
Pinotxo 1940


Un avi anomenat Geppetto fabrica una marioneta de fusta que anomena Pinotxo, amb l'esperança que es converteixi en un nen de veritat. La Fada Blava fa realitat el seu desig i dóna vida a Pinotxo, però conserva el cos de fusta. Pepito Grillo, la consciència de Pinotxo, haurà d'aconsellar-ho perquè s'allunyi de les situacions difícils o perilloses fins a aconseguir que el ninot es converteixi en un nen de carn i ossos.



Gremlins 1984


Un noi rep una nova i estranya mascota. Les instruccions són clares respecte el que pot menjar, i quan, però inadvertidament trenca les regles i es converteix en un monstre imparable.



Pinotxo 2022


Versió en acció real de l'aclamat conte sobre una marioneta que s'embarca en una trepidant aventura per convertir-se en un nen de debò. La història també presenta altres personatges, com Gepetto, el fuster que fabrica Pinotxo i el tracta com el seu propi fill; Pepito Grillo, que fa de guia i “consciència” de Pinotxo; la Fada Blava; l'Honrat Joan; la gavina Sofia, i el cotxer.



Laberint 1986


Sarah es queda encarregada de cuidar el seu mig germà Toby. El nen no deixa de plorar i Sarah en un arrencada de ràbia li demana al Rei Goblin, un personatge del seu llibre favorit, que sent porti al seu germà. Finalment el seu desig es compleix i el Rei Goblin, Jareth, es mostra davant ella dient-li que per recuperar el seu germà té 13 hores en què deu resoldre el seu laberint i arribar fins al seu castell per evitar que Toby es converteixi en un goblin. Jareth tracta d'impedir que Sarah arribi a la meta, la posa a prova amb jocs mentals, difícils endevinalles i trampes infinitat al llarg del difícil laberint que canvia constantment. Sarah es troba en un dilema en què ha de decidir el seu camí en la vida, és a dir, enfrontar-se a la realitat que no és més que una nena.


Pinotxo de Guillermo del Toro

Pinotxo de Guillermo del Toro 2022


Versió musical en animació stop motion del famós conte de 'Pinocho', ambientada a la Itàlia feixista, durant la dècada de 1930.


L’últim boy scout

L’últim boy scout 1991


Willis és un detectiu privat en hores baixes. Havia estat un dels agents més importants del servei secret nord-americà, però la seva carrera va acabar en enfrontar-se amb un polític corrupte. Wayans, una gran estrella del futbol, ​​cau en desgràcia al veure's involucrat en un suposat escàndol. Tots dos uniran les forces per resoldre els seus problemes.



Maniquí 1987


Jonathan Switcher és un jove artista que busca la seva vocació. Un dia veu un maniquí a l'aparador d'un centre comercial que havia creat abans en una de les seves feines i, després d'aconseguir feina en aquesta botiga, descobreix que en realitat és una dona de l'antic Egipte que ha cobrat vida. La seva bellesa, amor i imaginació fan que es converteixi en motiu d'inspiració per al disseny dels aparadors del negoci. Davant el seu èxit, uns rivals del gremi pretendran acabar amb males arts.


La doble vida de Véronique

La doble vida de Véronique 1991


Kieslowski i la música de Preisner. El sentit de la vida i l’atzar. La determinació social i la voluntat. I una Irène Jacob màgica. En correspondència amb la programació del Palau sobre Masramón-Guinovart.


Mr. Magorium i la seva botiga màgica

Mr. Magorium i la seva botiga màgica 2007


La botiga de joguines de Mr. Magorium és la més estranya, encantadora i màgica de tot el món. Molly Mahoney, la seva gerent, rep la visita del seu excèntric propietari.



Annette 2021


En Henry és un monologuista còmic d'humor incisiu i l’Ann una cantant de renom internacional. Centre de totes les mirades, junts formen una parella feliç envoltada de glamur. El naixement de la seva primogènita, l'Annette, una nena misteriosa amb un destí excepcional que els canviarà la vida.


