Paraula clau Illness
Lolita 1997
El corredor del laberint: La cura mortal 2018
En aquest final de saga, Thomas lidera el seu grup en una darrera missió. Hauran d'entrar a la llegendària Last City, un laberint controlat per WCKD que pot arribar a ser el laberint més mortífer de tots. Qualsevol persona que ho superi obtindrà les respostes a les preguntes i els protagonistes volen saber el que realment passa.
La gran malaltia de l’amor 2017
Explica la història real de Kumail i Emily, una parella que es coneix en un espectacle de comèdia. Quan semblava que tot anava a quedar-se en una trobada d'una nit, la seva relació comença a avançar malgrat les diferències culturals.
Despertar 1990
El doctor Malcolm Sayer, un neuròleg novaiorquès decideix, a mitjans dels anys seixanta, aplicar un tractament innovador als seus pacients d'encefalitis, malaltia que priva de les facultats motores les persones que la pateixen fins a reduir-les a un estat vegetatiu. A poc a poc es començarà a manifestar certa millora en els pacients, especialment a Leonard Lowe.
His Three Daughters 2024
Moulin Rouge 2001
París, al voltant de 1900. El món ha estat conquerit per la revolució de Bohèmia. Satine, l'estrella més rutilant del Moulin Rouge, enlluerna tota la ciutat amb els seus balls plens de sensualitat i la seva enorme bellesa. Atrapada entre l'amor de Christian, un jove escriptor, i l'obsessió del duc, lluita per fer realitat el seu somni de convertir-se en actriu. Però, en un món on val tot excepte enamorar-se, res no és fàcil.
The Secret of NIMH 1982
Black mass 2015
Boston, dècada dels 70. L'agent de l'FBI John Connolly convenç en Whitey Bulger, un mafiós irlandès que acaba de sortir de la presó, perquè col·labori amb ell per eliminar un enemic comú: la màfia italiana. Aquesta aliança resulta ser nefasta i provoca una espiral de violència que permetrà a en Whitey eludir la llei, consolidar el seu poder i convertir-se en un dels gàngsters més poderosos de la història de Boston.
Descobrir el País de Mai Més 2004
Basada a la vida de James Barrie, l'autor "Peter Pan". La història comença a Londres el 1904 i mostra el procés que va desembocar en la creació de Peter Pan, des que a Barrie se li va acudir la idea fins a l'estrena de l'obra al teatre Duke de Nova York, una nit en què no només va canviar la vida de l'autor, sinó la de tots els que hi eren.
Зеркало 1975
El somni d’Ellis 2013
El 1921, Ewa i la seva germana Magda deixen la seva Polònia natal i emigren a Nova York. Quan arriben a Ellis Island, a Magda, malalta de tuberculosi, la posen en quarantena. Ewa, sola i desemparada, cau en mans de Bruno, un rufià sense escrúpols. Per salvar la seva germana, Ewa està disposada a acceptar tots els sacrificis i es lliura resignada a la prostitució. L'arribada d'Orlando, il·lusionista i cosí de Bruno, li torna la confiança i l'esperança d'assolir dies millors. El que no compta és amb la gelosia de Bruno.
Sempre Alice 2014
Alice Howland, feliçment casada amb tres fills i adults, és una reconeguda professora de lingüística que comença a oblidar-se de les paraules. Després de rebre un diagnòstic devastador, Alice i la seva família posen a prova els seus llaços.
Amor 2012
En Georges i l'Anne són octogenaris, cultes professors de música retirats. La seva filla, també músic, viu a l'estranger amb la seva família. Un dia, l'Anne té una petita embòlia cerebral. Quan surt de l'hospital i torna a casa amb un costat paralitzat, l'amor d'aquest vell matrimoni ha de superar una prova de les dures.
Son 2021
Entre dones 2007
Destrossat per la ruptura amb la seva nòvia Sophia (Elena Anaya), Carter Webb (Adam Brody), un aspirant a escriptor, abandona Los Angeles per anar a viure amb la seva àvia (Olympia Dukakis) a un suburbi de Detroit. Encara que intenta aïllar-se per poder escriure, coneixerà les seves veïnes les Hardwicke: una família composta per dones: Sarah (Meg Ryan) i les dues filles: Lucy (Kristen Stewart) i Paige (Makenzie Vega), una precoç nena d'onze anys. Gràcies a la relació amb la seva àvia i amb aquestes dones, Carter comença a entreveure que allò que li semblava un final no és més que el començament de la seva aventura vital.
