Indiana Jones i el dial del destí

Indiana Jones i el dial del destí 2023


Cinquena pel·lícula de la saga Indiana Jones. Quan l’arqueòleg Indiana Jones es jubila; la seva fillola l’arrossega a una nova aventura en què miraran de trobar un dial que podria canviar el curs de la història.


Indiana Jones i el temple maleït

Indiana Jones i el temple maleït 1984


Ara l'Indiana Jones arriba a l'Indià per trobar-se en un poble que viu sota una maledicció. Naturalment, farà tot el que pugui per ajudar els seus habitants.


La mòmia

La mòmia 1999


El legionari Rick O'Connell i el seu soci descobreixen durant una batalla a Egipte les ruïnes de Hamunaptra, la ciutat dels morts. Passat un temps, aquest descobriment us permetrà salvar la seva vida i tornar al lloc amb una egiptòloga i el seu germà, on coincideixen amb un grup d'americans. Tots ells, seduïts per l'aventura, provocaran la resurrecció de la mòmia d'un diabòlic sacerdot egipci que intenta recuperar desesperadament la seva estimada.


El cinquè element

El cinquè element 1997


Cada 5000 anys s'obre una porta entre les dimensions. En una dimensió existeix l'Univers i la vida. En l'altra dimensió hi ha un element que no està fet ni de terra, ni de foc, ni d'aire, ni d'aigua, sinó que és una antienergia, l'antivida: és el cinquè element.


Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001


Explorar imperis perduts, descobrir tresors de valor incalculable, castigar els malvats en combats a vida o mort… tot forma part d'un dia de treball per a l'aventurera Lara Croft. Però un secret del passat del seu pare portarà la Lara al seu desafiament més gran: el Triangle de la Llum, un artefacte llegendari amb el poder d'alterar l'espai i el temps. Lara ha de trobar el Triangle abans que caigui en poder dels Illuminati, una societat secreta disposada a dominar el món. Per aturar els Illumitati, Lara ha de sobreviure a una autèntica cacera a través del planeta, plena de perills inimaginables.


A la recerca de l'arca perduda

A la recerca de l'arca perduda 1981


Any 1936. Indiana Jones és un professor universitari d'arqueologia, però alhora un aventurer a la recerca de valuoses relíquies històriques. Després de tornar d'una infructuosa missió a Amèrica del Sud, el govern nord-americà li encarrega una nova comesa: trobar l'Arca de l'Aliança, on es creu que els hebreus van dipositar els manaments que Déu havia atorgat a Moisès, abans que els nazis la trobin i en facin un mal ús ja que, segons la llegenda, l'objecte atribueix un poder invencible a qui la posseeixi.


Indiana Jones i el regne de la calavera de cristall

Indiana Jones i el regne de la calavera de cristall 2008


L'afamat arqueòleg i aventurer Henry "Indiana" Jones torna a l'acció quan esdevé involucrat en un complot sovièticn que pretén descobrir el secret que s'amaga darrera els misteriosos objectes coneguts com les calaveres de cristall.


Indiana Jones i l’última croada

Indiana Jones i l’última croada 1989


El pare d'Indiana Jones, el doctor Henry Jones, desapareix misteriosament mentre estava cercant el Grial. El seu fill seguirà les seves investigacions per tal de trobar-lo, i aturar un cop més els nazis.


Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - El bressol de la vida

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - El bressol de la vida 2003


Enfrontant-se a nous i majors perills i desafiaments, Lara Croft mostra els seus poders físics en una altra trepidant aventura. La intrèpida heroïna viatjarà a un temple submergit sota l'aigua a la recerca de la llegendària "Caixa de Pandora", però abans que arribi, una banda de criminals xinesos, liderats per Chen Lo, aconsegueix apoderar-se del preat objecte. La Lara haurà d'aturar-los abans que el facin servir amb fins malèfics.


La profecia

La profecia 1976


Quan Kathy Thorn dóna a llum un nadó mort, el seu marit Robert li amaga la veritat i substitueix el seu fill per un nen orfe, ignorant-ne l'origen satànic. L'horror comença quan, al cinquè aniversari de Damien, inesperadament, la seva mainadera se suïcida. Un sacerdot que intenta advertir Robert del perill que corre, mor en un inesperat accident. El creixent nombre de morts fa que Robert, per fi, s'adoni que el nen que han adoptat és l'Anticrist, i que cal matar-lo per impedir que es compleixi una profecia terrible.



