Matrix Resurrections

Matrix Resurrections 2021


En un món compost per dues realitats, el que és quotidià i l'ocult darrere d'ella, Thomas Anderson es torna a veure obligat a anar darrere del conill blanc. Aquesta elecció continua sent la via d'accés a Matrix, que aquesta vegada és més poderosa i intrincada que de vegades anteriors.


Matrix reloaded

Matrix reloaded 2003


Thomas "Neo" Anderson va prendre una costosa decisió quan va decidir fer la pregunta que Morfeu i Trinity havien formulat abans que ell. Cercar i acceptar la veritat. Alliberar la seva ment de Matrix. Ara, Neo adquireix un major domini dels seus extraordinaris poders mentre Sió cau assetjada per l'Exèrcit de les Màquines. Només una qüestió d'hores separa a l'últim enclavament humà a la Terra de 250.000 Sentinelles programats per destruir a la humanitat. Però els ciutadans de Sió, animats per la convicció de Morfeu que l'Elegit farà realitat la Profecia de l'Oracle i posarà fi a la guerra amb les Màquines, posen totes les seves esperances i expectatives en Neo, que es troba bloquejat per visions inquietants mentre cerca quines mesures prendre.


Matrix revolutions

Matrix revolutions 2003


Queden vint hores per a la irrupció de les màquines a Sió, el darrer bastió dels humans lliures. Mentre el cos de Neo roman en coma, la seva consciència es troba a terra de ningú, en un lloc entre el món humà i el de les màquines.


Missió: Impossible

Missió: Impossible 1996


Ethan Hunt és un superespia capaç de dur a terme la missió més perillosa amb la màxima eficàcia i elegància. Forma part d'un competent equip dirigit per l'agent Jim Phelps, que ha tornat a reunir als seus homes per participar en una dificilíssima missió: evitar la venda d'un disc robat que conté informació secreta de vital importància.



Her 2013


En un futur proper, Theodore, un home solitari a punt de divorciar-se que treballa en una empresa com a escriptor de cartes per a terceres persones, compra un dia un nou sistema operatiu basat en el model d'intel·ligència artificial, dissenyat per satisfer totes les necessitats de l'usuari . Per sorpresa seva, es crea una relació romàntica entre ell i Samantha, la veu femenina d'aquest sistema operatiu.


Missió: Impossible III

Missió: Impossible III 2006


Després d'haver dut a terme diverses missions, l'agent especial Ethan Hunt s'ha retirat del servei actiu i s'ha promès amb la seva estimada Julia. Però, quan és segrestat un dels agents entrenats per ell, tornarà de nou a l'acció. També haurà d'enfrontar-se a Owen Davian, un individu sense escrúpols que trafica amb armes i amb informació.


Missió: Impossible II

Missió: Impossible II 2000


L'Ethan Hunt aquesta vegada, dirigeix el seu equip de l'FMI en una missió per a capturar un virus alemany mortal abans que els terroristes l'utilitzin. La seva missió es fa impossible ja que ell no és l'única persona que va al darrere d'aquest virus. Haurà de competir amb una panda de terroristes internacionals encapçalats per un malvat ex agent de l'FMI que ja ha aconseguit fer-se amb l'antídot del virus.


Hackers, pirates informàtics

Hackers, pirates informàtics 1995


Els hackers poden entrar a qualsevol sistema. Normalment són només adolescents i ja es troben sota la vigilància de les autoritats. Són els pirates informàtics. Zero Cool, de nom Dadee Murphy, és una llegenda entre els de la seva classe. El 1988 va provocar el sol la caiguda de 1.507 ordinadors a Wall Streeet i les autoritats li van prohibir tocar un sol teclat fins que complís 18 anys.



Hush 2016


Maddie Young, una jove escriptora sordmuda de novel·les de terror, es trasllada a una cabana aïllada al bosc per escriure el seu nou llibre. Un cop allà, serà assetjada per un assassí en sèrie que fa servir una ballesta per matar.



Blackhat 2015


En Nicholas Hathaway és un pirata informàtic que treuen d'una presó federal per intentar identificar i trobar una perillosa xarxa mundial de ciberdelinqüents. A mesura que Hathaway s'acosta a l'objectiu, el seu interès és cada vegada més personal.



Host 2020


Sis amics realitzen una sessió espiritista per Zoom durant la quarantena, cosa que els porta a viure una sèrie d'aterridores experiències. Quan un esperit maligne envaeix casa seva, comencen a preguntar-se què és el que poden fer per sobreviure a la nit.


Jocs de guerra

Jocs de guerra 1983


A David Lughtman, estudiant de disset anys, li han suspès diverses assignatures. Però fent ús de la seva gran habilitat amb els ordinadors, aconsegueix canviar les notes i aprovar el curs. Un dia, jugant amb la seva màquina, David entra en contacte amb "Joshua", l'ordinador del Departament de Defensa dels Estats Units, i decideix "jugar a la guerra". El noi creu que és un joc més però, sense adonar-se'n, desafia "Joshua" a un esgarrifós joc de guerra termonuclear mundial. Entre les dues màquines planegen desplegar totes les estratègies i opcions per a una Tercera Guerra Mundial.


Speed 2

Speed 2 1997


Una noia somia gaudir d'unes meravelloses vacances pel Carib, en companyia del seu xicot, a bord del transatlàntic més luxós del món. El seu viatge al paradís es converteix en un viatge al mateix infern, quan un llunàtic geni de la informàtica es fa amb el comandament del creuer, posant-lo rumb a un desastre segur.


El gendarme i les gendarmes

El gendarme i les gendarmes 1982


La comissaria de Cruchot es trasllada a un nou edifici amb un equipament d'última generació i a més a més amb quatre membres nous, que no són altres que quatre dones policies. Tots es barallen per entrenar les noves reclutes. Però les coses es compliquen quan una darrere l'altra les policies van sent segrestades.


