Paraula clau Grandfather Granddaughter Relationship
Freaks 2019
La petita Chloe ha viscut sempre sota la tutela del seu pare, obsessionat amb protegir-la dels perills de l'exterior, fins al punt de no permetre-li abandonar la casa. Un dia, la nena s'escapa, trobant-se amb un món que fins llavors només havia pogut imaginar. La ja de per si estranya realitat es barrejarà amb la fantasia a través de la mirada infantil de la protagonista.
The Uninvited 1944
Before I Say Goodbye 2003
Viaje a alguna parte 2021
My Baba Bozorg 2023
Pachyderme 2024
GRUFF 2024
Otro Lado 2022
Son Akşam Yemeği 2023
Hold Me Tight 2018
Hyun Joo had a hard life after losing her mother to a brain tumor at a young age. It was her husband Kim Do Yeong, who saved her. However, she finds out that she will also die soon like her late mother. The fear of leaving her family in the same pain and agony she went through as a child is bigger than the fear of dying. This leads her to tell her husband, “I’ve fallen in love with someone else”, as she hides her pain. During the last moments of her life, she goes off to find true love in.