartir secrets de les seves vides.



Doraemon 1979


Doraemon is an anime TV series created by Fujiko F. Fujio and based on the manga series of the same name. This anime is the much more successful successor of the 1973 anime.


Case Closed

Case Closed 1996


The son of a world famous mystery writer, Jimmy Kudo, has achieved his own notoriety by assisting the local police as a student detective. He has always been able to solve the most difficult of criminal cases using his wits and power of reason.


Solitary Gourmet

Solitary Gourmet 2012


Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.


AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo

AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo 2002


Detective Ukyo Sugishita confronts crime on the basis of his own convictions. He has a partner that works for him in the Special Task Unit. For the first 7 seasons, Ukyo’s first partner is Kaoru Kameyama. He is a good-natured, hot-tempered, straightforward and somewhat scattered detective. Beginning in Season 8, Takeru Kanbe replaces Kameyama. Contrary to his predecessor, Takeru is a lanky, cool, conceited and confident detective. From Season 11 to Season 13, Ukyo’s partner is a young detective Toru Kai. Toru is a son of Deputy Director-General of The National Police Agency. But he became a detective by his own effort. And starting with Season 14, Ukyo’s current partner is Wataru Kaburagi, an elite bureaucrat who came to the Metropolitan Police Department on temporary assignment. As the first partner without any career of a police officer, he will face challenging cases together with Ukyo.


Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga

Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga 2021


Young Kengo Manaka lives on Mars. As he lives out his peaceful, day-to-day life, the monster Golba suddenly appears, throwing the town into chaos! Meanwhile, Kengo has a fateful meeting with a giant stone statue sleeping deep beneath the ground on Mars. When Kengo becomes one with an Ultra-Ancient light, his destiny is forcefully thrown into motion!


Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories 2000


When nearby construction disturbs a spiritual resting place, its disgruntled denizens do what any supernatural beings would do after a rude awakening: they terrorize the local school. And that means it’s up to a scruffy band of young ghostbusters to expel their satanic schoolmates before everyone gets sent to permanent detention! So join Satsuki, her crybaby brother, the resident class stud, the school nerd and "physical researcher," a born-again beauty, and a resentful, demon-possessed cat in the funniest, scariest school you’ve ever enrolled in.


God Eater

God Eater 2015


In the early 2050s, unknown life forms called “Oracle cells” begin their uncontrolled consumption of all life on Earth. Their ravenous appetite and remarkable adaptability earn them first dread, then awe, and finally the name “aragami”. In the face of an enemy completely immune to conventional weapons, urban civilization collapses, and each day humanity is driven further and further toward extinction. One single ray of hope remains for humanity. Following the development of “God Arcs”—living weapons which incorporate Oracle cells—their wielders are organized into an elite force.


Samurai Banners

Samurai Banners 2007


Fūrin Kazan was the 46th NHK Taiga drama beginning on January 7, 2007. It was aired throughout 2007. The four characters from left to right are wind, woods, fire, and mountain. The title is a reference to the war banner used by Takeda Shingen, which in turn was taken from Sun Tzu's The Art of War. It means "Swift as the Wind, Silent as a Forest, Fierce as Fire and Immovable as a Mountain."


Haibane Renmei

Haibane Renmei 2002


A dream of falling from the sky...and then birth. Rakka is born from a large cocoon into the Old Home, greeted by a group of females with small wings on their backs and shining halos above their heads. Soon Rakka’s own wings grow, a halo is placed on her head and she is told that she must work in the nearby town of Grie. She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit.


Beyblade Burst

Beyblade Burst 2016


Middle schooler Valt Aoi, with his Beyblade Valkyrie (Valtryek), faces off against friends, classmates, and rivals to become the world's number one Blader.


What Did You Eat Yesterday?

What Did You Eat Yesterday? 2019


Kakei Shiro is a lawyer who works at a small law firm. He is a good cook and a meticulous and thrifty person who keeps the monthly food budget to 25,000 yen. Shiro’s daily routine is to leave work on time and head to a discount supermarket nearby. His partner Yabuki Kenji is the affable hairdresser. The two of them share a two-bedroom apartment and the finer points of two men living together comes up at the dining table every day.


Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 1998


MegaTokyo 2040: Tokyo’s workforce is riddled with robots that tend to go on destructive killing sprees. Four young women gear up in cybernetic suits to battle an evil corporation’s bionic pawns while its grip on the city threatens to strangle humanity. In order to shut down an android uprising, these heavy metal heroines flirt with a critical meltdown in an adrenaline-fueled death match between woman and machine!


Iron Man

Iron Man 2010


When Tony Stark branches his company into Japan, he is opposed by the nefarious Zodiac organization. It's up to Stark's Iron Man to defeat the Zodiac, and defend Japan.


Dragon Ball Z Kai

Dragon Ball Z Kai 2009


Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?


Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact! 2009


Developed from Japanium ore is the super energy, Photon Power. Seeking this energy is Dr. Hell, a madman craving world domination who along with his subordinates Baron Ashura and Count Brocken, commands the Machine Beasts excavated from Bardos Island (believed to be Rhodes) to attack the Photon Power Lab and take it for himself. Meeting the attack head on is our hero, the hot-blooded teenager Kouji Kabuto who pilots the super robot Mazinger Z, constructed by his grandfather Juzo and made from the strongest metal Chogokin Z. But in this battle between Dr. Hell and the Kabuto family, many legends surrounding the Mycenaean Civilization and Bardos Island, as well as the secrets of Mazinger Z remain shrouded in mystery.


Japanology Plus

Japanology Plus 2014


Host Peter Barakan delves into various aspects of Japanese culture; exploring practices, history, and modern innovations in such areas as ramen, rice, sushi, geisha, bonsai, and so much more. Local experts discuss their passions at fascinating length, and American Japanophile Matt Alt experiences the food, practices, and cultures in each episode in depth. Viewers will finish each half hour episode with a new understanding of an area of Japanese life through demonstrative videos and explanations, all delivered respectfully and true to the Japanese way of life.


Death Note

Death Note 2015


Light Yagami is an ordinary university student. One day, he receives a "Death Note", which changes his life. The Death Note awakens his warped sense of justice and genius. He becomes murderer Kira and punishes criminals. L is a well known private detective. L appears in front of Light Yagami. L defines Kira as evil and decides to catch Kira. Then N, who has a beautiful appearance but dangerous existence, appears.


Rurouni Kenshin

Rurouni Kenshin 2023


Ten years have passed since the end of Bakumatsu, an era of war that saw the uprising of citizens against the Tokugawa shogunate. The revolutionaries wanted to create a time of peace, and a thriving country free from oppression. The new age of Meiji has come, but peace has not yet been achieved. Swords are banned but people are still murdered in the streets. Orphans of war veterans are left with nowhere to go, while the government seems content to just line their pockets with money.


Great Selection Taxi

Great Selection Taxi 2014


Edawakare is the driver of Sentaxi, a marvellous vehicle which is able to take a passenger back to his or her “life’s turning point”. His cool appearance is at odds with his talkative, meddlesome, sweet-toothed character. He gives advice to passengers who are flustered after failing in their life’s choice.



Sazae-san 1969


The adventures of Sazae Fuguta and her family and friends in their Tokyo suburb.