A la recerca de l'arca perduda

A la recerca de l'arca perduda 1981


Any 1936. Indiana Jones és un professor universitari d'arqueologia, però alhora un aventurer a la recerca de valuoses relíquies històriques. Després de tornar d'una infructuosa missió a Amèrica del Sud, el govern nord-americà li encarrega una nova comesa: trobar l'Arca de l'Aliança, on es creu que els hebreus van dipositar els manaments que Déu havia atorgat a Moisès, abans que els nazis la trobin i en facin un mal ús ja que, segons la llegenda, l'objecte atribueix un poder invencible a qui la posseeixi.



Smallfoot 2018


Un Yeti jove i llest es troba amb un exemplar d’una espècie que no coneixia: un ésser humà. La notícia provoca commoció dins de la comunitat dels Yetis i, a ell, una fama sobrevinguda com a descobridor.



Sold 2016



The Serpent

The Serpent 2021


The remarkable story of how murderer Charles Sobhraj was captured. As the chief suspect in unsolved murders of young Western travellers across India, Thailand and Nepal’s ‘Hippie Trail’ in 1975 and 1976, Sobhraj had repeatedly slipped from the grasp of authorities worldwide to become Interpol's most wanted man, with arrest warrants on three different continents.


Herne Katha

Herne Katha 2018


Series of Short Documentaries about the people in Nepal. Untold stories of ordinary people.


The Quest For Everest

The Quest For Everest 2015


Karl and Chris goon a 3 week trip, where they got to travel through China, Tibet & Nepal with the highlight of reaching Mount Everest base camp. However, their plans fall apart with Chris being hospitalised with severe altitude sickness. Will they succeed with our quest for Everest?


India's Frontier Railways

India's Frontier Railways 2015


Three-part series about trains crossing borders in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, reconnecting families, cultures and history.


Nepal - Home of the Gods

Nepal - Home of the Gods 2020


Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world and yet magical and mystical. On the Mahendra Highway, the trade route from east to west, the documentary series leads across the Himalayan country with the highest mountains in the world.