Transformers: El darrer cavaller

Transformers: El darrer cavaller 2017


Dues espècies en guerra: una de carn i os, l'altra de metall. L'Últim Cavaller trenca amb el mite original de la franquícia de Transformers i redefineix el que significa ser un heroi. Humans i Transformers estan en guerra i Optimus Prime se n'ha anat. La clau per salvar el nostre futur està enterrada als secrets del passat, a la història oculta dels Transformers a la Terra. Salvar el nostre món està en mans d'una aliança única: Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg); Bumblebee; un Lord Anglès (Sir Anthony Hopkins); i una professora de la Universitat d'Oxford (Laura Haddock). Hi ha un moment a la vida de tot ésser humà en què rebem la crida per fer la diferència. A Transformers: L'Últim Cavaller els perseguits es convertiran en herois; els herois es convertiran en dolents i només un món sobreviurà: el d'ells o el nostre. Cinquena pel·lícula de Transformers dirigida per Michael Bay.


La sal de la Terra

La sal de la Terra 2014


Des de fa quaranta anys, el fotògraf Sebastião Salgado recorre els continents captant la mutació de la humanitat. Testimoni de grans esdeveniments que han marcat la nostra història recent: conflictes internacionals, fam, èxodes, etc.


Rabbids Invasion

Rabbids Invasion 2013


The Rabbids are back in their new tv show. The rabbids discovers new things and learn what they do. But that they don't know is that they are curious.


Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II 2017


There is nowhere more powerful and unforgiving yet more beautiful and compelling than the ocean. Join us and explore the greatest yet least known parts of our planet.


Life on Our Planet

Life on Our Planet 2023


Life's extraordinary journey to conquer, adapt and survive on Earth across billions of years comes alive in this groundbreaking nature docuseries.


Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III 2023


Journeying to the far reaches of our planet, this eight part series follows some of the world's most amazing species, telling extraordinary stories that are dramatic, thrilling, funny and sometimes heart-breaking, but always full of hope.


One Strange Rock

One Strange Rock 2018


A mind-bending, thrilling journey exploring the fragility and wonder of planet Earth, one of the most peculiar, unique places in the entire universe, brought to life by the only people to have left it behind – the world’s most well known and leading astronauts.


Our Living World

Our Living World 2024


This stunning nature series narrated by Cate Blanchett explores the intelligence, resourcefulness and interconnectedness of life on our planet.


Our Universe

Our Universe 2022


Witness the remarkable story of our universe over billions of years and its inextricable link to life on Earth in this sweeping documentary series.


How the Earth Was Made

How the Earth Was Made 2009


HISTORY goes to the ends of the earth to find where our world began. Forged from fire and ice, formed by floods, volcanoes, asteroids and earthquakes, our planet tells a dynamic geological story. What are mega-tsunamis? What happens when you have millions of years of rain? Visual effects, location filming and stunning aerial photography bring viewers back 4.5 billion years to enjoy a unique window on our world. How the Earth Was Made peels back time like layers of rock to reveal the origins of the place we call home.


H2O: The Molecule that Made Us

H2O: The Molecule that Made Us 2020


A landmark, three-part series that tells the human story through our relationship to water. We find out how our success is intimately connected to our control of the molecule, but that the growth of our civilizations has also created a dangerous dependence on a precious resource. One that may be about to run out.


Orbit: Earth's Extraordinary Journey

Orbit: Earth's Extraordinary Journey 2012


Right now you're hurtling around the sun at 64,000 miles an hour (100,000 kms an hour). In the next year you'll travel 584 million miles, to end up back where you started. Presenters Kate Humble and Dr Helen Czerski follow the Earth's voyage around the sun for one complete orbit, to witness the astonishing consequences this journey has for us all.



Earth 2023


There's nothing else like it. Chris Packham reveals the epic, four-billion-year story of our home - from its dramatic creation to the arrival of human life... and whatever's next.