Promeses de l'est

Promeses de l'est 2007


A Londres, Anna (Naomi Watts), una llevadora que treballa en un hospital, decideix investigar la identitat d'una adolescent que mor al parir. I a partir del diari que va deixar escrit en rus, descobreix una perillosa banda mafiosa russa. En aquesta banda, l'enigmàtic xofer Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen) es veu enxampat entre la lleialtat al grup mafiós i l'amor per Anna.


Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife 2012


Drama following the lives of a group of midwives working in the poverty-stricken East End of London during the 1950s, based on the best-selling memoirs of Jennifer Worth.


The Delivery Man

The Delivery Man 2015


Matthew decides to leave his job and train to become a male midwife on a busy maternity ward. He is soon joined by best friend and former policeman friend Ian who joins as the hospital security guard.