Un bon any

Un bon any 2006


Max Skinner és un home de negocis d'èxit de Londres que devora els seus competidors per mirar de liderar el mercat europeu. La seva filosofia és guanyar per damunt de cap altra cosa a la vida. Però un dia rep la notícia que el seu oncle Henry, l'únic parent que li queda, ha mort. L'oncle li ha deixat una finca a la Provença i això provocarà que la vida de Max faci un tomb radica.


A les seves sabates

A les seves sabates 2005


La Rose trenca relacions amb la Maggie, la seva germana petita, a causa d'una indiscreció relacionada amb el nuvi de Rose. L'ambient enrarit es normalitza amb l'arribada d'Ella, l'àvia que cap de les dues germanes no sabia que existia.


L’últim sopar

L’últim sopar 1995


Cinc estudiants liberals, satisfets de si mateixos i de les seves ideologies, es reuneixen cada diumenge en un sopar per discutir aspectes socials en què sempre hi estan d'acord. El seu hàbit és convidar aquests sopars a un pensador aliè a les seves idees per remoure la conversa i crear polèmica. Quan el destí els ofereix a un monstruós fanàtic conservador, les coses es desbordaran imprevisiblement...


El dubte

El dubte 2008


Nova York, dècada dels 60. La normalitat de l'escola religiosa de Sant Nicolau, al barri del Bronx, es veu alterada quan la germana Aloysius, directora del centre, sospita que s'amaga alguna cosa tèrbola rere les atencions que mossèn Flynn, capellà de la parròquia i també professor a l'escola, dedica a en Donald, un alumne de dotze anys que és l'únic nen negre del centre. La cosa s'agreuja quan enxampen en Donald bevent vi de missa i la germana Aloysius acusa directament mossèn Flynn d'estar-hi al darrere. Tot i la intervenció a favor del capellà de la germana James, una monja jove, i de no tenir-ne cap prova, la germana Aloysius insisteix en les seves acusacions.


La dona a la finestra

La dona a la finestra 2021


La Dra. Anna Fox, que pateix d'agorafòbia, passa els seus dies tancada a casa seva a Nova York, bevent vi mentre veu velles pel·lícules i espia els seus veïns. Un dia, mentre mira per la finestra, veu una cosa que passa davant de casa seva, a la llar dels Russell, una família que acaba d'arribar al barri.



Viridiana 1962


Don Jaime, un vell gentilhome espanyol, viu retirat i solitari a la seva hisenda des de la mort de la seva dona, ocorreguda el mateix dia del casament. Un dia rep la visita de la seva neboda Viridiana, novícia en un convent, que té una gran semblança amb la seva dona.



Somm 2013



Històries de terror

Històries de terror 1962


Tres històries de terror basades en tres relats d'Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). Vincent Price és el protagonista dels tres episodis. A "Morella" interpreta un home obsessionat per la idea que la seva filla és la responsable de la mort de la seva dona. A "El Gat Negre", una parella d'amants adúlters són enterrats vius per un espòs gelós. I a "El Cas del senyor Valdemar", a un bruixot que condemna un innocent a patir un autèntic infern en vida, li surt el tret per la culata.


Falcon Crest

Falcon Crest 1981


Falcon Crest is an American primetime television soap opera which aired on the CBS network for nine seasons, from December 4, 1981 to May 17, 1990. A total of 227 episodes were produced. The series revolves around the feuding factions of the wealthy Gioberti/Channing family in the Californian wine industry. Jane Wyman starred as Angela Channing, the tyrannical matriarch of the Falcon Crest Winery, alongside Robert Foxworth as Chase Gioberti, Angela's nephew who returns to Falcon Crest following the death of his father. The series was set in the fictitious Tuscany Valley northeast of San Francisco.


Cougar Town

Cougar Town 2009


Jules Cobb is a mom in her forties facing the often humorous challenges, pitfalls and rewards of life's next chapter. Along for the journey is her son, her ex-husband, her husband/neighbor and her friends who together make up her dysfunctional, but supportive and caring extended family... even if they have a funny way of showing it sometimes.


