Homes i ratolins

Homes i ratolins 1992


En Lennie i en George són temporers que viatgen per tot el país cercant feina als ranxos durant la Gran Depressió. En George és espavilat i treballador i cuida d'en Lennie que, tot i ser fort com un roure, pateix un retard mental que els porta problemes i els obliga a canviar de feina sovint. Tots dos somien en estalviar prou diners per tenir una granja i treballar per compte propi. Una ocupació estable al ranxo Tyler els fa rumiar com poden acomplir aquest somni. Allà coneixeran en Curley, el fill busca-raons de l'amo, i la seva bella esposa.


Records gota a gota

Records gota a gota 1991


El film narra la història de la Taeko Okajima, una dona de 27 anys que treballa en una oficina d'una empresa a Tòquio. Decideix anar-se'n de vacances, fugint de la gran ciutat, a una zona rural, amb la família del seu cunyat. Durant la seva estada, experimentarà com és la feina dura al camp, però també l'acompanyaran en el viatge els seus records de quan anava a cinquè de primària. Uns records que l'ajudaran a reflexionar i qüestionar el camí que ha seguit fins ara.


Sentit i sensibilitat

Sentit i sensibilitat 1995


Anglaterra, segle XIX. Dues germanes completament diferents: una, pura raó i sentit comú; l'altra, pura sensibilitat i passió, s'enfronten a l'amor i les adversitats de la vida. En morir el seu pare, han d'abandonar casa seva, que passa a mans d'un germanastre, fill del primer matrimoni del seu pare. Es muden al camp i, allà, tindran experiències amoroses que hi produiran un canvi profund.


Les hores

Les hores 2002


Les Hores és una tragèdia malenconiós, basada en el llibre de Virginia Woolf "Mrs. Dalloway", sobre tres dones condemnades a la depressió. Stephaen Daldry, el director, presenta la vida i els canvis psicòtics de l'excepcional autora anglesa interpretada per Nicole Kidman, que va guanyar l'Oscar a la millor actriu.


L’home que parlava als cavalls a cau d’orella

L’home que parlava als cavalls a cau d’orella 1998


La Grace i la seva amiga Judith surten a fer un passeig a cavall i pateixen un terrible accident en ser atropellades per un tràiler. Judith i el seu cavall moren, mentre que Grace i el seu (Pilgrim) resultin greument ferits. En un intent desesperat per recuperar Pilgrim que, des de l'accident, s'ha convertit en un cavall salvatge, Anie, la mare de Grace, decideix anar a Montana a veure Tom Booker, un texà que posa una facultat especial per parlar i guarir els cavalls.


La jove Jane Austen

La jove Jane Austen 2007


Any 1795. Jane Austen és la filla menor del reverend Austen i la seva dona. Si vol assegurar-se una bona posició social, tal com feien les dones de la seva època, ha de trobar ben aviat un marit com cal. Com que el que més desitja és convertir-se en una gran escriptora, desafia les convencions socials i rebutja amb fredor els pretendents. Fins que apareix l’arrogant, intel·ligent i ben plantat Thomas Lefroy. Després d'una primera impressió deficient, a poc a poc en Tom fa canviar de pensament la Jane, que començarà a prendre's seriosament la idea del matrimoni.


Gossos de palla

Gossos de palla 1971


L'astrofísic americà David Sumner (Hoffman) es trasllada a viure al poble de la seva dona, a la Gran Bretanya. És un home reservat i tímid que viu absort a les seves investigacions i procura evitar qualsevol disputa. Tot i això, la violència de certs individus del poble arriba a tal extrem que Sumner, situat entre l'espasa i la paret, reacciona amb les mateixes armes que els seus agressors per defensar la seva dona i la seva llar... Obra clau en la filmografia de Peckinpah, "Gossos de palla" és un estudi sobre la violència de l'ésser humà basat en la novel·la "The Siege of Trencher's Farm", de Gordon M. Williams.


El secret de l’aldea

El secret de l’aldea 2012


Narra la fosca història de la complicitat de molts polonesos amb l'Alemanya nazi durant l'Holocaust. Un polonès que torna a casa després de la mort de son pare descobreix un secret sobre els residents jueus del seu poble, ja morts.


All Creatures Great & Small

All Creatures Great & Small 2020


The heartwarming and humorous adventures of a young country vet in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1930s. A remake of the 1978 series.


Non Non Biyori

Non Non Biyori 2013


Elementary school student Hotaru Ichijou has moved with her parents from Tokyo to the middle of the country. Now she must adapt to her new school, where there are a total of 5 students in the same class who range through elementary and middle school ages. Join their everyday adventures in the countryside.


