Casino Royale

Casino Royale 2006


La primera missió de l'agent britànic James Bond com a agent 007 el porta fins a Le Chiffre, banquer dels terroristes de tot el món. Per aturar-lo i desmantellar la xarxa terrorista, Bond ha de derrotar-lo en una arriscada partida de pòquer al Casino Royale. Al principi a Bond li disgusta Vesper Lynd, la bella oficial del Tresor que ha de vigilar els diners del govern. Però, a mesura que Bond i Vesper es veuen obligats a defensar-se junts dels mortals atacs de Le Chiffre i els seus sequaços, neix entre ells una atracció mútua.


Ciutadà Kane

Ciutadà Kane 1941


Un important financer nord-americà, Charles Foster Kane, amo d'una important cadena de diaris, d'una xarxa d'emissores, de dos sindicats i d'una col·lecció d'obres d'art inimaginable, mor al seu fabulós castell d'estil oriental, Xanadú. L'última paraula que pronuncia en expirar és Rosebud. Tot el país i la premsa en general queden intrigats per saber el significat d'aquesta paraula. Per descobrir-ho, un grup de periodistes es posa a investigar.


Ens veurem allà dalt

Ens veurem allà dalt 2017


Novembre del 1919. Dos supervivents de la Gran Guerra, un magnífic il·lustrador i un modest comptable, organitzen una estafa amb els monuments als morts del conflicte bèl·lic. A la França dels anys vint, el projecte esdevé tant perillós com espectacular.


L’avi de la criatura

L’avi de la criatura 1932


Mentre l'Stan i l'Ollie lluiten en el front durant la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), un bon amic seu resulta greument ferit i, abans de morir, els demana que busquin a la seva filla i la portin a casa dels seus avis; però la missió resultarà més difícil del que es preveu.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


The Banker

The Banker 2019


It’s tell the story of a bank auditor pursues justice and policy changes at a time when an economic bubble is collapsing. No Dae Ho is an honest and sincere man. He works as a branch manager of Daehan Bank which is located in a small city. The branch is on a soon to be shutdown list. Surprisingly, No Dae Ho is promoted to an auditor at the bank’s headquarters in Seoul. No Dae Ho then faces corruption at the bank.


Hanzawa Naoki

Hanzawa Naoki 2013


Hanzawa Naoki works as a loan manager at the Osaka Nishi branch of Tokyo Central Bank. One day, Hanzawa makes a loan contract for 500 million yen with Nishi Osaka Steel Company. Hanzawa didn't want to approve the loan, but he had to due to the branch manager's order. Nishi Osaka Steel Company seems financially stable, but the company actually hides massive amounts of debt through fraudulent accounts. The company is caught. Three months later, Nishi Osaka Steel Company goes bankrupt. The bank's branch manager is Asano. He is an ambitious man and tries to shift the blame to Hanzawa. Hanzawa then attends an inquiry about the loan failure at the bank's headquarters in Tokyo. Hanzawa denies fault and promises to retrieve the 500 million yen loan. He did this because it's the only way for Hanzawa to survive as a banker.


The Interest of Love

The Interest of Love 2022


Four men and women working at the same bank get entangled in a complicated romance as they discover how far they’re willing to go for love.



Embezzlement 2021


The story of Eti Alon, an employee in the "Bank LeMischar," who embezzled a quarter of a billion shekels from the customers' money and gave it to her gambling addict brother Ofer.


Breaking the Bank: One Trader, 50 Billion

Breaking the Bank: One Trader, 50 Billion 2024


Jérôme Kerviel – the trader who hid €50 billion in trades at a major international bank – and his former superiors reveal all sides of the scandal.