Mòmies 2023


A Egipte, a l’interior de la terra, hi ha una ciutat de mòmies amb 3.000 anys d'antiguitat. Per desig dels déus, la princesa Nefer i Thut s’han de casar en set dies, encara que no ho vulguin, i portar al casament l’anell del Faraó. Mentrestant, a la superfície, Lord Carnaby troba un anell de casament reial egipci en una expedició arqueològica. Quan Thut descobreix que l'anell ha estat robat, puja al món dels humans per recuperar-lo, acompanyat del seu germà Sekhem, la Nefer i en Croc, la seva mascota cocodril. Viuran una gran aventura a la moderna Londres i descobriran una cosa que no entrava als seus plans.


Darrere el cor verd

Darrere el cor verd 1984


La Joan Wilder, famosa autora de novel·les romàntiques, rep una trucada des de Colòmbia de la seva germana Elaine. L'han segrestada i només l'alliberaran si la Joan lliura als segrestadors un misteriós mapa que li ha arribat per correu. Quan la Joan arriba a la selva colombiana disposada a rescatar l'Elaine, ha de superar tota mena d'obstacles i lluitar per la pròpia supervivència. En aquesta perillosa odissea l'ajudarà Jack Colton, un aventurer que no és ben bé com els herois que ha somiat a les seves novel·les.


Les mines del rei Salomó

Les mines del rei Salomó 1985


Allan Quatermain, un famós caçador, emprèn un safari pel cor d'Àfrica. Alhora, Elizabeth Curtis, acompanyada del seu germà John, s'interna a la zona més inhòspita del continent per buscar el seu marit, desaparegut mentre buscava les mines del Rei.


Jackie Chan Adventures

Jackie Chan Adventures 2000


Jackie Chan teams up in this animé-style adventure with his 11-year-old niece, Jade, traveling the globe to locate a dozen magical talismans before the sinister Dark Hand does. Helping Jackie and Jade is Uncle, a cantankerous but wise antiquities expert. Though officially Jackie works as an archaeologist, in reality he also assists Captain Black, leader of the covert police squad Section 13.


Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter 1999


Sydney Fox is a professor and globe-trotting "relic hunter" who looks for ancient artifacts to return to museums and/or the descendants of the original owner. She is aided by her linguistic assistant Nigel and occasionally by her somewhat air-headed secretary Claudia. She often ends up battling rival hunters seeking out artifacts for the money.


The Librarians

The Librarians 2014


A group of librarians set off on adventures in an effort to save mysterious, ancient artifacts. Based on the series of "The Librarian" movies.


Born Again

Born Again 2020


Life, death and second chances take center stage in this story about three people whose intertwined destinies travel through space and time with haunting results. It’s the 1980s and Detective Cha Hyung Bin has devoted his life to criminal justice, and his heart to Ha Eun, a bookshop owner suffering from heart disease who keeps her illness a secret. But Cha Hyung Bin isn’t the only one pining after Ha Eun: serial killer Gong Ji Chul has also fallen in love with her. Their lives collide with tragic results, but 30 years later, they’re reincarnated and fate brings them together again. The more time passes, the more their new lives become tangled in the devastating web of history. Will they manage to escape the past, or be forced to come face to face with it?


Candle in the Tomb: The Lost Caverns

Candle in the Tomb: The Lost Caverns 2020


Hu Ba Yi, Shirley Yang and Wang Pang Zi explore a mysterious tomb in the Shaanxi region. Shirley Yang travels to the Longling Maze Grottos to investigate unusual patterns on fossil fragments. On the way, she crosses paths with Hu Ba Yi who along with Wang Pang Zi have just escaped from the ancient city. The trio become companions in another tomb-raiding adventure. ~~ Adapted from the 2nd volume in the novel series "Candle in the Tomb" (鬼吹灯) by Zhang Mu Ye (天下霸唱).


King Solomon's Mines

King Solomon's Mines 2004


Renowned safari hunter Allan Quatermain is lured back into the unknown recesses of the African jungles to find a man who disappeared while searching for the fabled King Solomon's Mines--a destination of legendary riches from which no soul has ever returned alive.



