La decisió de l’Anne

La decisió de l’Anne 2009


La vida de la Sara i el Brian Fitzgerald canvia radicalment quan la seva filla Kate, que només té dos anys, és diagnosticada de leucèmia. Immediatament, Sara deixa la seva carrera d'advocada per dedicar-se completament a la nena. L'única esperança de salvar-la és tenir un altre fill perquè sigui donant de medul·la. D'aquesta manera neix l'Anne i entre ella i Sara s'establirà una relació molt més profunda que la normal entre germans. Jesse, l'altre germà, queda sempre en un segon terme. Quan l'Anne fa onze anys, decideix emancipar-se mèdicament i per això contracta un advocat molt famós, que inicia un procés legal que dividirà la família.


L’ombra del regne

L’ombra del regne 2007


A Ronald Fleury, un intel·ligent agent especial del Govern, li acaben d'encarregar una missió important: organitzar un equip d'elit que s'haurà de desplaçar a Riad per capturar el cervell d'un atemptat terrorista que li va costar la vida a diversos compatriotes. L'equip disposarà d'una setmana per infiltrar-se i destruir una cèl·lula terrorista decidida a emprendre la gihad (guerra santa) contra Occident. Fleury troba un aliat inesperat: un capità de la policia local que l'instrueix sobre els secrets de la política saudita i l'ajuda a investigar l'autèntica raó de l'atemptat, gràcies a la qual cosa acabaran trobant els terroristes.



NCIS 2003


From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.


Forensic Files

Forensic Files 1996


Real crimes, disease outbreaks and accidents around the world are solved by experts using scientific laboratory analysis which helps them find previously undetectable evidence. Brilliant scientific work helps convict the guilty and free the innocent.


Body of Proof

Body of Proof 2011


Dr. Megan Hunt was in a class of her own, a brilliant neurosurgeon at the top of her game. But her world is turned upside down when a devastating car accident puts an end to her time in the operating room. Megan resumes her career as a medical examiner, determined to solve the puzzle of who or what killed the victims.


Autopsy Will Show

Autopsy Will Show 2019


Due to her father's illness, Inga Vilkas, a difficult-to-work-with medical examiner, comes back to the hometown and the job she left following a scandal. She efficiently solves confusing crimes for the medical examination bureau with her new colleague, investigator Oleg Gonchar.


Dr. G: Medical Examiner

Dr. G: Medical Examiner 2004


Dr. G: Medical Examiner documents cases handled by deputy chief medical examiner Dr. Jan C. Garavaglia (aka Dr. G) of Florida's District Nine Medical Examiner's Office. Each episode features two or three cases Dr. G has handled in the Orlando area, and also in Bexar County, Texas and Jacksonville, Florida where she was previously employed. Some portions of the show have been dramatized and some names have been changed to protect the dignity of individuals and their families.


Accident, Suicide or Murder

Accident, Suicide or Murder 2019


Exploring the unbelievable true stories of suspicious deaths by retracing the investigation from start to finish, dissecting the red flags and undeniable evidence, and strange behavior that put the tragedy in question.


The Coroner: I Speak for the Dead

The Coroner: I Speak for the Dead 2016


While detectives search for clues among the living, veteran Dauphin County, PA, coroner Graham Hetrick uncovers secrets of the dead. Each episode features a stylized re-enactment of a compelling homicide case taken directly from Hetrick's files. As viewers are led through a series of twists and turns, Hetrick peels back the layers of the investigation to reveal how the murder happened and who is to blame.



Harrow 2018


When a dark secret from this past threatens to be exposed, unorthodox and brilliant medical examiner, Doctor Daniel Harrow, must use all his forensic skills to keep it buried forever.


Medical Examiner Dr. Qin

Medical Examiner Dr. Qin 2016


Medical examiner Qin Ming, together with his assistant and a police detective, solves crimes with his expertise.



Scarpetta 1970


Chief Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta returns to Virginia and resumes her former position with complex relationships, both personal and professional – including her sister Dorothy, with plenty of grudges and secrets to uncover.