Paraula clau Remake
Wolf Man 2025
El rei lleó 2019
Simba és el fill del rei dels lleons, Mufasa, i hereu de tot el regne. Però quan el seu pare és brutalment assassinat pel seu oncle Scar, decidirà fugir, deixant via lliure perquè el seu oncle prengui el lloc del seu pare com a líder del ramat. Pel camí, Simba es troba amb el suricat Timó i el porc senglar Pumba, que li ensenyaran a viure la vida sense preocupacions. Però el jove lleó es veurà obligat a decidir entre la seva vida lliure de problemes o el seu destí com a rei.
Speak No Evil 2024
The Crow 2024
Un any després que ell i la seva promesa fossin assassinats, un corb místic retorna l'Eric a la vida perquè pugui clamar la seva venjança.
L’equalitzador 2014
En Robert McCall és un exagent de la CIA que actualment fa una vida tranquil·la i té una feina convencional de vuit hores al dia. Quan veu els maltractaments que pateix la Teri, una jove prostituta explotada per la màfia russa, decideix intervenir. Tot i haver adoptat el compromís de no tornar a utilitzar la violència, en Robert no es pot estar d'ajudar les víctimes d'injustícies i aprofita la seva tècnica letal i els seus anys d'experiència per enfrontar-se als delinqüents més perillosos.
Road House 2024
Dalton és un exlluitador de la UFC en hores baixes que accepta un treball com a porter en un conflictiu bar de carretera dels Cayos de Florida, només per a descobrir que aquest paradís no és tot el que sembla... Remake de la pel·lícula de 1989 amb Patrick Swayze.
Scarface 1983
Un emigrant cubà fred i sanguinari, Tony Montana, arriba de Cuba per instal·lar-se a Miami, on es proposa aconseguir un nom dins del crim organitzat de Florida. Amb el seu amic, Manny Rivera, inicia una ascendent carrera delictiva.
Beauty and the Beast 2017
La mòmia 1999
El legionari Rick O'Connell i el seu soci descobreixen durant una batalla a Egipte les ruïnes de Hamunaptra, la ciutat dels morts. Passat un temps, aquest descobriment us permetrà salvar la seva vida i tornar al lloc amb una egiptòloga i el seu germà, on coincideixen amb un grup d'americans. Tots ells, seduïts per l'aventura, provocaran la resurrecció de la mòmia d'un diabòlic sacerdot egipci que intenta recuperar desesperadament la seva estimada.
El renascut 2015
Durant una expedició a les terres salvatges americanes, el llegendari explorador Hugh Glass és brutalment atacat per un ós i donat per mort pels membres de la seva pròpia partida de caça. A la seva croada per sobreviure, Glass supera inimaginables tribulacions, a més de la traïció del seu confident John Fitzgerald. Guiat per la pura determinació i l'amor de la seva família, Glass haurà de superar un hivern dur mentre busca sense parar un motiu per seguir endavant i trobar la redempció.
Un home anomenat Otto 2022
Otto Anderson és un vidu rondinaire i molt obstinat. Quan una alegre jove família es muda a la casa del costat, Otto troba la forma de la seva sabata a l'espavilada, i molt embarassada, Marisol, cosa que comporta una molt improbable amistat que posarà el seu món de cap per avall.
Infiltrats 2006
El Departament de Policia de Massachussets vol acabar amb el regnat del mafiós Frank Costello. Un policia novell anomenat Bill Costigan serà l'encarregat d'infiltrar-se en la banda de Costello. La seva veritable identitat només la saben els seus dos superiors. Per altra banda, Colin Sullivan és un altre policia jove que forma part de la unitat d'Investigacions Especials, un grup d'oficials d'elit que també lluiten contra Costello. Però resulta que Sullivan treballa d'informador per al mafiós i d'aquesta manera el manté sempre un pas per davant de la policia.
Tu a Londres i jo a Califòrnia 1998
Hallie i Annie, dues bessones que s'assemblen com dues gotes d'aigua, van ser separades poc després de néixer, a causa del divorci dels seus pares. Hallie viu a Napa Valley amb el seu pare, que és viticultor. Per la seva banda, Annie viu a Londres amb la seva mare, una famosa dissenyadora de vestits de núvia. Cap de les dues no coneix l'existència de l'altra, però el destí fa que es trobin per casualitat a Maine, en un campament d'estiu. Abans de tornar a casa, les nenes ordeixen un pla per aconseguir reunir els seus pares, però hi ha un inconvenient amb què no comptaven: el seu pare projecta casar-se amb una altra dona.
Emmanuelle 2024
Locked 2025
La cosa 1982
Remake de 'The Thing from Another World', realitzada el 1951, per al qual l’especialista en maquillatge Rob Bottin va crear una criatura extraterrestre especialment truculenta.
Ben-Hur 1959
Judà Ben-Hur, fill d'una família noble de Jerusalem, i Mesala, tribú romà que comanda els exèrcits d'ocupació, havien estat amics de petits i ara, per qüestions polítiques, són enemics irreconciliables. Ben-Hur és acusat d'haver atemptat contra la vida del nou governador romà i Mesala el fa empresonar juntament amb la seva família. Quan s'emporten Ben-Hur a les galeres, un jove anomenat Jesús de Natzaret s'apiada d'ell i li dóna beure. En una batalla naval, Ben-Hur salva la vida de l'almirall Quinto Arrio, que l'adopta i se l'emporta a Roma. Jesús, que ara arrossega multituds, es creua en el camí de Ben-Hur quan torna a Jerusalem per veure la seva mare i la seva germana, que tenen la lepra. Finalment Ben-Hur s'enfrontarà a Mesala en una mortal carrera de quadrigues i serà un testimoni d'excepció de la passió de Crist.
