Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2022
El poble de Wakanda plora la mort del seu Rei mentre prova de resistir als embats dels seus enemics exteriors. Enmig de tot això apareix Namor, un nou heroi que emergeix de les profunditats marines.
El poble de Wakanda plora la mort del seu Rei mentre prova de resistir als embats dels seus enemics exteriors. Enmig de tot això apareix Namor, un nou heroi que emergeix de les profunditats marines.
Explica les aventures d'Ella, una noia el pare de la qual, un comerciant, torna a casar-se després d'enviudar. Per agradar al seu pare, acull amb afecte la seva madrastra i les seves filles a la casa familiar. Però quan el seu pare mor inesperadament, la noia queda a mercè d'unes dones geloses i malvades que la converteixen en serventa i la releguen a la cuina. Però, malgrat la crueltat amb què la tracten, està disposada a complir les últimes paraules de la seva mare que li va dir que havia de "ser valent i amable".
Arthur Curry, també conegut com Aquaman (Jason Momoa), és un habitant d'un poderós regne subaquàtic que rep el nom de l'Atlàntida. En aquesta pel·lícula plena d'acció, aventura, i fins i tot parts de terror, coneixerem els seus orígens, des que era un nen criat per un home humà i considerat un pària pels seus, fins que creix i ha de fer front als problemes que han aparegut al seu món. Aleshores, aquest home meitat humà i meitat atlante, emprendrà el viatge de la seva vida, en què haurà de descobrir qui és realment i si és digne de ser un rei. Acompanyat de Mera (Amber Heard), farà front a aquest i altres reptes, mentre planta cara a Black Manta (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) i al seu propi germanastre Orm (Patrick Wilson). Serà capaç de dirigir el seu poble i esdevenir un heroi per al món?
Basada en l'èxit de vendes del New York Times, "Vermell, blanc i sang blava" gira entorn de l'Alex, fill de la presidenta dels EUA, i en Henry, príncep britànic, la relació personal dels quals provocarà un problema diplomàtic. Quan els joves es veuen forçats a una treva de cara a la galeria, la seva relació freda canvia i la fricció entre ells produeix un espurneig més profund del que esperaven.
El duc de York va esdevenir rei d'Anglaterra amb el nom de George VI (1936-1952), després de l'abdicació del seu germà gran, Edward VII. La seva tartamudesa, que era un gran inconvenient per l'exercici de les seves tasques, el va portar a buscar l'ajuda de Lionel Logue, un expert logopeda que va intentar eliminar aquest defecte de la parla del monarca.
"Stardust" comença a l'endormiscat poblet de Mur, al camp anglès, el nom del qual ve del mur de pedra que ha mantingut els seus habitants allunyats de l'amenaça que representa l'univers paral·lel i sobrenatural que existeix fora. Però el jove Tristany (Charlie Cox) fa una esvalotada promesa a la noia més bonica del poble (Sienna Miller) amb l'esperança de guanyar-se el seu cor: li portarà una estrella caiguda del cel. Per mantenir la seva promesa, Tristany haurà de passar a l'altre costat i entrar en el misteriós regne habitat per una màgia sense fi i llegendes de les què aviat en formarà part.
En Jon i en Garfield visiten el Regne Unit, on un cas d'identitat de gat equivocada descobreix que en Garfield governa un castell. El seu regnat aviat es veu compromès pel nefast Lord Dargis, que té dissenys a la finca.
Ptolemeu, faraó d'Egipte des de fa 40 anys, narra al seu escriba la vida d'Alexandre el Gran, amic seu des de la infantesa. Alexandre, fill de Filip de Macedònia, amb vint anys va pujar al tron després de l'assassinat del seu pare i va iniciar la conquesta de Pèrsia, l'imperi més gran de l'època. Després de derrotar Darios, Alexandre va continuar avançant cap a l'est durant set anys conquerint nous territoris amb l'ajuda dels seus generals i amics, patint nombroses baixes i suportant moltes penúries.
Un heroi s'alça, i proclama la fama i el nom. Beowulf! Caçador de dimonis, defensor del regne. Acabarà amb la ferotge bèstia que aguaita les terres dels víkings. Or i regnat seran la seva recompensa. Però la seva ambició el portarà a viure el costat més fosc de la pròpia llegenda.
