Un lloc tranquil

Un lloc tranquil 2018


En un món postapocalíptic, uns éssers monstruosos han provocat un gran nombre de morts i obliguen els pocs supervivents a viure en un silenci absolut. Els éssers, molt ràpids i violents, són cecs i només són capaços de detectar les seves víctimes a través del sentit de l'oïda. En Lee, l'Evelyn i els seus fills han aconseguit sobreviure i mantenen una estricta disciplina per no fer gens de soroll. De totes maneres, l'amenaça constant dels éssers, que s'amaguen i resulten indetectables fins que ataquen, els provoca greus dificultats, sobretot perquè tenen un nen petit, en Beau, i l'Evelyn està embarassada d'una altra criatura. En Lee estudia els éssers i mira de descobrir algun punt feble que es pugui explotar per defensar-se'n.



Immaculate 2024


La Cecilia (Sydney Sweeney) ingressa com a novícia en un convent a la remota campanya italiana. Allí és rebuda pel Pare Sal Tedeschi, qui la introdueix en les rutines religioses. Un dia descobreix que està embarassada i el que semblava un miracle, per conservar encara la seva virginitat, resulta amagar un sinistre secret que farà que busqui sortir desesperadament d'aquell lloc.



Titane 2021


Un noi amb la cara magullada és descobert en un aeroport. Diu que es diu Adrien Legrand, un nen que va desaparèixer fa 10 anys. Per al seu pare, Vincent, això suposa el final d'un llarg malson i el porta a casa. Simultàniament, se succeeixen una sèrie d'horribles assassinats a la regió.


Shrek Tercer

Shrek Tercer 2007


Quan Shrek es va casar amb Fiona, l'últim que es va imaginar és que podria convertir-se en el següent rei. Però quan el seu sogre, el rei Harold, estira la pota de sobte, és exactament el que li espera. I si Shrek (amb la valuosa ajuda d'Ase i del Gat amb Botes) no troba un rei adequat per al regne de Gaire Gaire Llunyà, haurà de resignar-se a estar realment enfastijat la resta dels seus dies. Per si això fos poc, a la princesa Fiona se li acosta una altra petita sorpresa... Atrapat entre les tasques de governar un regne i la seva imminent paternitat, Shrek inicia una recerca per trobar l'únic hereu possible del seu tron.


Romance X

Romance X 1999


Una jove està molt enamorada de la seva parella, però no se sent sexualment desitjada. Per aquest motiu, començarà a buscar altres contactes carnals, des d’un playboy italià fins a un home madur aficionat al BDSM.



Trencaneu 2013


Un experiment fallit projectat per solucionar el problema de l'escalfament global, gairebé ha destruït la vida sobre la Terra desencadenant una glaciació. Els únics supervivents són els passatgers del ferrocarril Snowpiercer, un tren que recorre el món impulsat per un motor de moviment etern. El tren està dividit en dues classes: a la part davantera hi va la classe acomodada i amb privilegis, i als vagons de cua, la classe obrera. Fastiguejats per les condicions infrahumanes en què viuen, els passatgers de cua decideixen organitzar una revolució per fer-se amb el control de la màquina.


The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man 2020


Dues setmanes després d'haver aconseguit escapar de la seva relació tòxica amb el ric i brillant científic Adrian Griffin, la Cecilia està convençuda que l'Adrian apareixerà en qualsevol moment... fins que rep una nota comunicant-li el suïcidi de la seva exparella. Elisabeth Moss protagonitza aquest thriller, una nova versió de la novel·la del mateix títol escrita per H. G. Wells en què el centre de la trama no està en aquesta ocasió a l'Home Invisible, sinó a la seva víctima. Després del fallit projecte de l'Univers Fosc -amb què Universal volia revitalitzar els seus personatges clàssics-, Blumhouse, la productora més en forma a l'actual cinema de gènere va prendre les regnes d'aquesta nova versió del clàssic, en què l'Home Invisible utilitza el seu poder per seguir controlant la dona que ho va abandonar.



Babylon 2008


Després de la caiguda de les institucions mundials més importants, la humanitat viu en un estat d'anarquia total. L'aventurer i mercenari Hugo Cornelius Toorop rep la missió d'escortar a una bella jove des d'un remot convent de Rússia fins a Nova York. Com més s'acosta a la seva destinació, més gran és la seva sospita que el que ha de protegir no és solament una simple noia.


La pitjor persona del món

La pitjor persona del món 2021


La Julie ha fet trenta anys i la seva vida és un desastre existencial. Ja ha desaprofitat part del seu talent i el seu xicot, l'Aksel, un reeixit novel·lista gràfic més gran que ella, la pressiona perquè contingui la seva energia creativa i posi seny. Una nit en una festa coneix un jove encantador, l'Eivind. Trigarà poc a trencar amb l'Aksel i embarcar-se en una nova relació amb l'esperança que la seva vida adquireixi una perspectiva nova. Tot i això, haurà d'adonar-se que ja és massa tard per a certes opcions vitals.


