Entrenador Carter

Entrenador Carter 2005


El film està inspirat en la vida real del controvertit entrenador de bàsquet Ken Carter, que en el segon any a l'Institut Richmond de Califòrnia, i amb un equip imbatut amb 13 victòries, va decidir que els seus jugadors no jugarien els propers dos partits i en el seu lloc estudiarien per als exàmens trimestrals pel baix nivell acadèmic que tenien.


El codi d'honor

El codi d'honor 1992


El 1950, David Green, un adolescent jueu de classe mitjana, rep una beca en una elitista escola preuniversitària de Nova Anglaterra, on els gerents el consideren imprescindible perquè l'equip de futbol guanyi la lliga escolar. Però a canvi de poder gaudir de la beca, li demanen que mantingui en secret la religió. El jove no triga a fer molts i bons amics i a assolir el lideratge de l'equip, però també desperta la gelosia d'altres companys que poc després descobreixen que és jueu, inadmissible dins del sistema de valors que regeix les seves vides.


Tots volem alguna cosa

Tots volem alguna cosa 2016


Jake arriba a la Universitat de Texas en el seu esportiu, amb les finestretes baixades i la música a tot volum. Queden només uns dies perquè arrenqui el curs, però pensa aprofitar-los coneixent noies, anant a festes i fent amics.


A la recerca d’en Forrester

A la recerca d’en Forrester 2000


Conegut al seu barri per la seva condició d'esquerp solitari,... Forrester és un home el misteri i l'excentricitat del qual són gairebé mítics. Quan Jamal, un destacat estudiant negre, aconsegueix colar-se al seu apartament amb una cartera plena de treballs literaris, de manera inesperada i insòlita, s'hi estableix una relació altament profitosa.


Segrestant la senyoreta Tingle

Segrestant la senyoreta Tingle 1999


El futur de la Leigg Ann, l'estudiant més guapa i popular de l'institut de Grandsboro sembla brillant i ple de possibilitats. Té l'oportunitat de sortir del seu petit poble gràcies a una beca d'estudis. Però hi ha un problema la senyoreta Tingle, la professora d'història que des de fa 20 anys s'ha dedicat a amargar als seus alumnes. Ara el seu objectiu és la Leigh Ann i els seus amics acusats injustament de copiar.


Far from Home

Far from Home 2022


Through a scholarship to a top school, Ishaya ends up in the luxurious world of the happy few in Nigeria, but a secret threatens not only to put an end to this.



Boarders 2024


Brace yourselves - the new kids are here. Five talented black scholarship students, and an elite private school with a reputation problem. One of them will have to change...


The Girl Named Feriha

The Girl Named Feriha 2011


Adını Feriha Koydum is a Turkish television drama series produced by Med Yapım. The series broadcast on Show TV and it is written by duo Melis Civelek and Sırma Yanık.


The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura

The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura 2013


Haruka, a girl who suffers during her childhood due to her ability to read people's mind, is starting her high-school life in a new school. When she transferred in, she feels that her life will be the same as ever, but then she meets Manabe, a guy who always think about erotic things, and a club consisting of people who aren't afraid of her ability. With Manabe and her clubmates around, her gloomy life slowly start to bloom and enjoyable.


Sweet Combat

Sweet Combat 2018


As the eldest daughter of the Fang Conglomerate, Fang Yu was raised to become the sole successor of the company, yet she goes against her family's objections to pursue boxing and won the championship title at the young age of 18. On the other hand, Ming Tian comes from a poor family. He once stopped schooling for three years in order to work and he decided to apply for a sports scholarship despite not having any background whatsoever. Fang Yu was one of the first to see his talents and their relationship grows over time.


Young Americans

Young Americans 2000


Young Americans is an American television drama. The show explores themes of forbidden love, morality, social classes and gender roles.


Miss Seventeen

Miss Seventeen 2005


Miss Seventeen is a reality television show on MTV that aired from October 17, 2005 to December 19, 2005. The show consisted of 17 young women competing for an internship at and a college scholarship. Atoosa Rubenstein was the main judge, she was the youngest editor-in-chief ever to run Seventeen magazine. They picked 17 girls from around the United States who were not only photogenic but also had been at the top of their class, to provide a role model for young women. The girls were flown to New York, where they would take part in a contest similar in format to The Apprentice — they would be given tasks to be done by Atoosa, and in each episode one of the girls would be eliminated from the competition. The winner would get her face on the cover of Seventeen magazine, a college scholarship and would be offered an internship job on the magazine. The criteria for elimination were not only performing poorly — Atoosa was watchful of how the girls talked when no one else was in the room, via cameras set up around the house. In this manner, she could watch the girls with their guards down and see what their real motivations and dreams were. In one elimination, for example, Atoosa sat down with the girl and explained that she didn't feel that the girl was in the contest for the 'right' reasons — video clips were shown to the viewers which showed the girl talking to her other roommates and explaining that she was more interested in the face-time she would get for being part of an MTV show.