El castor

El castor 2011


Walter Black ho té tot, una dona meravellosa i dos fills fantàstics. Però, des de fa uns quants mesos, ha perdut la il·lusió per viure, a més de tota esperança per trobar alguna cosa que valgui la pena. Sumit a una gran depressió pren la decisió d'abandonar la seva llar durant algun temps. Passat aquest, torna i ho fa de millor humor, el secret d'aquest canvi radical és una marioneta amb forma de castor que va trobar en un contenidor d'escombraries. Encara que a priori sembli una ximpleria, aquest castor permet que Walter es comuniqui més estretament amb els altres, li facilita expressar els seus sentiments i alliberar així el seu cor. Però aquesta teràpia que en principi sembla positiva, no ho serà tant quan es torni en contra, en descobrir que depèn completament del ninot i que no pot fer res sense la seva ajuda. D'aquesta manera, la seva dona i fills intentaran fer tot el que estigui a les mans per recuperar el marit.


Bear in the Big Blue House

Bear in the Big Blue House 1997


The series provides children with valuable tools for growth in key areas of music, social skill development, and cognitive learning through integrated programs combining music, movement, and exploration. With Bear and all his friends, learn about cooperation, teamwork and more.


Sesame Street

Sesame Street 1969


On a special inner city street, the inhabitants—human and muppet—teach preschoolers basic educational and social concepts using comedy, cartoons, games, and songs.


The Sooty Show

The Sooty Show 1955


The Sooty Show is a British children's Puppet series which aired on the BBC from 1955 to 1967 and ITV from 1968 to 1992. It follows the adventures and comedic day to day life of puppets Sooty, Sweep and Soo with their owner Harry Corbett, and in later years, his son Matthew.



Rainbow 1972


Children's puppet programme featuring music and stories. Join George, Bungle, Zippy, and all their friends at the Rainbow House, always an exciting place to be.


Jim Henson's Animal Show with Stinky and Jake

Jim Henson's Animal Show with Stinky and Jake 1994


The show was hosted by Jake, a jovial polar bear, and Stinky, his skunk friend. Other main characters included Armstrong the Chicken Hawk, Ollie the Tapir, Bunnie Bear, Tizzy the Bee, Yves St. La Roache, Rhonda Rat, and Dullard the Aardvark. Structured as a talk show, the hosts interviewed two guest animals in each episode. The animals talked about themselves and showed clips of their real-life counterparts.


Cousin Skeeter

Cousin Skeeter 1998


With the help of his strange cousin Skeeter, Bobby learns life lessons and tackles the ups and downs of growing up.


Muppets Tonight

Muppets Tonight 1996


Muppets Tonight is a live-action/puppet television series created by Jim Henson Productions and featuring The Muppets. Much like the "MuppeTelevision" segment of The Jim Henson Hour, Muppets Tonight was a continuation of The Muppet Show, set in a television studio, rather than a theater. It ran on ABC from 1996 to 1998 and reruns ran on Disney Channel from 1997 to 2002. As of 2013, it is the last television series to star The Muppets characters.


Strange Hill High

Strange Hill High 2013


Mitchell, Becky, and Templeton set out to discover their school's many mysteries and secrets, along the way encountering monsters, paradoxes, and timely winery nonsense as they try to avoid the headmaster and Mitchell's worst enemy, Mr. Abercrombie.


The Muppet Show

The Muppet Show 1976


Go behind the curtains as Kermit the Frog and his muppet friends struggle to put on a weekly variety show.


Bodger and Badger

Bodger and Badger 1989


Bodger and Badger is a BBC children's comedy programme which was first broadcast in 1989. It starred Andy Cunningham as Simon Bodger, who had a badly behaved companion, a talking badger with a love for mashed potatoes.


Mystery Science Theater 3000

Mystery Science Theater 3000 2017


The cult hit returns! Captured by mad scientists, new host Jonah survives a blitz of cheesy B movies by riffing on them with his funny robot pals.



LazyTown 2004


A pink-haired girl named Stephanie moves to LazyTown with her uncle (the mayor of LazyTown), where she tries to teach its extremely lazy residents that physical activity is beneficial.