Motí a bord

Motí a bord 1984


La coneguda història del tinent Bligh, la crueltat del qual condueix a un motí al seu vaixell. Aquesta versió segueix els esforços tant de Fletcher Christian per portar els seus homes més enllà de l'abast de la flota britànica, i l'èpic viatge del tinent Bligh per arribar amb els que es mantenen lleials a Timor Oriental en un petit bot salvavides.


L’atracador perfecte

L’atracador perfecte 2022


Basada en la història real de Gilbert Galvan, un carismàtic i atrevit lladre que va ser conegut pels seus més de 63 atracaments a bancs i joieries. Gilbert (Josh Duhamel), un expresidiari fugat dels Estats Units sota l'àlies Robert Whiteman, s'enamora al Canadà d'una dona que no pot mantenir, i per això decideix començar a cometre atracaments. A mesura que es torna addicte a l'adrenalina, la perillositat dels seus robatoris augmenta, especialment quan s'alia amb Tommy Key (Mel Gibson), un famós gàngster que el convencerà per cometre els atracaments més grans de la història. La creixent notorietat dels robatoris crida l'atenció del Detectiu Syndes, cosa que donarà peu a un joc del gat i el ratolí en què intentaran burlar-se entre si en una vibrant persecució.



Godzilla 1998


Les proves nuclears realitzades pels francesos al Pacífic originen l'aparició a l'oceà d'un rèptil mutant, d'enormes dimensions, localitzat després de l'atac a un vaixell pescador japonès. No obstant, la criatura no es limitarà a viure a l'aigua: Godzilla es dirigeix ​​amb rumb fix a Nova York, als carrers del qual causarà el pànic.


I'm a Mother, Too

I'm a Mother, Too 2018


Ji-Young (Lee In-Hye) has a bright personality. Due to a difficult situation, she becomes a surrogate mother. With her bright personality, she gets through hardships and struggles to obtain happiness.


Jane the Virgin

Jane the Virgin 2014


A comedy-drama following a chaste young woman who is accidentally impregnated via artificial insemination as she struggles to inform her devoutly religious family and make the right choices concerning the child. Based on the telenovela "Juana la virgen."


Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay 2017


Zhou Ying is sold to the powerful Shen family by her foster father, yet successfully escapes by sneaking into merchant Wu Ping’s palanquin. The Wu family agreed to take her in after witnessing her remarkable business acumen, and she ends up marrying Wu Ping. The drama will chronicle the life of the Qing Dynasty's richest female merchant, and her struggles to keep the Wu family business afloat during the last years of the Qing Dynasty. Shen Xingyi is a happy-go-lucky young sir who has never known hardship in his life. After meeting Zhou Ying, he eventually decides to change his ways and becomes a mature noble who is willing to protect his country and family from disaster. He has a seemingly unrequited love for Zhou Ying.


The Real Has Come!

The Real Has Come! 2023


A successful lecturer facing single motherhood devises a fake romance with a marriage-averse doctor — but keeping up the act proves harder than it seems.


Lessons in Chemistry

Lessons in Chemistry 2023


In the 1950s, Elizabeth Zott's dream of being a scientist is challenged by a society that says women belong in the domestic sphere. She accepts a job on a TV cooking show and sets out to teach a nation of overlooked housewives way more than recipes.


The Secret Life of the American Teenager

The Secret Life of the American Teenager 2008


Amy and her friends at Grant High learn to define themselves while they navigate the perilous waters of contemporary adolescence. Between their love triangles, secrets, drama, accusations, gossip, confusion, and scandalous rumors, there's never a dull moment.


Secret Love

Secret Love 2013


A falsely accused Kang Yoojeong fights her innocence against her prosecutor's fiancée and an insane heir to a conglomerate.



Phoenix 2020


Ji Eun is the daughter of a wealthy chaebol family. She is bright, humorous, beautiful, and smart. Ji Eun meets Se Hoon, who runs a small furniture workshop. Unlike Ji Eun, Se Hoon comes from a poor family background. He was once the top student at a prestigious university, but he had to drop out due to his sick mother. Nevertheless, Ji Eun falls deeply in love with Se Hoon. She confesses her feelings to him. Se Hoon is also in love with Ji Eun, but he turns her down due to the extreme differences in their backgrounds. Eventually, Se Hoon is unable to bury his feelings any longer and they decide to marry.


My Story For You

My Story For You 2018


It’s 1998, and Zhang Chang Gong gets his first taste of success as a developer in an IT company. At the same time, he meets and falls in love with Li Mu Zi, a kind and intelligent university student. Unfortunately the IT bubble soon bursts, and Zhang Chang Gong is left unemployed. With the help of his friends and family, Chang Gong faces the challenges head on, and eventually becomes a top-selling author.