Labyrinth 2012


Jumping back and forth between modern and medieval France, the lives of two women separated by centuries, are united in their search for an ancient artifact.



Digman! 2023


Celebrity archaeologist Rip Digman and his team of experts travel dangerous parts of the world to unearth legendary artifacts and grow their reputations as fearless adventurers.


The Last Templar

The Last Templar 2009


The Last Templar is a four-hour Canadian miniseries, based on the 2005 novel The Last Templar, which aired in the U.S. on January 25 and 26, 2009, starring Mira Sorvino, Scott Foley, Victor Garber, Anthony Lemke, Kenneth Welsh, Danny Blanco Hall and Omar Sharif. The miniseries is produced by Muse Entertainment Enterprises. Emmy Award-winning Robert Halmi Sr., along with Robert Halmi Jr., and Michael Prupas are the executive producers.


El Dorado

El Dorado 2010


Archeologist Jack Wilder stumbles upon clues to the whereabouts of the fabled Incan city of El Dorado. He finds himself tracked by a deadly mercenary and captured by the corrupt Peruvian army. He is rescued by an ex-lover, Maria Martinez, who joins him on his quest to find the legendary golden city.



Bonekickers 2008


Bonekickers was a BBC drama about a team of archaeologists, set at the fictional Wessex University. It made its début on 8 July 2008 and ran for one series. It was written by Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes creators Matthew Graham and Ashley Pharoah. It was produced by Michele Buck and Damien Timmer of Mammoth Screen Ltd and co-produced with Monastic Productions. Archaeologist and Bristol University academic Mark Horton acted as the series' archaeological consultant. Adrian Lester has described the programme as "CSI meets Indiana Jones [...] There's an element of the crime procedural show, there's science, conspiracy theories – and there's a big underlying mystery that goes through the whole six-episode series." Much of the series was filmed in the City of Bath, Somerset, with locations including the University of Bath campus. Additional locations included Brean Down Fort and Kings Weston House, Chavenage House for episodes 5 & 6 and Sheldon Manor. On 21 November 2008 Broadcast magazine revealed the show would not be returning for a second series.


Digging for Britain

Digging for Britain 2010


Dr Alice Roberts follows a year of British archaeology, joining up the results of digs and investigations the length of the country.


Danger Island

Danger Island 1968


Danger Island is a live-action adventure serial produced by Hanna-Barbera and originally broadcast in 1968 as a segment on the Banana Splits Adventure Hour. It was filmed in Mexico and directed by future Superman, Goonies, and Lethal Weapon director Richard Donner and featured Jan-Michael Vincent as Lincoln 'Link' Simmons. The series comprises a 3-hour adventure yarn broken down into 36 short chapters. Each chapter is roughly five minutes long and includes a suspenseful cliffhanger ending that is resolved in the next installment.


Bible Secrets Revealed

Bible Secrets Revealed 2013


It is said to be one of the oldest books in the world. Has it been altered? If yes why? A remarkable journey back in time to see what the Old Testament and the New Testament is hiding from us.


Mummy Mysteries

Mummy Mysteries 2020


An international team of archaeological experts reveal the true stories behind ancient Egypt's most infamous mummies, using modern forensic science, they uncover tales of life and death in one of history's most mysterious civilizations.



Shoreline 2009


Explore the nearly 3000 kilometers of South African coastline – stretching from the desert border with Namibia on the Atlantic coast southwards around the tip of Africa and then north to the border with Mozambique on the Indian Ocean.


Who's Been Sleeping in my House

Who's Been Sleeping in my House 2011


Have you ever wondered about who lived in your house before you? Where did they come from? What were their dreams, hopes and fears? And what became of them? "Who's Been Sleeping In My House?" is an Australian series presented by archaeologist Adam Ford exploring the incredible stories that lie between the bricks and mortar of our homes. From the Western Australian goldfields to the tropics of Queensland, Adam peels back the extraordinary lives of everyday Australians - people who lived, loved, bore children and moved on in the great cycle of life. As ghosts of the past, family secrets and architectural surprises are revealed, the present owners' relationships with their homes will be changed forever by the startling mysteries and unexpected revelations Adam unearths. Beneath the floorboards, between the walls, under the eaves, or somewhere deep down in the garden, the secrets of the past are just waiting to be revealed.