10, la dona perfecta

10, la dona perfecta 1979


George Webber, famós compositor de cançons romàntiques, està començant a cansar-se de la relació amb la seva xicota. Però una circumstància inesperada us ajudarà a resoldre el problema de manera fulminant: es creua al carrer amb una jove vestida de núvia que el deixa absolutament fascinat; tant és així que, tot i saber que està casada, no pararà fins a esbrinar on passarà la lluna de mel.


Love & Mercy

Love & Mercy 2015


Aquesta pel·lícula és una biografia del cantant i compositor dels Beach Boys, Brian Wilson, centrada en dues etapes que es van intercalant. D'una banda relata els primers i anys del grup a la dècada des 60. I d'altra banda mostra la dècada dels 80, època en què Wilson va tenir problemes psicològics greus.


Bye bye Birdie

Bye bye Birdie 1963


Quan Conrad Birdie, estrella del rock i ídol juvenil, és cridat a files, totes les adolescents del país es revolucionen. A més, Albert (Dick van Dyke), el que escriu les cançons de Conrad, es queda sense feina. Ell i la seva núvia (Janet Leigh) organitzen llavors un concurs nacional gràcies al qual una afortunada assolirà el somni de fer el petó de comiat a Conrad a "El Show d'Ed Sullivan".



Blaze 2018


Narra la vida del cantant i compositor de country nord-americà Blaze Foley (Texas, 1949 – Nashville, Tennessee 1989). Blaze va ser una inusual llegenda de la música del Texas Outlaw Music que va engendrar autors com Merle Haggard i Willie Nelson. A través d'una història que recorre tres períodes de la seva vida, els diferents fils exploren el seu idil·li amb Sybil Rosen; la seva última nit fosca a la terra; i l'impacte de les seves cançons i l'impacte de la seva mort als fans, amics i enemics.


The Donald O'Connor Show

The Donald O'Connor Show 1954


The Donald O'Connor Show is an American musical situation comedy television series starring singer/dancer Donald O'Connor. It appeared on NBC from October 9, 1954, to September 10, 1955, alternating on the Saturday evening schedule with The Jimmy Durante Show; both were sponsored by Texaco.


First Note of Love

First Note of Love 2024


A tragic car accident takes the life of Matt, the keyboardist of the band "Magnet". His brother Neil, the vocalist, is devastated and subsequently announces his retirement – leaving their fans, including a young boy named Sea, with shattered dreams. 6 years later, the extraordinarily talented Sea receives an invitation to work with none other than his idol Neil, who has disappeared from the stage for 6 years! But the accident has broken the once proud and loud Neil, who is now dealing with anxiety issues and stage fright. Sea, on the other hand, has yet to learn how to love. Together with Neil, they will heal each other with music and dive head first into their dreams by making the world hear their new shared voice.


So Long, Marianne

So Long, Marianne 2024


The intimate tale of two young people, Canadian singer and poet Leonard Cohen and extraordinary Norwegian woman Marianne Ihlen, falling in love during a period of their life when they are trying to figure out who they are and their place in the world, while one is becoming one of the most famous singers of all time.


Lovers of Music

Lovers of Music 2014


When she's not making ends meet, Choi Choon Hee hones her skills in trot music, an old-fashioned, but heartfelt genre. Her luck turns when she pairs up with Jang Joon Hyun, an arrogant songwriter who excels in pop hits, as well as Jo Geun Woo, a shrewd talent CEO. Choon Hee's star burns hot, but between work and love, can she overcome the haters and trot her way into success?


Successful People

Successful People 2016


Chet & Laura, a songwriting duo in their tenth year of trying to make it, start to realize their chances of success may have already passed them by.