Green Acres

Green Acres 1965


Green Acres is an American sitcom starring Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor as a couple who move from New York City to a rural country farm. Produced by Filmways as a sister show to Petticoat Junction, the series was first broadcast on CBS, from September 15, 1965 to April 27, 1971. Receiving solid ratings during its six-year run, Green Acres was cancelled in 1971 as part of the "rural purge" by CBS. The sitcom has been in syndication and is available in DVD and VHS releases. In 1997, the two-part episode "A Star Named Arnold is Born" was ranked #59 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.


All Creatures Great and Small

All Creatures Great and Small 1978


All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.



Barakamon 2014


After punching a famous curator in the face for criticizing his work as "textbook and lifeless," Handa Seishuu is sent to Gotō Island to calm his nerves and find new inspiration for his calligraphy. Growing up in the city all his life, though, Handa must adapt to country life while meeting an assortment of quirky people during his tenure.


Wives and Daughters

Wives and Daughters 1999


Wives and Daughters is a 1999 four part BBC serial adapted from the novel Wives and Daughters: An Everyday Story by Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. It focuses on Molly Gibson (Justine Waddell), the daughter of the town doctor, and the changes that occur in her life after her widowed father chooses to remarry. The union brings into her once-quiet life an ever-proper stepmother (Francesca Annis) and flirtatious stepsister, Cynthia (Keeley Hawes), while a friendship with the local squire brings about an unexpected romance.



Barakamon 2023


A proud young calligrapher is punished for punching a critic by being sent to a faraway island in the east coast of Japan. But as he meets and lives with the island's friendly people, his attitude begins to improve.



No-Rin 2014


The sudden retirement of the famous idol Yuka Kusakabe from the entertainment business shocks the world and devastates her biggest fan, teenager Kosaku Hata. His classmates at the Tamo Agriculture School manages to get him out of his depression and bring him out of his room to attend his classes. But to everyone's surprise, Yuka Kusakabe - her stage name - comes into their class under the name Ringo Kinoshita as a transfer student. Kosaku realizes he has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get to personally know his dream girl and, together with his group of friends, try to find out why she came to the agricultural school and become more than just classmates.


Almost Home

Almost Home 1993


Having a hard time making ends meet after her divorce, Millicent Torkelson moves her three children to Seattle, where she becomes the nanny to the spoiled Morgan children.


Darcy's Wild Life

Darcy's Wild Life 2004


Darcy's Wild Life is an American-Canadian television series, filmed during 2004-2006, and broadcast on Discovery Kids and the Family Channel. The show revolves around Darcy Fields, the daughter of an eccentric actress who decides to move away from Malibu to raise her daughter in a more normal environment. Darcy is slow to adjust to her new home in the country. She gets a job at a local veterinary clinic called Creature Comforts. The show is mostly about the humorous situations Darcy gets into while adjusting to her new surroundings. Darcy's Wild Life aired daily on the Discovery Kids Channel until its cancellation. The show's title is a pun on the word "wildlife", which is the main theme of the show. The title refers to Darcy's eccentric life dealing with wildlife. Many episodes also had titles based on puns, such as "Puppy Love", "Swine Flew the Coop", "Knockin' on Heaven's Doggie Door" or "The Trouble with Truffles".


He Knew He Was Right

He Knew He Was Right 2004


He Knew He Was Right was a 2004 BBC TV adaptation of the Anthony Trollope novel He Knew He Was Right. It was directed by Tom Vaughan.



Chalupáři 1975


Chalupáři is a Czechoslovak comedy TV series filmed in 1974 and 1975 by František Filip.


Heart of the Country

Heart of the Country 1987


The ‘Heart of the Country’ was a four part series by Fay Weldon set in Somerset which was broadcast in spring 1987.


Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark 1997


Noah's Ark is a British television series, which aired on ITV. It was first broadcast on 8 September 1997. The final episode was aired on 13 October 1997. There were 6 episodes in the first series. A second series aired in 1998.


Red Wine

Red Wine 1972


An epic saga of the Habdza family of vineyard keepers set in western Slovakian countryside at the beginning of the 20th century. Director Andrej Lettrich's novel adaptation talks of plotting, forbidden love. family discord, and struggle for heritage and power. The story is engaging thanks to the impressive performances of popular actors, dramatic situations, and sensitive music. Red Wine is not so much inventive in terms of auteurship as it is a work of excellent craftsmanship. The resulting picture is a costume production neatly adapted to the character of Slovak rural life in the past.