La veritat oculta 2005
Catherine és una jove que ha passat anys cuidant el seu brillant però desequilibrat pare, un geni de les matemàtiques. La vigília del seu aniversari no només haurà de suportar l'arribada de la seva germana Claire, amb qui amb prou feines té relació, sinó que també haurà d'atendre Hal, un antic alumne del seu pare que espera trobar dades de gran importància als quaderns. del mestre. Alhora que va quallant una relació amistosa amb Hal, Catherine haurà d'enfrontar-se als estrictes plans que Claire ha concebut per a ella. Però allò que veritablement el preocupa i obsessiona és el temor a heretar la bogeria – o potser la genialitat – del seu pare.
Sicko 2007
Documental que desvela les profundes injustícies de l'assistència sanitària als Estats Units. Coneixerem les interioritats d'un sistema de salut corrupte i abusiu, basat en els serveis mèdics que presten les mútues privades, que deixa sense atenció mèdica gairebé 50 milions de ciutadans i que, alhora, maltracta els assegurats escatimant-los les prestacions i la cobertura a què tenen dret. Michael Moore ens presenta diversos exemples dramàtics i els compara amb el tracte que reben els ciutadans que resideixen a països com Canadà, França, el Regne Unit o fins i tot Cuba, que gaudeixen d'un sistema de cobertura sanitària pública gratuïta.
House 2004
Dr. Gregory House, a drug-addicted, unconventional, misanthropic medical genius, leads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey.
Polseres vermelles 2011
Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include friendship, the will to live, and the desire to overcome adversity. The show was originally planned for four seasons, with the second one premiering on January 2013. In October 2011, it was announced that Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks and Marta Kauffman had reached an agreement with TV3 for an American remake of Polseres Vermelles. The Spanish channel Antena 3 aired the first season, dubbed into Spanish as Pulseras rojas, in summer 2012. On 11 December 2012, TV3 announced 14 January 2013 as the premiere date for its second season. Antena 3 will premiere it dubbed later in 2013.
The Good Bad Mother 2023
A tragic accident leaves an ambitious prosecutor with the mind of a child – forcing him and his mother to embark on a journey to heal their relationship.
The Oath of Love 2022
Lin Zhixiao's entire world is turned upside down just before graduation. Her father is hospitalized after being diagnosed with cancer which leaves her no choice but to give up an important job opportunity. She and her boyfriend also break up. In an instant, all of her hopes and dreams for the future are gone. At this time, Gu Wei, her father's attending physician, walks into Lin Zhixiao's life. Love has the tendency to creep up on you when you're not looking. Two people who have been hurt before gradually get to know each other and fall in love. They go through doubts and hit road bumps, they experience misunderstandings and trying times, but in the process of falling in love, they realize that they are made for each other.
Melting Me Softly 2019
Ma Dong-chan and Go Mi-ran are both frozen during an experiment. They wake up 20 years later instead of 24 hours later and must keep their body temperature above 30°C in order to survive.
The White Castle 2023
Wang Yangming switches from research to clinical practice, joining the emergency department at Ruiren Hospital. Alongside three fellow doctors, he hones his skills, builds lasting friendships, and navigates the challenges of love, growth, and separation in the fast-paced world of emergency medicine.
Extraordinary You 2019
When a high-school girl finds that she is merely a character from a comic book whose destiny is decided by the writer, she decides to change the plot to suit her desires and find the love of her life.
Nine: Nine Time Travels 2013
Park Sun-Woo works as an anchorman at a TV broadcasting station. He is in love with newsreporter Joo Min-Young, who is bright and honest. Park Sun-Woo then obtains 9 incense items, which allows him to go back 20 years in time. Park Sun-Woo travels to the past.
An Angel's Happiness 2017
Xiao Han, who runs a small lodge, is the prettiest girl in the little village on Hainan Island. Her humble background and lowly education makes her unconfident, yet she is still optimistic, hoping for her very own happiness. Jie Luo is the haughty son of a woman who is in command of a big business group. He was asked by his mother to help her in renovating some parts of the island, and thus lived in Xiao Han's lodge. When Jie Luo was trying to purchase some land, he ran into problems which were soon solved with the help of Xiao Han. Their personalities are miles apart, but when they got to know each other through working together, they slowly fell in love. However, Jie Luo's mother was against them being together and wanted Xiao Han to leave Jie Luo in exchange for the continuation of the island's renovation project. For the good of the island, Xiao Han reluctantly agreed. This dealt a great blow to Jie Luo, and finding Xiao Han became his only job...