The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone 1959


A series of unrelated stories containing drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and/or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist.


Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley 2014


In the high-tech gold rush of modern Silicon Valley, the people most qualified to succeed are the least capable of handling success. Partially inspired by Mike Judge’s own experiences as a Silicon Valley engineer in the late ‘80s, Silicon Valley is an American sitcom that centers around six programmers who are living together and trying to make it big in the Silicon Valley.


The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd 2006


Two I.T. nerds and their clueless female manager, who work in the basement of a very successful company. When they are called on for help, they are never treated with any respect at all.



Zegapain 2006


Reality and fantasy seem to be breaking down for student Kyo Sogoru. Is he really a smart but unpopular swim enthusiast at Maihama High School, or is he a pilot of a giant robot in a war-devastated world? Which life is real and which is fantasy?


Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire 2014


During the rise of the PC era in the early 1980s, an unlikely trio - a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy - take personal and professional risks in the race to build a computer that will change the world as they know it.


Gridman the Hyper Agent

Gridman the Hyper Agent 1993


Three computer-savvy kids, Naoto, Yuka and Ippei created their own videogame superhero, but then discover it possessed by an inter-dimensional police officer, Gridman. Pursuing an evil program called Kahn Digifer, he merges with Naoto and fights Kahn Digifer's digitized monsters in order to prevent the computerized demon from wreaking havoc on the Human World.


Acapulco H.E.A.T.

Acapulco H.E.A.T. 1993


Acapulco H.E.A.T. is a 1993 syndicated television series that followed the Hemisphere Emergency Action Team [H.E.A.T.], a group of top-secret agents based in Acapulco, Mexico and recruited by C-5, a secret government coalition, to fight terrorism and international crime. The team kept a low profile, by acting as models and photographers who represented a Beach Fashion enterprise.


Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain 1998


Lain—driven by the abrupt suicide of a classmate—logs on to the Wired and promptly loses herself in a twisted mass of hallucinations, memories, and interconnected-psyches.



Maniac 2018


Two strangers are drawn to a mysterious pharmaceutical trial that will, they're assured, with no complications or side-effects whatsoever, solve all of their problems, permanently. Things do not go as planned.


Leap Year

Leap Year 2011


After being laid-off from their corporate day jobs, Aaron, Bryn, Derek, Olivia and Jack compete to get their businesses off the ground when a mystery benefactor promises to invest $500,000 in one of their startups.



Click 2000


Your user-friendly guide to the latest technology news, issues, gadgets and apps.



Delete 2013


Delete imagines a disaster in our all-too-fragile digital world where all computers could become dangerously self-aware with one systematic purpose–to destroy mankind. Faced with possible extinction, there is only one way out–create a second artificial intelligence, just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous.



Ctrl 2009


Ctrl is an American comedy web series by NBC. It is the first stand-alone web series launched by a major television network. The series stars Tony Hale as a typical office-working, self-confidence-lacking nerd who discovers he can undo things in real life. It is an adaptation and expansion of the short film Ctrl Z by Robert Kirbyson, which was a winner at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. CTRL was spotted and developed by SXM from the original short film Ctrl Z, which was screened at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008. SXM ultimately partnered with NBC's digital studio to produce the online series. After NBC shut the digital studio in 2011, all rights reverted to SXM, who are currently developing Season 2 with Yahoo and a private investor. As of early 2012, the episodes appear to have been removed from the NBC website, but can be found on Hulu.


Defrag Tools

Defrag Tools 2012


Andrew Richards, Chad Beeder and Larry Larsen host this deep dive into the tools used on the tech support show Defrag. Each Defrag Tools show focuses on a specific tool, going deep into a tool's features, explaining when and why you should use the tool, and provides experience based tips to get the most out of the tool.


Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates

Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates 2019


Take a trip inside the mind of Bill Gates as the billionaire opens up about those who influenced him and the audacious goals he's still pursuing.


Computer Chronicles

Computer Chronicles 1984


The Computer Chronicles was an American television series, broadcast during 1981-2002 on Public Broadcasting Service public television, which documented the rise of the personal computer from its infancy to the immense market at the turn of the 21st century. The series was created in the Fall of 1981, by Stewart Cheifet, then the station manager of the College of San Mateo's KCSM-TV, initially broadcast as a local weekly series. Jim Warren was its founding host for its 1981-1982 season. It aired continuously from 1981 to 2002 with Cheifet co-hosting most of its later seasons. Gary Kildall served as co-host for six years providing insights and commentary on products as well as discussions on the future of the ever-expanding personal computer sphere.



Dweebs 1995


Dweebs is an American television comedy program that ran on CBS from September 22, to November 9, 1995, before it was canceled. 10 episodes were produced, of which six aired during the original airing schedule, and the remaining four episodes were aired elsewhere at a later date.


All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace 2011


We have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.


Dark Net

Dark Net 2016


A documentary series that explores the furthest reaches of the internet and the people who frequent it, Dark Net provides a revealing and cautionary look inside a vast cyber netherworld rarely witnessed by most of us. Provocative, thought-provoking and frequently profound, each episode illuminates an exciting, ever-expanding frontier where people can do anything and see anything, whether they should or not.


The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd 2007


You know those cool guys who charm the ladies, have tons of friends and get invited to the hottest parties? Roy and Moss are not those guys. A night of fun for these I.T. nerds means getting dressed to the nines for the latest iPhone webcast. But Jen, their new office manager, is going to change all that. Tech-savvy, she’s not, but she knows how to win people over and get ahead. After living for years in oblivion, Roy and Moss hope Jen can help them get the recognition they so desperately long for.