El quadern d’en Noah

El quadern d’en Noah 2004


En una residència de gent gran, un home llegeix una història escrita en un vell quadern de notes a una dona que pateix demència senil. És la història d'amor de Noah Calhoun i Allie Hamilton, que es van conèixer quan eren adolescents a Carolina del Sud. A la dècada de 1940, Allie Hamilton, filla d'una família prominent, ha anat a passar l'estiu amb els seus pares a la localitat costanera de Seabrook. Allà coneix en Noah, un noi molt ben plantat que treballa a la serradora. Malgrat les diferències de classe, s'enamoren profundament i passen un estiu inoblidable. Però els pares de l'Allie no permetran que la relació vagi a més, i la Segona Guerra Mundial els acabarà de separar.


Top Gun

Top Gun 1986


L'exèrcit dels Estats Units crea una escola d'elit per a pilots d'aviació, amb la finalitat de tenir una promoció d'experts en tècniques de combat. A l'acadèmia, més coneguda com a Top Gun, entrenen els millors pilots per ser intrèpids i freds al mateix temps, persones capaces de no perdre els nervis en situacions extremes i de no immutar-se en trencara la barrera del so. El jove Maverick arriba a l'escola precedit per la seva brillant i temerària manera de pilotar.


Decision to leave

Decision to leave 2022


Hae-Joon, un veterà detectiu, investiga la sospitosa mort d'un home al cim d'una muntanya. Aviat començarà a sospitar de Sore, la dona del difunt, mentre l'atracció que sent per ella el desestabilitzarà.


Brokeback mountain

Brokeback mountain 2005


Estiu de 1963. Dos vaquers, Ennis del Mar i Jack Twist, es coneixen mentre fan cua per ser contractats pel criador de bestiar Joe Aguirre. Tots dos aspiren a aconseguir una feina estable, casar-se i formar una família. Quan Aguirre els enviar a cuidar ovelles a la majestuosa muntanya de Brokeback, entre tots dos sorgeix un sentiment de companyonia que deriva cap a una relació íntima. Quan s'acaba l'estiu hauran de marxar de Brokeback i seguir camins diferents. La seva relació continua, a intervals, amb els problemes que vivien en aquella època les persones que tenien relacions homosexuals als Estats Units.



L’Espantataurons 2004


L'Òscar és un peixet que li agrada fer-se el valent. Es fica en un bon embolic quan per culpa d'una mentida es veu obligat a convertir-se en un heroi. En un principi els altres peixos es creuen la història de l'Òscar. Es fa famós. Tot va de meravella fins que comença a ser obvi que l'Òscar no és el gran defensor de l'Escull com havia fet creure a tothom. El nostre protagonista descobreix que ser un heroi surt car i li pot complicar molt la vida.


Desitjant estimar

Desitjant estimar 2000


Hong Kong, 1962. Un home i una dona, ambdós casats, queden sovint, ja que les seves respectives parelles viatgen molt per qüestions de feina. Un dia han de fer front a uns fets extremadament dolorosos.


Dirty dancing

Dirty dancing 1987


Estiu de 1963. La Baby, una noia idealista de família benestant, acompanya els pares i la germana al complex turístic Kellerman, on passaran les vacances. Entre les activitats dels estiuejants hi ha la possibilitat de rebre lliçons de ball supervisades per una parella d'instructors, en Johnny i la Penny. Més enllà de les massificades classes de "merengue" que reben els adults, la Baby descobreix a les festes secretes del personal un món diferent de balls excitants i provocatius. Tot i que no es permet que els treballadors es relacionin amb els clients, la Baby i en Johnny de seguida sentiran una forta atracció mútua.


Desig, perill

Desig, perill 2007


Durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, una agent secreta ha de seduir i després assassinar un funcionari que treballa per al govern titella japonès a Xangai. La seva missió s’enterboleix quan es s’enamora de l'home que té l’encàrrec de matar.


Memòries d’una geisha

Memòries d’una geisha 2005


Japó, 1929. Chiyo, una nena de nou anys, és venuda pels seus pares per treballar a la casa de Geishas de Nitta Okiya. La seva germana major Satsu no és acceptada i és enviada a un prostíbul. A la casa Chiyo coneix Pumpkin, una altra nena que serà instruïda per ser geisha, així com les famoses geishes Hatsumomo i el seu rival Mameha. Els començaments de Chiyo són durs, però una trobada amb què serà l'amor de la seva vida, el President, farà que des d'aquell moment només vulgui convertir-se en una famosa geisha per estar més a prop seu.