Black Books

Black Books 2000


Black Books centres around the foul tempered and wildly eccentric bookshop owner Bernard Black. Bernard’s devotion to the twin pleasures of drunkenness and wilful antagonism deepens and enriches both his life and that of Manny, his assistant. Bearded, sweet and good, Manny is everything that Bernard isn’t and is punished by Bernard relentlessly just for the crime of existing. They depend on each other for meaning as Fran, their oldest friend, depends on them for distraction. Black Books is a haven of books, wine and conversation, the only threat to the group’s peace and prosperity is their own limitless stupidity.


Drops of God

Drops of God 2023


While the world of wine mourns the death of Alexandre Léger, his estranged daughter, Camille, learns his extraordinary collection is now hers. But before she can claim her inheritance, Camille must best Alexandre's protégé, Issei, in a test of their senses.


A Year in Provence

A Year in Provence 1993


Annie and Peter Mayle decide, in their own words, to take the plunge: they quit their jobs as a tax investigator and an advertising executive and move to Provence in the south of France. Their experience in their first month go from outstanding to downright puzzling. They adore the food and wine but do encounter amusing cultural barriers from the lengthy discussion every time they go to the butcher, to the plumber who promises to come back but is unseen for the the next month. They also learn that their old friends in England are lining up to visit them in the summer.


Wine First

Wine First 2021


Wine First is a series that matches delicious wine and food. The program takes viewers through some of the most beautiful European wine regions, where sommelier Liora Levi and food enthusiast Yolanda Ano search for three wines that reflect the character of the area. In each episode, Liora and Yolanda challenge one renowned local chef to cook three dishes that complement the taste and qualities of each of their chosen wines.


UniverXO Dabiz

UniverXO Dabiz 2024


Chef Dabiz Muñoz faces a life-changing decision: to keep his most renowned restaurant at the top — or close its kitchen for good.


The Grapes of Guilt

The Grapes of Guilt 2023


In the family drama "The Grapes of Guilt", two main themes are intertwined - wine and the guilt that a person experiences in his life. The 12-episode film revolves around the wine industry. It tells the story of a young man forced after the death of his uncle to abandon his seemingly orderly life in the US and revive his winery. His desire is strong, he has no experience and his legacy is desperate - lying barrels, debts and workers who will soon be on the street. Only the wayward winemaker of the cellar can get him out of the mess, but her father turns out to be a hidden partner in the business, whose plans do not coincide with those of the "intruder". Secrets and guilt from the past are about to ruin everything.



私の美酒を探して・・・。 2011


Fine alcohol is loved by people all over the world, nurtured by various cultures and histories. We introduce this charm, along with the beauty of nature, cityscapes, and gastronomy unique to each region. Enjoy local alcohol and scenery while traveling. This is a program that makes you want to enjoy such elegant and luxurious mood.


A Closer Look

A Closer Look 2020


A closer look at wines and wine regions throughout the world.


New York Wine and Table

New York Wine and Table 2008


New York Wine & Table explores culinary journeys through New York’s regions in a unique television show featuring food, wine, agriculture, restaurants, people and landscapes. The series is hosted by nationally known television lifestyle host Susan Hunt. In this series, Susan travels from Lake Erie’s grape region to Long Island, from the Hudson River Valley to the Thousand Islands to Niagara Falls. In each episode she talks with winemakers, farmers, and restaurateurs who produce some of the finest wines and foods in the world.



Uncorked 2015


Master Sommelier is a title earned by passing one of the passing one of the world’s most difficult exams. Only over 200 people have earned that title. This docu-series follows six aspiring master sommeliers from New York, as they prepare for the Court of Masters Sommelier exam.


In Wine Country

In Wine Country 2002


In Wine Country is a lifestyle television show originating from NBC's owned-and-operated station in San Jose, California, KNTV, which serves the San Francisco Bay Area, and also airs throughout the country on the network's "Nonstop" digital subchannels and as part of the overnight schedule early Sunday mornings over the main NBC television network. In Wine Country debuted as "Wine Country Living" in January of 2002 after KNTV became an NBC affiliate. It changed its title to the current "In Wine Country" in September of 2004. The program is hosted by Mary Babbitt and mainly deals with topics pertaining to wine and life in California's Napa Valley, along with other American wine-producing regions.


Sake R-Evolution

Sake R-Evolution 2021


Through Japanese retailers’ efforts to apply new technologies and the passion of the foreign sake-lovers, sake is now becoming a global beverage with genuine sake breweries opening outside Japan.