Paraula clau Earthquake
황야 2024
2012 2009
Com el calendari maia prediu, el món s'acaba l'any 2012, amb desastres naturals com a erupcions volcàniques, tifons i glaceres inundant el planeta. Mai abans una data en la història ha estat tan important per a tantes cultures, religions, científics i governs. 2012 és una aventura èpica sobre un cataclisme global que provoca la fi del món i conta l'heroica lluita dels supervivents.-
San Andreas 2015
En Ray Gaines és un membre del cos de bombers de Los Angeles especialitzat en rescats perillosos, amb una llarga experiència a l'exèrcit, però viu turmentat per no haver pogut salvar una de les seves filles mentre feien ràfting, un fet que a la llarga el va portar a separar-se de la seva dona. La vida, però, li donarà una segona oportunitat quan un seguit de terribles terratrèmols sacsegin tot l'estat de Califòrnia i es trobi que ha de rescatar la seva exdona a Los Angeles i després la seva altra filla a San Francisco, on al terratrèmol inicial s'hi sumarà un tsunami devastador.
Underwater 2020
El vent s’aixeca 2013
En Jiro somia amb volar i amb dissenyar avions i s'inspira en Caproni, el famós dissenyador aeronàutic italià. Miop des de petit i no apte per a ser pilot, el 1927 en Jiro s'uneix a una important empresa d'enginyeria japonesa i es converteix en un dels dissenyadors d'avions més innovadors i dotats del món. La pel·lícula narra bona part de la seva vida i mostra esdeveniments clau com el Gran Terratrèmol de Kanto del 1923, la Gran Depressió, l'epidèmia de tuberculosi i l'entrada del Japó a la guerra. En Jiro coneix i s'enamora de la Nahoko i cuida la seva amistat amb el seu amic Honjo.
Palm Springs 2020
En Nyles i la Sarah són dos convidats d'un casament. La Sarah és germana de la núvia i dama d'honor. S'emborratxa i s'oblida de preparar un discurs, però en Nyles la treu del mal pas fent un parlament inesperat. Després del banquet acaben entrant a una cova al mig del desert, on hi ha una porta a una altra dimensió. Quan la travessen entren en un bucle temporal del qual no poden escapar. Cada cop que s'adormen, reviuen el mateix dia una vegada i una altra. No només no poden sortir del bucle, sinó que tampoc podran fugir d'ells mateixos.
How It Ends 2018
La bèstia 2024
En un futur pròxim, on la intel·ligència artificial reina, les emocions humanes s'han convertit en una amenaça. Per a alliberar-se d'elles, la jove Gabrielle (Léa Seydoux) ha de purificar el seu ADN submergint-se en les seves vides passades. En aquest viatge a través del temps, es retroba amb Louis (George Mackay), el seu gran amor. No obstant això, la por a una inquietant premonició s'apodera d'ella: té la sensació que s'aveïna una catàstrofe.
Panorama per matar 1985
James Bond porta a Londres un microxip robat en un centre d'investigació soviètic. Aquest microxip és idèntic a un altre fet pels anglesos i, per tant, sembla que els soviètics han aconseguit descobrir els secrets britànics. Les sospites recauen en l'industrial Max Zorin que, després d'haver fet una fortuna amb el petroli, ara és un magnat de l'electrònica. Zorin té també unes cavallerisses i els seus cavalls guanyen regularment, la qual cosa fa que el Jockey Club demani una investigació. El detectiu que investigava les cavallerisses és assassinat i James Bond va a la fastuosa recepció que fa Zorin per trobar la solució d'aquest misteriós afer.
Terratrémol 2018
L'any 1904 un terratrémol de magnitud 5,4 va saquejar Oslo amb l'epicentre a la fossa d'Oslo que discorre per davall de la capital noruega. En el present, els científics comencen a detectar senyals que indiquen que podria produir-se un nou terratrémol.
