Back in Action 2025
L'Emily i en Matt van renunciar fa anys a ser espies de la CIA per formar una família. Però, quan se'n descobreix la tapadora, es veuen arrossegats de nou al món de l'espionatge.
L'Emily i en Matt van renunciar fa anys a ser espies de la CIA per formar una família. Però, quan se'n descobreix la tapadora, es veuen arrossegats de nou al món de l'espionatge.
Quan un poderós encanteri transforma els seus pares en uns monstres gegants, una jove princesa s'ha d'endinsar a la natura per trencar la maledicció abans que sigui tard.
Després d’anys apartats del món humà, els germans Tortuga decideixen començar a fer heroïcitats per ficar-se a la butxaca els habitants de Nova York i ser acceptats com a adolescents normals. La seva amiga April O'Neil els ajudarà a enfrontar-se a un misteriós sindicat del crim, però aviat es veuran superats per l'atac d'un exèrcit de mutants que els cau damunt.
Una bella jove anomenada Bella accepta allotjar-se en un castell amb una bèstia a canvi de la llibertat del seu pare. La bèstia és, en realitat, un príncep encantat. Per trencar l'encanteri, caldrà guanyar l'amor d'una dama preciosa abans que caigui l'últim pètal d'una rosa encantada.
Quan el seu jove fill Minato comença a comportar-se de manera estranya, la seva mare sent que alguna cosa va malament. En descobrir que el responsable de tot això és un professor, irromp a l'escola exigint saber què està passant. Però a mesura que la història es desenvolupa a través dels ulls de la mare, el professor i el nen, la veritat va sortint a la llum, a poc a poc...
Els Croods miren de trobar un nou lloc on viure. Per aquest motiu, la primera família prehistòrica explora el món, per trobar-hi una nova llar. Troben un paradís idíl·lic, però el lloc amaga una sorpresa: hi ha una altra família que ja hi viu!
El Sr. Gustave H., un llegendari conserge d'un famós hotel europeu d'entreguerres, fa amistat amb Zero Moustafa, un jove empleat que converteix en el seu protegit. La història tracta sobre el robatori i la recuperació d'una pintura renaixentista de valor incalculable i sobre la batalla que enfronta els membres d'una família per una fortuna immensa. Com a teló de fons, els aixecaments que van transformar Europa durant la primera meitat del segle XX.
L'òrfena Dorothy Gale viu una vida senzilla a Kansas amb la seva tia Emma Clara Blandick, el seu oncle Henry i tres pintorescos peons: Hunk, Zeke i Hickory. Un dia la severa veïna Miss Gulch és mossegada pel gos de Dorothy, Toto. Miss Gulch se l'emporta, per ordre del xèrif, malgrat les apassionades protestes de la tia Emma i l'oncle Henry. Toto escapa i torna al costat de Dorothy, la qual s'alegra momentàniament, però aviat s'adona que Miss Gulch tornarà. Decideix endur-se a Toto i escapolir-se a la recerca d'una vida millor 'en algun lloc sobre l'arc de Sant Martí'.
En aquesta comèdia, una tempesta de neu a un poble costaner dona peu a diverses històries sobre la família, l'amistat, l'amor, la solitud… i un gran error de Santa Claus.
En Bob i el seu amic Patrick s'embarquen en una odissea que els porta a descobrir nous mons i perillosos monstres, però pel camí descobreixen també que ser un nen no està tan malament al capdavall...
Ambientada a l'històric allunatge de l'Apolo 11, el 1969. Cridats per millorar la imatge pública de la NASA, les espurnes volen en totes les direccions quan la prodigi del màrqueting Kelly Jones causa estralls en la ja difícil tasca del director de llançament Cole Davis. Quan la Casa Blanca considera que la missió és massa important per fracassar, Jones rep l'ordre de simular un allunatge fals com a suport i comença el veritable compte enrere.
Quan el multimilionari Miles Bron (Edward Norton) convida alguns dels seus familiars a una escapada a la seva illa grega privada, aviat queda clar que no tot és perfecte al paradís. I quan algú apareix mort, qui millor que Benoit Blanc per desentranyar totes les capes del misteri? Seqüela de "Punyals per l'esquena".
En créixer a l'era d'Arizona posterior a la Segona Guerra Mundial, un nen anomenat Sammy Fabelman descobreix un secret familiar devastador i explora com el poder de les pel·lícules pot ajudar-lo a veure la veritat. Pel·lícula semiautobiogràfica sobre la infància i joventut de Steven Spielberg.
Ja fa deu anys que els vikings i els dracs van acordar viure separats. A l'illa Nova del Fred es fan els preparatius per a la festa de la Petonada, i en Singlot i l'Astrid descobreixen que els seus fills, la Zèfir i en Nuffink, després de llegir uns llibres d'en Toic que han trobat a les golfes, han agafat por dels dracs. Per evitar que els altres nens tinguin la mateixa por i el mateix odi que els seus avantpassats tenien als dracs, l'Astrid proposa de recuperar la funció de teatre que es feia anys enrere per la Petonada, on s'explica la manera com els dracs i els vikings van fer les paus després dels enfrontaments que havien tingut.