Tales from the Crypt

Tales from the Crypt 1989


Cadaverous scream legend the Crypt Keeper is your macabre host for these forays of fright and fun based on the classic E.C. Comics tales from back in the day. So shamble up to the bar and pick your poison. Will it be an insane Santa on a personal slay ride? Honeymooners out to fulfill the "til death do we part" vow ASAP?


Spitting Image

Spitting Image 1984


Spitting Image is an award winning British satirical puppet show, created by Peter Fluck, Roger Law and Martin Lambie-Nairn. The series was produced by Spitting Image Productions for Central Independent Television over 18 series which aired on the ITV from 1984 to 1996. The series was nominated and won numerous awards during its run including 10 BAFTA Awards, including one for editing in 1989, and even won two Emmy Awards in 1985 and 1986 in the Popular Arts Category. The series featured puppet caricatures of celebrities famous during the 1980s and 1990s, including British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and fellow Tory politicians, American president Ronald Reagan, and the British Royal Family. The Series was the first to caricature the Queen mother.


The Jim Henson Hour

The Jim Henson Hour 1989


The Jim Henson Hour was developed as a showcase for the Jim Henson Company's various puppet creations, including the popular Muppet characters. This hour-long anthology series was hosted by Jim Henson and generally included two segments. The first segment,"Muppetelevision," included comedy skits starring the Muppets, as well as frequent guest appearances by popular entertainers. The second segment often featured rebroadcasts of original, Henson-created productions, such as episodes from Jim Henson's "The StoryTeller" anthology series.



Thunderbirds 1965


Thunderbirds is a 1960s British science-fiction television series which was produced using a mixed method of marionette puppetry and scale-model special effects termed "Supermarionation". The series is set in the 21st century and follows the exploits of International Rescue, a secret organization formed to save people in mortal danger with the help of technologically advanced land, sea, air and space vehicles and equipment, launched from a hidden base on Tracy Island in the South Pacific Ocean.



Mongrels 2010


Mongrels, formerly known under the working titles of We Are Mongrels and The Un-Natural World, is a British puppet-based situation comedy series first broadcast on BBC Three between 22 June and 10 August 2010, with a making-of documentary entitled "Mongrels Uncovered" broadcast on 11 August 2010. A second series of Mongrels began airing on 7 November 2011. The series revolves around the lives of five anthropomorphic animals who hang around the back of a pub in Millwall, the Isle of Dogs, London. The characters are Nelson, a metrosexual fox; Destiny, an Afghan hound; Marion, a "borderline-retarded" cat; Kali, a grudge-bearing pigeon; and Vince, Nelson's friend, a sociopathic foul-mouthed fox.


Basil Brush Show

Basil Brush Show 2002


The Basil Brush Show was a British children's television sitcom series, starring the glove puppet fox, Basil Brush. It was produced for six series by The Foundation, airing on CBBC from 4 October 2002 to 21 December 2007. The show is a spin-off from the original 1960's/1970's BBC television series, but without any of the original cast.


Greg the Bunny

Greg the Bunny 2002


Greg the Bunny is an American television sitcom that originally aired on Fox TV in 2002. It starred Seth Green and a hand puppet named Greg the Bunny, originally invented by the team of Sean S. Baker, Spencer Chinoy and Dan Milano. Milano and Chinoy wrote and co-produced the Fox show. The show was spun off from The Greg the Bunny Show, a series of short segments that aired on the Independent Film Channel, which were based on the Public-access television cable TV show Junktape. A show spin-off, called Warren the Ape, premiered on June 14, 2010 on MTV.


Puppets Who Kill

Puppets Who Kill 2002


Puppets Who Kill is a Canadian television comedy programme co-produced by The Comedy Network. It premiered in Canada on the Comedy Network in 2002, and in Australia on The Comedy Channel in 2004. In Puppets Who Kill, Rocko the Dog, Cuddles the Comfort Doll, Buttons the Bear, and Bill the Dummy are four live, anthropomorphic puppets with a history of delinquency and recidivism. Canadian courts sent each of them to a halfway house for puppets, operated by a man named Dan Barlow.