Winchester 2018
A finals del segle XIX, després de la tràgica mort del seu marit i el seu fill, Sarah construeix una casa-fortalesa (la Mansió Winchester, coneguda com la mansió més misteriosa del món) amb un objectiu: mantenir a ratlla els esperits de les persones mortes per un rifle Winchester, que, segons diu, la visiten massa sovint. Eric Price (Jason Clarke) hi arriba amb l'objectiu de psicoanalitzar la senyora Winchester, descobrint que els fantasmes que la turmenten poden no ser producte de la seva bogeria…
A la recerca de la vall encantada 1988
Aclamada pel·lícula d'animació que narra les aventures d'uns petits dinosaures en el viatge per assolir la Gran Vall, l'únic lloc de la terra que encara no ha estat aconseguit per una plaga devastadora.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - El bressol de la vida 2003
Enfrontant-se a nous i majors perills i desafiaments, Lara Croft mostra els seus poders físics en una altra trepidant aventura. La intrèpida heroïna viatjarà a un temple submergit sota l'aigua a la recerca de la llegendària "Caixa de Pandora", però abans que arribi, una banda de criminals xinesos, liderats per Chen Lo, aconsegueix apoderar-se del preat objecte. La Lara haurà d'aturar-los abans que el facin servir amb fins malèfics.
New Nightmare 1994
판도라 2016
Escape from L.A. 1996
一吻定情 2019
Millennium Actress 2002
El director de cinema Tachibana decideix fer un documental sobre la vida de Chiyoko Fujiwara, una coneguda i reverenciada actriu japonesa que es va retirar misteriosament de la professió ja fa diverses dècades. Tachibana troba una envellida Chiyoko a la seva residència, i allà li comença a explicar la seva història.
Un noi a la cort del rei Artús 1995
Calvin Fuller (Thomas Ian Nicholas), un adolescent de Califòrnia, una cosa insegura i que travessa un difícil moment, que és transportat a l'Edat Mitjana, a la Cort del Rei Arturo (Joss Ackland), gràcies al poder i a la màgia de Merlí ( Ron Moody). Casualment Calvin es fa amic de les princeses Sarah (Kate Winslet) i Katey (Paloma Baeza), que contraurà matrimoni amb aquell que guanyi el torneig que està a punt de celebrar-se.
Every Minute Counts 2024
In 1985 Mexico City, a catastrophic earthquake buries thousands. A doctor with a dark past, a journalist chasing fame, and a family in distress risk their lives in rescue attempts. Their efforts become chances to change their own lives.
You Are My Hero 2021
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei during an emergency rescue training organized by the SWAT team.
D-Day 2015
When a natural disaster strikes Seoul, a team of medical doctors and emergency personnel struggle to deal with its aftermath.
Tres milagros 2018
The series follows the lives of three young people who end up joining their destinies thanks to a prophecy, the prophecy says: "The day that Milagros meets Milagros and Milagros, Milagros and the love of Milagros, They will die". On September 18, 1985 there is a birth of three girls who are baptized with the same name. Catemaco's jaguar manages to see the connection between the three girls. and to his own sorrow he anticipates a prophecy. What will make the three girls start their lives and both fall in love with the same man, but only one of them will die.
To Heal the Heart 2020
An Kazutaka is a young, bashful psychiatrist whose jazz piano skills are as good as a pro. Right after they have their first child, the Great Hanshin Earthquake strikes. Although his family is affected by the disaster, he begins to search for what he can do as a psychiatrist. As he listens to the stories of disaster victims, he realises that he can help not by treating them, but restoring their capacity to heal. Later on, he compiles his observations of the disaster-hit area as a psychiatrist into a book and wins a prize for social sciences.
Japan Sinks: 2020 2020
After catastrophic earthquakes devastate Japan, one family's resolve is tested on a journey of survival through the sinking archipelago.
Light Chaser Rescue 2022
In the aftermath of the earthquake in Xichuan, lawyer Luo Ben went there to look for his sister, Luo Yuan. This is his first time meeting the non-profit rescue team led by Captain Qingshan and then he met with an old enemy Zhan Yan. Luo Ben was deeply impressed by the mutual support of the people in the affected areas and the sacrifice made by the rescue workers. He was also impressed by the superb medical skills and selflessness of Zhan Yan. Luo Ben, Xiong Fei, Zhou Mingming, Ding Dingding, and other newcomers joined the Yuanfang Non-profit rescue team, under Captain Qingshan's rigorous training, and became rescue team members, they, again and again, participated in various rescue operations, for earthquakes, fires, drowning, typhoons. Walking away from the direction of life, saving lives using their lives, through the baptism of disaster and they eventually grow into the rescue elites.