Happiness 2021
A new type of deadly virus spread throughout the city, and the apartment where has different social classes of people is sealed off. With the fear of the virus, and the conflicts of the different classes, the residents have to spend and survive in the new habitation.
Dear Little Mermaid 2022
Eight years ago, Qin Ge and Bai Qi Jia were the single most popular couple on campus. But when Qin Ge’s health took a turn for the worse, she had no choice but to end things with Qi Jia. Unable to adequately explain her reasons, the once loving couple parted in the most painful way possible. Now the author of a popular manga, Qin Ge has learned to live with her chronic illness, but it hasn’t been easy. Constantly trying to find a balance between work and the toll her illness takes on her, Qin Ge does her best. But when problems arise at work, Qin Ge finds herself quickly running out of ideas. Naturally, it’s at this exact moment that fate decides to bring Qi Jia back into her life. Having bid farewell to Qi Jia all those years ago, Qin Ge believed she had removed love from her life completely. But now that Qi Jia is back, how long will she be able to ignore those long-suppressed feelings?
Beautiful Rain 2012
A young daughter (Mana Ashida) supports her father (Etsushi Toyokawa) who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
Doom at Your Service 2021
A woman with only a short time to live and a man with the supernatural power to bring the world to an end discover the true meaning of life and love.
Beautiful Secret 2015
Twenty years ago, singer Wang Xuan spent all her savings trying to treat the illness of her daughter, but to no avail. In the end, she had to give her up for adoption, while hiding the truth from the world. Jiang Mei Li was adopted by Jiang Wei Guo and his wife, and suffers from amnesia after contracting a high fever. Unable to find her daughter, Wang Xuan decided to put all her love into her step daughter Xu Rou Lin. Twenty years later, Ruo Lin enters a singing competition to win back her ex-boyfriends, producer Guan Yi. While coming out to support her sister Jiang Mei Yan, Jiang Mei Li ends up being a competitor in the same competition. During the course of the competition, complicated relationships between love interests and family occur.
If I Can Love You So 2019
Betrayed by love, world-renowned pianist, Geng Mochi, and popular radio host, Bai Kao’er, meet under the worst of circumstances. Crossing paths at the funerals of their departed spouses, these wounded souls find a rare sort of comfort in each other’s company. Following their hearts to places most unexpected, the once jilted lovers find healing is possible even when it seems impossible. But what fate has brought together, fate can also tear apart. Caught up in a chaotic world of broken hearts, forbidden love, and tragic fates, Geng Mochi and Bai Kaoer must decide if their new-found love is worth fighting for.
Confession 2019
A sickly man with a strong mind has spent most of his childhood in a hospital. He is involved in a case of "double jeopardy," the principle that one cannot be tried for the same crime twice following either a conviction or an acquittal.
Pages of Life 2006
Nanda must rethink her plansof studying in Amsterdam when she discovers she is pregnant. After losing the support of her boyfriend Léo, the young girl decides to return home, where she suffers a serious accident and dies.However, Helena, her doctor, is able to save her new-born twins: Francisco and Clara. Unfortunately, Clara suffers from Downs Syndrome. Helena feels a strong emotional tie to Clara and adopts her.Years later, the twins’father Léo, a young and wealthy businessman, returns to the scene, wanting to gain custody of the children.However, Helena and Alex fight to the end to retain guardianship of the twins, whom they have raised with such love.
A Song to the Sun 2006
Amane Kaoru lives a night life, not because she wishes so, but because she is infected with the xeroderma pigmentosum virus. This virus defects the ability to repair damage caused by the sun's rays. Although she cannot expose her body to the sunlight, she dreams of becoming a singer, even if remaining positive has been ruined many times due to her illness. One night, playing outside, she meets Fujishiro Kouji, who has lost his job and hope, and becomes someone who reminds him of his long forgotten music passion.
88 Street 2016
A web drama that portrays the modern days' mentality through those who have various syndromes.
Insomniacs After School 2023
Ganta Nakami is a high school student who suffers from insomnia. He meets Isaki Magari, a girl with the same condition. A relationship forms as they share a secret and catch up on their sleep in their school’s abandoned observatory.