
Prey 2024



La societat de la neu

La societat de la neu 2023


El 1972, el vol 571 de la Força Aèria Uruguaiana, noliejat per portar un equip de rugbi a Xile, es va estavellar al cor dels Andes. Només 29 dels 45 passatgers van sobreviure a l’accident. Atrapats en un dels entorns més hostils i inaccessibles del planeta, hauran de recórrer a mesures extremes per continuar vius.


El pilot

El pilot 2023


A la nit de cap d'any, el pilot expert Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) realitza un arriscat aterratge quan el seu avió, ple de passatgers, és impactat per un llamp. Perduts enmig d'una illa devastada per la guerra, Torrance s'adonarà que sobreviure al vol només ha estat el principi d'una aventura trepidant plena de perills. El pilot haurà d'usar tot el seu enginy per portar els passatgers a les seues destinacions sans i estalvis.


Terminator: Destí obscur

Terminator: Destí obscur 2019


Sarah Connor uneix totes les seves forces amb una dona cyborg per protegir una noia d'un extremadament poderós i nou Terminator.


La jungla 2

La jungla 2 1990


És Nadal. El policia del departament de Los Angeles, tinent John McLane, espera a l'aeroport de Dulles de Washington que aterri l'avió on viatja la seva dona. Mentrestant, el coronel de l'exèrcit Stuart, un militar ben entrant, expulsat del congrés, juntament amb altres mercenaris professionals, munten una base d'operacions a prop d'aquest aeroport, amb l'objectiu d'alliberar un dictador sud-americà enderrocat, considerat el traficant més gran del món, i que d'aquí 58 minuts aterrarà a Dulles en qualitat de presoner polític. Stuart anul·la tots els sistemes que permeten aterrar els altres avions, condemnats a romandre a l'aire amb el risc d'esgotar-se'ls el combustible. Exigeix, a més, que un Boeing 747 estigui a la seva disposició per fugir amb el dictador un cop alliberat, però McClane intentarà que no...


U.S. Marshals

U.S. Marshals 1998


Mark Sheridan és un agent secret que, després d'haver causat dos morts mentre intentava trobar un infiltrat en la seva agència de seguretat, és arrestat. El traslladen en un avió junt amb d'altres presos, però l'aparell té un accident i ell aconsegueix escapar. El marshal Sam Gerard i el seu equip seran els encarregats de buscar-lo. Molt aviat, Gerard s'adonarà que Sheridan no és un simple delinqüent i que l'acusació dels dos assassinats amaga una trama d'intrigues i d'implicacions polítiques.



Smallfoot 2018


Un Yeti jove i llest es troba amb un exemplar d’una espècie que no coneixia: un ésser humà. La notícia provoca commoció dins de la comunitat dels Yetis i, a ell, una fama sobrevinguda com a descobridor.


Black box

Black box 2021


En Mathieu Vasseur, tècnic de l’autoritat responsable de les investigacions de seguretat en aviació civil, ha d’esbrinar per què l’avió que cobria el vol Dubai-París es va estavellar als Alps. L’anàlisi de la caixa negra li fa pensar més enllà d’un error humà o una avaria tècnica, i investiga en secret per aprofundir en un cas molt sospitós.


Una cosa per explicar

Una cosa per explicar 2000


Buddy, un executiu d'èxit en una important agència de publicitat, està atrapat a l'aeroport de Chicago a causa d'un temporal. Mentre espera, coneix Greg, un home que passarà el Nadal amb la família, i una atractiva dona de negocis. Quan, gràcies a les seves relacions, aconsegueix un seient a l'últim vol de la nit, comença a dubtar entre emprendre el viatge o gaudir d'una aventura sexual. Finalment, escull el segon i li ofereix el seient a Greg. L'endemà al matí, Buddy sent la notícia que l'avió s'ha estavellat.



Mayday 2003


Major real-life air disasters are depicted in this series. Each episode features a detailed dramatized reconstruction of the incident based on cockpit voice recorders and air traffic control transcripts, as well as eyewitnesses recounts and interviews with aviation experts.



Yellowjackets 2021


This equal parts survival epic, psychological horror story and coming-of-age drama tells the saga of a team of wildly talented high school girls soccer players who become the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the remote northern wilderness. The series chronicles their descent from a complicated but thriving team to savage clans, while also tracking the lives they’ve attempted to piece back together nearly 25 years later.