10.5: Apocalypse 2006
Deadly seismic activities that peaked with a 10.5 earthquake and devastated the West Coast have altered the core structure of the earth and now threaten to jeopardize North America and the Western hemisphere. In a desperate bid to save lives - and the country - President Hollister calls once again upon one of the nation's top seismologists, controversial scientist Dr. Samantha Hill and her supervisor and former boyfriend Dr. Jordan Fisher, to interpret the latest onslaught of quakes.
Breath of Destiny 2021
A medical team from the mainland of China arrived at an island in the South Pacific Ocean in order to complete their mission. But they were met with a rare natural disaster. Thus, their race against time begins as they try to complete their rescue mission. But, not only do they need to complete their rescue mission, they'll soon reveal a sinister plot underneath the surface.
Bargain 2022
A group of strangers gather at a remote motel with ulterior motives – seeking to bargain. After an unexpected earthquake traps them inside the building. With no one to trust, they must find a way to survive.
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 2009
There is an estimated 70% or higher possibility that a magnitude 7.0 earthquake will occur in Tokyo in the next 30 years. In 2012, Mirai, a middle school freshman girl, goes to Tokyo’s artificial Odaiba Island for a robot exhibition with her brother Yuuki at the start of summer vacation. A powerful tremor registering 8.0 on the JMA scale emanates from an ocean trench, the famed Tokyo Tower and Rainbow Bridge crumble and fall, and the landscape of Tokyo changes in seconds. With the help of a motorcycle delivery woman named Mari who they meet on Odaiba, Mirai and Yuuki strive to head back to their Setagaya home in western Tokyo.
The Boy That Never Was 2024
When Dillon’s father Harry races back to their tiny apartment to rescue his child, the apartment is in rubble and there is no sign of his son. Three years later, thousands of miles away in Dublin, Harry spots a six-year-old boy in a crowd and is convinced he is Dillon. Desperate to find his son, Harry’s obsession tears apart his marriage to Robin, exposing shameful secrets that lead to the truth of what happened to their son on the night he went missing.
CAT. 8 2013
When a breakthrough in global defense malfunctions, the result is a fireball four times the size of Earth streaking toward the planet. As fires blaze and panic spreads, a renegade scientist comes to the world’s rescue.
Aftershock: Earthquake in New York 1999
Without warning, an earthquake rips through the "City That Never Sleeps," turning it into a vulnerable state of chaos: skyscrapers topple, subways are buried in the rubble, countless lives are lost and loved ones are torn apart. As turmoil reigns in the screaming streets, Mayor Bruce Lincoln and former Fire Chief Thomas Ahearn race against time to enact a city-wide emergency plan.
And, Live 2019
Toko Ikuta lost her parents in a car accident at the age of 3. Afterwards, her uncle, who ran a barbershop in Morioka, raised her and she had a happy childhood. Toko Ikuta was active as a local idol and she dreamed of becoming an actress. At the age of 19, she is set to take an audition in Tokyo. The day before her audition, on March 11, 2011, the great Tohoku earthquake and tsunami hits Japan. In the autumn of 2011, Toko Ikuta works at a cafe. She goes with her Korean co-worker Han Yoo-Ri to do volunteer work in Kesennuma as the area recovers from the devastating tsunami. There, Toko Ikuta meets Kiyotaka Shimizu who is a university student from Tokyo and a member of a student volunteer group. While spending time together in Kesennuma, Toko Ikuta and Kiyotaka Shimizu develop feelings for each other.
Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake 2022
After a terrible earthquake in Nepal, locals and tourists join forces to face destruction in this gripping docuseries.
10.5 2004
Dr. Samantha Hill is an earthquake research scientist at a noted university in Washington State. Her alternative theories and her take-charge attitude cause friction with her peers. When the controversial Dr. Hill is ultimately put in charge, she is effectively entrusted with saving the entire population of the West Coast from a series of earthquakes that threaten to permanently fracture the West Coast from the rest of North America.
Parallel Tokyo 2019
An earthquake directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area is said to occur with a 70% probability within 30 years. Staged in a news center of a TV station where a huge amount of damage information and images are gathered.
Natsunagu! 2020
Natsuna Kunugi, a university student in Tokyo, visits Kumamoto in search of friends who she could not contact following the Kumamoto earthquakes. There, she meets local people who are full of compassion and uniqueness, including the energetic junior high school student, Izumi. A heartfelt coming-of-age story begins.