Jamie era l'última persona de qui s'enamoraria Landon. Massa seriosa i conservadora pel seu gust. Filla d'un pastor de l'església baptista, Jamie no tenia por de manifestar que la fe era el més important a la seva vida, encara que li costés les crítiques dels seus companys. Landon i la seva colla manaven a l'escola, però el seu regnat acabaria així que sortissin de l'institut i haguessin d'afrontar les responsabilitats de la vida.
Quatre dècades després del seu inoblidable primer cas a Beverly Hills, el detectiu de Detroit Axel Foley torna al que li va millor: resoldre crims i causar el caos.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
Having left behind Seattle Grace Hospital, renowned surgeon Addison Forbes Montgomery moves to Los Angeles for sunnier weather and happier possibilities. She reunites with her friends from medical school, joining them at their chic, co-op, Oceanside Wellness Center in Santa Monica.
For as long as he can remember, Ichigo Kurosaki has been able to see ghosts. But when he meets Rukia, a Soul Reaper who battles evil spirits known as Hollows, he finds his life is changed forever. Now, with a newfound wealth of spiritual energy, Ichigo discovers his true calling: to protect the living and the dead from evil.
Beginning in a time of relative peace, we follow an ensemble cast of characters as they confront the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.
Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.
Livia and Felipe are in a forbidden love story doomed to end tragically. A century later, they both have a new chance to make their love real again. “Time After Time” is an innovative romance set in two different eras in which characters hold the opportunity to make up for their mistakes, come to terms with the past and write themselves another story.
Twenty-four-year-old Kara Zor-El, who was taken in by the Danvers family when she was 13 after being sent away from Krypton, must learn to embrace her powers after previously hiding them. The Danvers teach her to be careful with her powers, until she has to reveal them during an unexpected disaster, setting her on her journey of heroism.
Thanks to his police officer father's efforts, Shawn Spencer spent his childhood developing a keen eye for detail (and a lasting dislike of his dad). Years later, Shawn's frequent tips to the police lead to him being falsely accused of a crime he solved. Now, Shawn has no choice but to use his abilities to perpetuate his cover story: psychic crime-solving powers, all the while dragging his best friend, his dad, and the police along for the ride.
There's nothing that bonds a group of single black women together more than sidestepping the land mines of living, working and dating in Atlanta. In a sea of swipe-lefts, social media drama and unrealistic #relationshipgoals, these friends try to find their Mr. Right.
Former Avenger Clint Barton has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old archer with dreams of becoming a superhero. The two are forced to work together when a presence from Barton’s past threatens to derail far more than the festive spirit.
The second son of a Mafia boss, Kinn Theerapanyakul, is fleeing from an enemy when he meets Porsche, an enterprising young bartender. Porsche agrees to help defend Kinn from his attackers for a price. Porsche's martial arts skills impress, and spurred on by his father, Kinn seeks to hire Porsche as one of his personal bodyguards. Porsche is opposed and rejects Kinn’s offer despite his attempts at intimidation. It isn't until Porsche's family home and his ability to care for his brother are threatened that he acquiesces and moves onto the Theerapanyakul property. It's not a smooth transition into the unorthodox, violent job, and his relationship with Kinn vacillates between strained and playful. When his feelings for Kinn take an unexpected turn, his work becomes even more high-stakes.
That’s right, honey! A decade after their unforgettable eight-season run, comedy’s most fabulous foursome is back.
Imagine a strong and tender hearted woman, a confused man and a villain capable of everything to get money. We have the perfect love triangle to a classic love story.
Kitarō is a yōkai boy born in a cemetery, and aside from his mostly-decayed father, the last living member of the Ghost tribe. He is missing his left eye, but his hair usually covers the empty socket. He fights for peace between humans and yōkai, which generally involves protecting the former from the wiles of the latter.
Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.
Two spaceships, one manned by benevolent Maximals, the other by evil Predacons, crash-land on a pre-humanoid planet while en route to Earth. Their crews assume indigenous animal forms to protect themselves from an overabundance of natural energy, transforming into robots to do battle. Thus, the Beast Wars have begun...
James is 17 and is pretty sure he is a psychopath. Alyssa, also 17, is the cool and moody new girl at school. The pair make a connection and she persuades him to embark on a darkly comedic road trip in search of her real father.
A TV series finds Jesus living in present day Compton, CA on a daily mission to spread love and kindness throughout the neighborhood with the help of his small but loyal group of downtrodden followers.
In the bustling capital of Bianjing during the Northern Song Dynasty, Madam Li moves her family in search of better marriage prospects for her five beautiful but quirky daughters, whose love lives have long been her worry. Each daughter, though famous for her beauty and wit, comes with unique quirks: the eldest, Shou Hua, has no interest in remarrying after early widowhood; the third, Kang Ning, is fierce and headstrong; the fourth, Hao De, is well-meaning but blunt; and the youngest, Le Shan, is spoiled and selective. Challenges abound as they face unexpected setbacks, including a cold reception from the already-married sister they came to visit. As the family reestablishes their business, they navigate a series of humorous and heartwarming misadventures, ultimately finding love and fulfilling their mother’s hopes in this lively tale of family and romance.