Lockerbie: A Search for Truth

Lockerbie: A Search for Truth 2025


Dr. Jim Swire tragically loses his daughter when Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over a small town on December 21, 1988. Travelling across continents and political divides, Swire embarks on a relentless journey that not only jeopardizes his stability, family and life, but completely overturns his trust in the justice system. As the truth shifts under Jim’s feet, his view of the world is left forever sullied.



Survive 2020


Jane's plane crashes on a remote snow-covered mountain and she, along with Paul, the only remaining survivors, must pull themselves out of the wreckage and fight for their lives. Together they embark on a harrowing journey out of the wilderness, battling brutal conditions and personal traumas.


A Love To Remember

A Love To Remember 2014


A rich and handsome architect is flying from Acapulco to Mexico City when his plane crashes. A beautiful, young girl finds him in the forest and decides to bring him home to look after him.


Keep Breathing

Keep Breathing 2022


When a small plane crashes in the middle of the Canadian wilderness, a lone survivor must battle the elements — and her personal demons — to stay alive.


Dear Edward

Dear Edward 2023


A 12-year-old boy becomes the lone survivor of a plane crash. As he and others affected by the tragedy try to make sense of what happened, unexpected friendships, romances, and communities are formed.


The Castaways

The Castaways 2023


Lori and Erin are on the holiday of a lifetime to Fiji. But after a huge fight, Erin never boards their final flight and the plane never arrives at its destination. Months later, no plane has been found, no survivors discovered. Until now.


The Madison

The Madison 1970


A heartfelt study of grief and human connection following a New York City family in the Madison River valley of central Montana.


Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue

Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue 1970


Follow the tale of nine strangers who find themselves lost in a remote Mexican jungle after their small plane traveling from Guatemala to the U.S. crashes. One by one, the survivors are murdered, leaving the remaining passengers to solve the terrifying mystery before they too fall victim to the killer.


The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin

The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin 2021


Explore how the late Gwen Shamblin Lara, who founded the controversial Remnant Fellowship Church and created the Christian weight loss program The Weigh Down Workshop, rose to fame as a diet guru and church leader.


The Last Frontier

The Last Frontier 1970


When a prison transport plane crashes in the remote Alaskan wilderness—freeing dozens of violent inmates—the region's lone marshal must protect the town he's vowed to keep safe.



Kamikaze 2021


Fierce and charming 18-year-old Julie is on a journey of rediscovery after losing her parents and brother in a plane crash. Suddenly, she finds herself alone in a large mansion with expensive cars in the garage, and, in theory, everything that most people only dream of: youth, beauty and money – lots of money - but material possessions hold no value to Julie anymore and she is forced to search for a reason to go on. She embarks on a wild and turbulent trip that takes her from her native Denmark to the far corners of the world.


Erebus: The Aftermath

Erebus: The Aftermath 1987


A four-part miniseries about Air New Zealand Flight 901, which crashed in Antarctica in 1979.


Crane in the Sky

Crane in the Sky 2020


Tragedy strikes twice for an ambitious young woman searching for love at a time of great hope in the USSR



JL50 2020


A flight crash lands in West Bengal. However, what is so baffling about the incident is that plane went missing 35 years ago crashed a week back.


Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies 1970


The story of a group of young schoolchildren who find themselves stranded on a tropical island with no adults, following a deadly plane crash. In an attempt to remain civil, the boys organize themselves, led by Ralph and supported by the group's intellectual, Piggy. But Jack, who is in charge of signal fire duty, is more interested in hunting and vying for leadership and soon begins to draw other boys away from the order of the group and, ultimately, from hope to tragedy.


Flying Heavy Metal

Flying Heavy Metal 2005


Flying Heavy Metal was a 5-part British television series produced by Ricochet and broadcast in the UK and Europe on the Discovery Channel and subsequently repeated on Discovery Wings in the UK. It was presented by commercial Boeing 757 pilot and Iron Maiden frontman, Bruce Dickinson. In the series, Bruce looked at, and often flew, a number of aircraft from across the history of commercial aviation. There were some quite surprising aerobatics done in rather large aircraft. Flying Heavy Metal is now repeated on the new channel from Discovery Networks UK called Discovery Turbo.