Què els passa, als homes?

Què els passa, als homes? 2009


Ambientada a Baltimore. Històries creuades sobre l'amor i el comportament humà: una dona se sent confusa en una societat més obsessionada per la tecnologia que pel contacte humà, una altra dona es veu atrapada en un matrimoni rutinari, un home intenta conquistar una dona que té un amant , una jove viu obsessionada intentant propiciar trobades accidentals amb l'home dels seus somnis.


Plans de boda

Plans de boda 2001


Mary Fiore (Jennifer Lopez) és la més prestigiosa organitzadora de casaments de San Francisco. Està tan ocupada a fer realitat els somnis dels altres, que no té temps per ocupar-se de la pròpia vida. Un dia, per casualitat, coneix un aposto mèdic que li salva la vida i del qual es queda enamorada. El pitjor és que resulta ser el seu proper client.


La xarxa

La xarxa 1995


El primer dia de les vacances, una programadora d'ordinadors rep un estrany disquet perquè l'investigui. Se'l guarda i descobreix que té una clau per accedir al control de les bases de dades protegides dels Estats Units. Alhora veu com totes les dades de la seva vida que figuren en arxius informàtics són suprimits o tergiversats.


Executiva amb problemes

Executiva amb problemes 2009


Les peripècies de la Lucy Hill, una ambiciosa i empolainada executiva de Miami que només estima tres coses en aquesta vida: les seves sabates, els seus cotxes i escalar posicions en la seva empresa. Un dia li ofereixen un trasllat temporal per reestructurar una fàbrica enmig del no-res, i ella accepta creient que aquesta serà l'oportunitat definitiva que li permeti grimpar fins a un càrrec important. Però el nou treball transformarà per complet la vida de la Lucy.


Una cita improvisada

Una cita improvisada 2015


La Nancy és una dona soltera de més de trenta anys amb una visió pessimista de l'amor i dels homes. Mentre viatja en tren a Londres per celebrar l'aniversari dels seus pares, coneix una noia que té una cita a cegues i que prova d'engrescar-la. La Nancy se'n fot del llibre d'autoajuda que li recomana i s'adorm. Quan desperta, cerca la noia per tota l'estació per tornar-li el llibre. Llavors troba en Jack, un divorciat que creu que la Nancy és la cita a cegues que esperava. De l'embolic sorgirà una nit caòtica que no oblidaran.


Amics amb diners

Amics amb diners 2006


Després d'examinar les relacions amoroses i amistoses, quatre amigues descobreixen que no els agrada la vida que porten. Jane és una dissenyadora de modes d'èxit que s'ha abandonat una mica i el marit del qual podria ser homosexual. Franny és una multimilionària que sembla tenir una vida familiar perfecta. Christine, mentre construeix la casa dels seus somnis i escriu un guió amb el seu marit, veu com la seva vida conjugal s'ensorra. Olivia, la més jove, treballa netejant cases i persegueix un antic amant.


L'home perfecte

L'home perfecte 2021


L'Alma és una científica que treballa al famós museu de Pèrgam de Berlín. De cara a obtenir fons per la seva investigació, accepta participar en un estudi poc usual. Durant tres setmanes, viurà amb un robot humanoide programat per encaixar amb la seva personalitat i necessitats. Així és com l'Alma coneix en Tom, una màquina que ha sigut creada únicament i exclusiva per fer-la feliç.


Millor que mai

Millor que mai 2019


La Martha és una senyora gran malalta de càncer i sense fills que decideix deixar el pis on ha viscut tota la vida per traslladar-se a una comunitat per a la gent gran a passar els seus últims dies. Allà es fa amiga de la Sheryl, una senyora molt alegre que, sense voler, l'anima a fer realitat el seu somni: convertir-se en animadora. Per aconseguir-ho, la Martha organitza un club d'animadores, però toparà amb l'oposició frontal de la directora de la comunitat. Però amb l'ajuda del nét de la Sheryl i l'animadora d'un institut, tirarà endavant el seu projecte.


Boja obsessió

Boja obsessió 2009


Per a Mary, res no és normal, sobretot la seva relació amb els altres. Quan organitzen una cita a cegues amb l'apostador operador de càmera Steve, Mary creu que la química entre ells és evident i que Steve és “ell”. Steve, per altra banda, pensa que Mary està boja. Mary, absolutament segura d'haver trobat la seva ànima bessona, decideix fer el que calgui per estar amb ell. Comença a perseguir-lo sense parar mentre Steve recorre el país cobrint les notícies de l'actualitat.


My Little Old Boy

My Little Old Boy 2016


How much do you know about your grown up son? In Mom’s Diary, the daily lives of the grown up celebrity sons are closely observed by their mothers. Do you know why your son drinks so much these days? How much do you know about your son’s philosophy in his life style? Heart-warming moments of observational communication between a mother and a son can be seen on Mom’s Diary.


Home Alone

Home Alone 2013


It can be a badge of honor to be “single.” “I Live Alone” is a documentary-style South Korean reality series that follows the members of a self-formed club called Rainbow, which is comprised of celebrities who are single and live alone.


Women in Beijing

Women in Beijing 2018


After graduating from college, Chen Keyi has always dreamed of making it in the big city. She has already made plans with boyfriend Yang Dahe but family issues cause the two to breakup. Left to fend for herself alone in Beijing, Chen Keyi feels the vulnerability of having no one to depend on. She decides to change her name to Chen Ke in hopes that it'll help her become stronger. One step at a time, Chen Ke evolves and matures through her multiple career changes in her journey through life.