Els ponts de Madison

Els ponts de Madison 1995


El 1965, en uns dies que està sola perquè té el marit i els nens en una fira, Francesca Johnson veu alterada la seva pacífica vida de mestressa de casa a causa de l'aparició de Robert Kincaid, un fotògraf de la revista National Geographic, que prepara un reportatge sobre els ponts del comtat de Madison. Durant quatre dies ella l'acompanya a localitzar els ponts i viu amb ell un idil·li agredolç que necessita recollir en el seu diari. Un cop morta, els fills el troben i són conscients de les il·lusions i la soledat que havia experimentat Francesca.



Lolita 1962


Humbert Humbert, un professor de quaranta anys, s'acaba d'instal·lar a Ramsdale, New Hampshire. Allà s?enamora perdudament d?una nena d?onze anys, tant que concep un pla mestre: es casarà amb la seva mare, Charlotte Haze, per poder estar sempre a prop de l?objecte dels seus afectes: l?alegre adolescent, la irresistible nínfula de nom encantador, líric i melodiós: Lolita.


El pacient anglès

El pacient anglès 1996


Finals de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Un home ferit viatja en una caravana per una carretera d?Itàlia, però el seu estat és tan greu que s?ha de quedar en un monestir deshabitat i semiderruït, on s?encarrega de cuidar-lo Hana, una infermera canadenca. El seu cos està totalment cremat a conseqüència d'un accident patit a l'Àfrica, però encara té temps per explicar-li la història tràgica de la seva vida.


Sentit i sensibilitat

Sentit i sensibilitat 1995


Anglaterra, segle XIX. Dues germanes completament diferents: una, pura raó i sentit comú; l'altra, pura sensibilitat i passió, s'enfronten a l'amor i les adversitats de la vida. En morir el seu pare, han d'abandonar casa seva, que passa a mans d'un germanastre, fill del primer matrimoni del seu pare. Es muden al camp i, allà, tindran experiències amoroses que hi produiran un canvi profund.



Closer 2004


Dues parelles es desintegren quan comença a haver-hi afers adúlters destructius entre si.


Romeo i Julieta

Romeo i Julieta 1968


Rodar la tragèdia dels amants de Verona a Verona mateix va fer parlar d’un “Shakespeare neorealista”.


El piano

El piano 1993


1851. L'Ada és una dona muda des dels sis anys que només es comunica a través de la música i de la seva filla, Flora. Un matrimoni concertat l’obliga a deixar la seva Escòcia natal acompanyada de la filla i el piano. El seu destí és Nova Zelanda, on l’espera l'Stewart, un granger amb qui no té res en comú. El seu patiment augmenta quan el seu marit ven el piano all seu veí George. Però l'Ada aconseguirà continuar tocant a canvi de fer classes en George.


Love Me Not

Love Me Not 2019


When Fares comes back from Syria to reopen his parents' restaurant in the Lebanese town of "Nesr El Jabal", he is struck by rumors accusing the powerful landlord Fawzi of their murder years ago. A truth that is bound to threaten the love story that has started with the beautiful Yasma, Fawzi's daughter who has just came back from Paris.


Men In Love

Men In Love 2024


The self-disciplined and diligent editor-in-chief of a magazine, Ye Han, helped the clumsy and lovely physical education teacher Li Xiaoxiao resolve embarrassing crises again and again by chance. Due to past experiences, it was difficult to take the step of love. The enthusiastic and direct magazine publisher Xu Jiacheng met their former model sister Tong Yiwen. The two continued to seek balance in their pursuit of love and career.


Endless Love

Endless Love 2010


The perfect and happy lives of Johnny and Jenny turn topsy-turvy when an accident leads their family to discover an incident from the past. The family learns there was a case of baby switching in the hospital the day Jenny was born. They discover that Robert and Katherine's real daughter is Shirley (Nadine Samonte), the poor, mean and resentful classmate of Jenny.



Sarazanmai 2019


After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...


Love Is Sweet

Love Is Sweet 2020


Jiang Jun is a girl who is allergic to tears and has a double degree in economics and psychology. She is unrestrained and idealistic due to her family's superior background. After graduation, she worked in a philanthropy organization where she pursues her dreams. However, her father's sudden accident leaves her in a dilemma. Eventually, she decides to work in a top investment company to fulfill her father's dying wish. In MH, Jiang Jun meets her childhood playmate, Yuan Shuai. However, the current Yuan Shuai is no longer her gentle protector, but her rival. In MH, where the "culture of wolf instinct" is rampant, someone is plotting against Jiang Jun while someone sees her as an eyesore. However with her kind nature and attention to details, along with her high EQ and sense of judgment, Jiang Jun eventually attains success in both her career and love life.