Dawn of the Dead 2004
Doraemon 2005
Robotic cat Doraemon is sent back in time from the 22nd century to protect 10-year-old Noby, a lazy and uncoordinated boy who is destined to have a tragic future. Doraemon can create secret gadgets from a pocket on his stomach, but they usually cause more bad than good because of Noby's propensity to misuse them.
Hawaii Five-0 2010
Steve McGarrett returns home to Oahu, in order to find his father's killer. The governor offers him the chance to run his own task force (Five-0). Steve's team is joined by Chin Ho Kelly, Danny "Danno" Williams, and Kono Kalakaua.
Sanford and Son 1972
The misadventures of a cantankerous junk dealer and his frustrated son.
The Good Doctor 2017
Shaun Murphy, a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospital's surgical unit. Unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues.
Shameless 2011
Chicagoan Frank Gallagher is the proud single dad of six smart, industrious, independent kids, who without him would be... perhaps better off. When Frank's not at the bar spending what little money they have, he's passed out on the floor. But the kids have found ways to grow up in spite of him. They may not be like any family you know, but they make no apologies for being exactly who they are.
The Office 2005
The everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.
V 2009
A re-imagining of the 1980s miniseries about the world's first encounter with an alien race in which the aliens call themselves The Visitors, and have a seemingly friendly agenda that may or may not be a cover for something more malevolent.
Hunter x Hunter 2011
Twelve-year-old Gon Freecss one day discovers that the father he had always been told was dead was alive. His Father, Ging, is a Hunter — a member of society's elite with a license to go anywhere or do almost anything. Gon, determined to follow in his father's footsteps, decides to take the Hunter Examination and eventually find his father to prove himself as a Hunter in his own right. But on the way, he learns that there is more to becoming a Hunter than previously thought, and the challenges that he must face are considered the toughest in the world.
Life on Mars 2008
After a car crash, police detective Sam Tyler mysteriously finds himself transported back to 1973 and still working as a detective.
Ushio and Tora 2015
Ushio thinks that his father's talk of an ancient ancestor impaling a demon on a temple altar stone with the legendary Beast Spear is nuts, but when he finds the monster in his own basement, Ushio has to take another look at the family legend! To save his friends and family from the invading spirits, Ushio is forced to release Tora from his captivity. But will the creature prove to be worse than the curse?
I Need Romance 2021
A 33-year-old fashion marketing director at a home shopping channel company has developed a tough, prickly outer shell in order to succeed in the workplace. After multiple failed relationships, she has given up on the idea of ever finding love. A 26-year-old songwriter with a carefree spirit returns home after living abroad for seventeen years. Raised by his mother's friend and her daughter, who is now that 33-year-old fashion marketing director. But she only remembers him as the kid she was forced to play with when her mom was too busy. When these two meet again, he attempts to heal her jaded sense of romance.
Three's Company 1977
When two single girls, Janet and Chrissy, need a roommate to share their Santa Monica apartment, they decide to offer a room to Jack, a man they find passed out in the bathtub after the going-away party for their last roommate. However, hijinks ensure when Jack must pretend to be gay in order to throw off the scent of the trio's conservative landlady.
Entre el Amor y el Deseo 2010
Entre el Amor y el Deseo is a Mexican telenovela by TV Azteca. It premiered on 2010. The protagonists are the international stars Lorena Rojas and Victor Gonzalez Reynoso. Grand actors such as Fernando Lujan, Hector Bonilla, Alvaro Guerrero, Veronica Merchant, Paco de la O and Gina Morett also included as cast members. This telenovela will be produced by Maria del Carmen Marcos, after her successful work in La Loba. Shooting of this series will start on 9 August 2010. The series premiered on 27 September 2010, at 10pm, sharing La Loba's timeslot.
All in the Family 1971
Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.
Anjo Mau 1997
Anjo Mau is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo between September 8, 1997 and March 27, 1998, in 173 chapters. Featured Glória Pires, Kadu Moliterno, Maria Padilha, Daniel Dantas, Leonardo Brício, Alessandra Negrini, Mauro Mendonça and Gabriel Braga Nunes in leading roles.
Magnum P.I. 2018
Thomas Magnum, a decorated former Navy SEAL, returns home from Afghanistan and applies his military skills to become a private investigator in Hawaii taking jobs no one else will—with the help of fellow vets T.C. Calvin and Rick Wright, and former MI:6 agent, Juliet Higgins.
I Love Betty La Fea 2008
I Love Betty La Fea is a Philippine drama series that was aired on ABS-CBN, based on the Colombian series Yo soy Betty, La Fea from RCN Television that began airing on September 8, 2008 and ended on April 24, 2009. From October 5, 2009 until May 28, 2010 it was aired in the United States and Canada via The Filipino Channel.
High Potential 2024
Morgan is a single mom with an exceptional mind, whose unconventional knack for solving crimes leads to an unusual and unstoppable partnership with a by-the-book seasoned detective.
Westworld 2016
A dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it explores a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged.
Tinik Sa Dibdib 2009
Tinik Sa Dibdib is a Philippine Drama and a Sine Novela offering produced by GMA Network starring Sunshine Dizon/Nadine Samonte, Marvin Agustin, Ara Mina and now with Sheryl Cruz. It is a TV remake of the hit drama flick in 1980's which starred Nora Aunor and Phillip Salvador. The series was aired internationally, with an approximate one-week delay, from October 2, 2009 until January 28, 2010 on GMA Pinoy TV.