Pond Life

Pond Life 1970


Pond Life is a British animated television series that was written and directed by Candy Guard and follows the misadventures of its neurotic and self-obsessed protagonist, Dolly Pond. Two series were broadcast on Channel 4 in 1996 and 2000. A series of 13x15minute episodes was screened from 3 to 18 December 1996, mainly at 5.45pm, but two episodes exploring more adult themes were reserved for a double screening at 11.25pm. This series was repeated between March and June 1998. A second series of 7x30minute episodes followed between 19–30 September 2000 to tie-in with Channel 4's Animation Week of 23–29 September 2000. The series began life in 1992 with a pilot episode entitled I Want a Boyfriend ... Or Do I?, co-commissioned by Channel 4 and S4C. Pond Life was Guard's second breakthrough and was commissioned by Channel 4 in 1996. Scheduling problems marred the series' reception; it was originally intended for broadcast at 9.45pm, but was shown four hours earlier, which required edits to remove adult language. It was shown at the same time as Australian soap Neighbours, and was aimed at the same core audience as the soap. Despite these problems, Pond Life won several awards and received a Writer's Guild nomination for Best Sitcom. Guard was pleased because it was up against several live-action comedy series, including Only Fools and Horses. A second series was broadcast in 2000.


Call Me Kat

Call Me Kat 2021


Kat is a woman who struggles every day against society and her mother to prove that she can still live a happy and fulfilling life despite still being single at 39. Which is why she recently spent her entire savings to open a cat café in Louisville, Kentucky.


My Big Fat Fabulous Life

My Big Fat Fabulous Life 2015


Dancing her way through the haters, Whitney Way Thore is embracing her body in a world that judges people by their size. She navigates both career challenges and relationship snafus with her vivacious personality, a sense of humor and an abundance of courage. This series follows Whitney who was diagnosed with an endocrine system disorder called polyscystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which caused her, a slender dancer at the time, to gain more than 200 pounds in one year at college. Feeling trapped in a big body, she struggled with self-doubt and negative stereotypes. Now 380 pounds and eager to continue sharing her passion for dance, Whitney has learned to embrace her body and love herself again.


To All The Guys Who Loved Me

To All The Guys Who Loved Me 2020


Seo Hyun-Joo works as the leader of a webcomic planning team. She declares that she plans to remain single, but she receives confessions from two men: Hwang Ji-Woo and Park Do-Gyeom. Hwang Ji-Woo is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. He has a cold personality and excellent business ability. Park Do-Gyeom is a popular webcomic writer. He is a sociable person. He and Seo Hyun-Joo grew up like siblings, but he has held a crush on Seo Hyun-Joo for a long time.


Oh My Baby

Oh My Baby 2020


A 39-year-old single woman who wants to have a child without getting married. She has three men in her radar and has trouble choosing between them. They walk into her life when she’s already hopeless about love and marriage.


Dress to Impress

Dress to Impress 2017


Three hopeful singles compete against each other in a two-round shopping showdown in order to win the affections of a fashion-conscious person by attempting to impress with their outfit choices when dressing them. After the first round elimination of one single, the remaining two try again to impress in a second round in order to win a blind date.


Singled Out

Singled Out 2020


Keke Palmer and Joel Kim Booster will host the update of the 1990s MTV dating series, in which a group of 50 single people competed to win the attention of one single.


The Golden Bachelor

The Golden Bachelor 2023


One hopeless romantic is given a second chance at love in the search for a partner with whom to share the sunset years of life. The women arriving at the mansion have a lifetime of experience, living through love, loss and laughter, hoping for a spark that ignites a future full of endless possibilities. In the end, will our Golden man turn the page to start a new chapter with the woman of his dreams?


The Later Daters

The Later Daters 2024


Six golden singles learn the new rules of modern romance as they set out to find love and rediscover themselves in this heartfelt reality series.


Queens Court

Queens Court 2023


Three famous, single women are guided by Hollywood power couple Holly Robinson Peete and Rodney Peete through the ups and downs of dating 21 confident and successful prospective suitors while developing a sisterhood supporting each other on their quests to find a King fit for a Queen.


Happy 300 Days

Happy 300 Days 2013


An unexpected pregnancy sends a woman back to her hometown to share a house with three nice guys. Each has problems, but each would make a great dad.


The Golden Bachelorette

The Golden Bachelorette 2024


One radiant woman in her golden years is given a second chance at love. The men vying for her final rose have journeyed through the highs and lows of love, navigating moments of joy and heartbreak, and they arrive with anticipation, eager to foster a connection that sparks a future of limitless possibilities.


Driven to Love

Driven to Love 2016


Ray J serves as driver and expert wingman as he finds one sexy single 5 potential dates in the back of a tricked-out love taxi! Shocking games and fun surprises steer the dater to their perfect match. Some suitors get kicked to the curb on the streets of NYC, but only one can get Driven to Love on a dream getaway with our dater. The pickup has a whole new meaning!


Célibataires à boutte

Célibataires à boutte 2020


This documentary series exposes the quest of Olenny Pelletier, an interpersonal relations specialist who takes an interesting look at celibacy in 2020. The show follows five young, single women who collect failures in romance and hope to find their soul mate.