Love and Deception

Love and Deception 2022


The sudden and mysterious demise of his father Phipop leads Pithai to discover that his girlfriend Kamolthip was in fact his father's lover, and therefore a prime suspect in his death. To escape she runs off with another man and Pithai begins to blame Chadathan, her younger sister who has always had a secret crush on him. She soon finds herself in a love trap with Pithai that binds them together, but will they ever be able to escape the cycle of love, revenge, and pain?


Where Have You Been?

Where Have You Been? 2016


Widower Ramzi is going to marry Nisrine who is a lot younger than him. This shocks his son Jad and his girlfriend Sila as well as the entire family, who will do their best to get rid of Nisrine and keep her way from the family.


More than Blue: The Series

More than Blue: The Series 2021


More than Blue: The Series revolves around the journey of music producer Wang Po Han and his assistant An Yi Qi to find the copyright owner of the mysterious song for their artist, A-Lin. They also came across a diary belonging to K who is the producer of the mysterious song and traveled into the life story of K through the diary. The diary tells the story of K and Cream, two orphans who journey through life and share experiences in sadness and joy together. However, K is diagnosed with fatal leukemia cancer. Knowing that Cream's biggest fear is to be left alone, K keeps the fact that he has terminal cancer a secret.


Memory of Encaustic Tile

Memory of Encaustic Tile 2022


Inside the Beijing hutongs where professionals who engage in art conservation and restoration live is a story between a museum conservator and a translator. Shao Xue, Zheng Sunian, and Zhang Qi are children of museum conservators. They share many experiences growing up having lived through the SARS epidemic, the death of their loved ones, and the old city being demolished to forge a deep friendship with each other. As they grow up, everyone starts to choose different paths. Influenced by Zheng Sunian's mother, Shao Xue is unwilling to give up the infinite possibilities of the future for the sake of love and leaves home to search for greener pastures. Zheng Sunian inherits the legacy left by his mother to become a conservator-restorer and finds meaning through the preservation of cultural artifacts. Zhang Qi earns the opportunity to study abroad due to his mathematical skills. Before leaving, he decides to bury his feelings for Shao Xue.


Natutulog Ba ang Diyos?

Natutulog Ba ang Diyos? 2007


Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos? was the fourth installment of Sineserye Presents, an ABS-CBN production. It is based on the 1988 film, Natutulog Pa Ang Diyos which, in turn, is based on the original novel of the same name by Ruben R. Marcelino. The story revolves around a young woman who was switched at birth. As a result, what could have been a life of prosperity became a life of poverty. Meanwhile, the baby boy who was put in her rightful place has grown up to be spoiled and irresponsible, but is secretly caught up in his feelings for her.


Engraçadinha... Seus Amores e Seus Pecados

Engraçadinha... Seus Amores e Seus Pecados 1995


18 years old Engraçadinha starts a secret love affair with her cousin Sílvio, who's engaged to her best friend Letícia, who is secretly in love with Cutie Pie. Twenty years later, Cutie Pie is a deeply religious married woman who's afraid her teenage daughters might end up making the same mistakes she did in the past.


A Royal Secret

A Royal Secret 2021


Based on true events, the story follows restauranteur Kurt Haijby and his the secret relationship with king Gustav V, which eventually got out and led to one of the worst miscarriages of justice that Sweden has ever witnessed.



Kenali 2021


Leo, a nostalgist, tries to fulfill his client's dream, Mr. Edi, to own a house with the exact same design as his old house. After hearing Pak Edi's story about his feelings for Mrs. Lina, his late wife, Leo felt pressed to find a love story with someone. Leo watched an ad for an app called Get to know, "you're not the only one who feels alone. There are lots of other people who feel it too. why not try together? "Kenali" now!


The Adventures of Dreambert and Bedsmith

The Adventures of Dreambert and Bedsmith 2025


Dreambert and Bedsmith are two wildly reckless brothers whose outrageous schemes always seem to land them in trouble, but their unbreakable bond and quick thinking help them find creative ways out. Along the way, they form unexpected friendships with quirky characters, proving that even the wildest misadventures can lead to unforgettable moments.