Woori the Virgin

Woori the Virgin 2022


A romantic comedy about a woman Oh Woo Ri, who intended to remain chaste until marriage, accidentally winds up pregnant while undergoing a medical examination.


Fated to Love You

Fated to Love You 2008


Fated to Love You, also known as You're My Destiny, Sticky Note Girl or Destiny Love, is a 2008 Taiwanese drama starring Joe Chen, Ethan Juan, Baron Chen and Bianca Bai. It was produced by Sanlih E-Television and directed by Chen Ming Zhang with location filming in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Shanghai. It holds the record for the highest average single-episode rating at 10.91 with a peak at 13.64 for episode 20 broadcast on 27 July 2008, and broke the previous record held by The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog. The series was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air Taiwan Television from 16 March 2008 to 24 August 2008, every Sunday at 22:00 and cable TV Sanlih E-Television from 22 March 2008 to 30 August 2008, every Saturday at 21:00. Fated to Love You was nominated in 2008 for six awards at the 43rd Golden Bell Awards, Taiwan. It was awarded the 2008 Best Television Series and Best Marketing Programme. Fated to Love You is now aired on Saturday's on Hawaii's KIKU Television at 8:00.


Next Time, Together Forever

Next Time, Together Forever 2018


Sheng Xia is in a hurry to get married and bear children due to a hereditary disease. CEO Qiu Yang went through two failed marriages and now even experiences a crisis at work. To save his company, Qiu Yang is being forced to marry. Thereupon, he ends up in a contract marriage with his neighbor Sheng Xia.



Catastrophe 2015


Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan write and star in a comedy that follows an American man and an Irish woman who make a bloody mess as they struggle to fall in love in London.


Notes from the Underbelly

Notes from the Underbelly 2007


Notes from the Underbelly is an American sitcom that debuted on ABC as a midseason replacement. The series is based upon the novel of the same name by Risa Green, and is produced by Eric and Kim Tannenbaum for Warner Bros. Television. The title is a parody of Dostoevsky's novel Notes from Underground. Originally, it was supposed to debut on October 5, 2006, along with Big Day, but ABC made a last-minute change in its schedule by moving Ugly Betty to Thursday, thus replacing both sitcoms. After numerous scheduling changes prior to the shows premiere, the show premiered Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 10:00PM Eastern/9:00PM Central, and moved to its regular Wednesday timeslot at 8:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Central on April 18. Notes from the Underbelly began its second season on November 26, 2007 in the new timeslot of 9:30PM Eastern/8:30PM Central on Mondays, leading out of fall's second highest rated freshman sitcom, Samantha Who?. On May 13, 2008, ABC opted not to renew the series for a third season. In Russia, all 23 episodes of the series were shown on NTV.


Oh Baby

Oh Baby 1998


Tracy is a successful career woman who longs to be a mom. When her boyfriend refuses to commit, Tracy decides she can't wait around...


In the Dark

In the Dark 2017


DI Helen Weeks grapples with pregnancy as she undertakes a very personal abduction case.


Accidentally on Purpose

Accidentally on Purpose 2009


A newspaper film critic, Billie is a single woman who finds herself "accidentally" pregnant after a one-night stand with a much younger guy, and decides to keep the baby... and the guy.


Sky of Love: Someone I love is there

Sky of Love: Someone I love is there 2008


An ordinary senior high school girl named Mika meets Hiro, a showy boy with dyed hair and pierced ears. It is a "pure love" story of the two going through many unimaginably sad incidents while nurturing their love single-mindedly. It not only depicts the first love of the senior high school couple but also weaves "a story of Mika and Hiro" through episodes probably familiar to anybody, such as warmth and affection of their family members supporting the two, importance of living, interactions with friends, and so on.


Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon

Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon 2003


John Kricfalusi, the creator of the original Ren & Stimpy Show, is back at the helm with new adventures of Ren Höek and Stimpson J. Cat (Stimpy) in Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon, with the emphasis toward adults instead of children. These half-hour long episodes feature the duo in new situations. The original humor that made Ren & Stimpy a success is back, like flatulence jokes and gross-out gags, combined now with adult themes and situations. - Written by Zoomzoom Moonchild



Sophie 2008


Sophie is a Canadian television sitcom that aired on CBC from January 9, 2008 to March 23, 2009. It stars Natalie Brown as Sophie Parker, an unmarried single mother and talent agent. The show is an English-language adaptation of Télévision de Radio-Canada's show Les Hauts et les bas de Sophie Paquin. The show was created by Richard Blaimert and its executive producer is Jocelyn Deschênes, the same creative team behind the original series. It was the CBC's second attempt in as many years to create an English adaptation of a successful series from its French sister network, following the less successful Rumours. In February 2008, it was announced that the show had been bought by ABC Family, part of Disney-ABC Television Group in the United States. The network signed on for the first 13 episodes, as well as an option for the second season of the show. On March 27, 2009, the series was cancelled by CBC due to poor ratings.