Anglaterra, segle XVI. Narra la història de dues germanes, Ana i Maria Bolena (Portman & Johansson). El pare i l'oncle de totes dues, moguts per l'ambició de millorar el nivell social i el poder de la família, convencen les joves perquè conquistin l'amor d'Enric VIII, Rei d'Anglaterra. Anna i Maria abandonen la seva vida al camp per traslladar-se al perillós i apassionant món de la cort. Però aviat sorgeix entre elles una rivalitat sense caserna per obtenir l'amor del Rei. Al principi, el Rei escull com a amant Maria i té amb ella un bastard. Però Anna, que és molt intel·ligent i astuta, aconsegueix eclipsar la seva germana i, fins i tot, que el rei repudiï Caterina d'Aragó, la seva legítima dona.
Quan en Robin Hood torna de les Croades, després d'haver-se quedat sense propietats, veu com el país viu sota la corrupció del Príncep Joan, germà de Ricard Cor de Lleó. Molt aviat reunirà una banda de camperols amb la intenció d'acabar amb Joan i guanyar-se l'amor de Lady Marian.
Conan viatja amb un grup de buscavides per tal de rescatar la princesa Jehnna de les mans d'un màgic poderós.
"ACCA" is a giant unified syndicate residing in a kingdom split into 13 autonomous regions. ACCA was formed back when there was threat of a coup d'etat, and has continued to protect the peace for almost one hundred years. Jean Otus, vice-chairman of the inspections department at ACCA headquarters, wanders through the 13 districts, checking to see if there is any foul play afoot. His quiet everyday life slowly gets swallowed up into the world's conspiracies!
The life story of Queen Seondeok, the first queen of the Korean people during the Silla Dynasty.
The gripping, decades-spanning inside story of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Prime Ministers who shaped Britain's post-war destiny. The Crown tells the inside story of two of the most famous addresses in the world – Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street – and the intrigues, love lives and machinations behind the great events that shaped the second half of the 20th century. Two houses, two courts, one Crown.
During the great unrest of 4th-century China, war breaks out between the feudal Northern Wei and Southern Liang dynasties. General Lin Xie of Liang takes his only 17-year-old son, Lin Shu, into battle and successfully fights off the hostile Wei army. But when a political rival frames General Lin Xie, it causes the deaths of 70,000 Chiyan army soldiers. Lin Shu is able to escape with his life with the help of a loyal subordinate. Twelve years later, Lin Shu establishes the Jiangzuo Alliance and returns to the capital as the Chief Mei Changsu. When the Northern Wei forces mount another attack, to what lengths will Mei Changsu go to protect his own people?
The story of Sima Yi, a great politician and strategist who lived during the Three Kingdoms era. By his side, Sima Yi has his politically-astute distaff members of his household, and pitted against them are the formidable Cao Cao and his heirs. After defending the Kingdom of Wei from Kongming formidable talents, who will end up with the ultimate power?
Zhang Qing, a present-day college student in culture and history major wants to study in professor Ye's postgraduate class, so he decides to write a historical fiction to elaborate his perspective of analyzing ancient literature history with modern concept. In the fiction, Zhang himself acts as a young man Fan Xian with mysterious life who lives in a remote seaside town of Kingdom Qing in his childhood, under the help of a mysterious mentor and a blindfolded watchman. Fan goes to the capital when he grows up, where he experiences plenty of ordeal and temper. Fan persists in adhering the rule of justice and goodness and lives his own glorious life.
Charting the life of Isabella I of Castile, one of the most important women in Spain’s history, Isabel follows her passionate story from childhood to being crowned Queen. From her political struggles within King Henry IV's court to her wedding to Ferdinand of Aragon, the drama encapsulates the passions, emotions and sacrifices of a woman who refused to just be a figurehead and whose outlook was ahead of her time.
Set in the Joseon Dynasty period, a romance takes place between cold-hearted Gyun-Woo and Princess Hyemyung who causes troubles.
Hua Mantian, the son of a wealthy and powerful family, finds himself in an unwanted love triangle between a princess and his childhood lover, whom he truly loves. When his childhood lover is accused of treason, she uses magic to switch faces with the princess but their problems get deeper when the magic wears off quickly.
Towards the end of the Warring States Era, the States of Qin and Zhao are engaged in a lengthy battle. Li Hao Lan, daughter of the Censor-in-chief of Zhao, is forced out of her own home after being set up by her stepmother. Having nothing to her name, she is sold as a slave and purchased by Lu Buwei, who is cleverly able to marry Hao Lan to Ying Yiren, a Qin royal who resides in Zhao as a hostage. However, Hao Lan and Buwei's presence in the Zhao palace ignites a dangerous battle, as they rely on their wits to evade Princess Ya’s devious schemes.
In ancient times, the Yun clan appeared in the world and was able to control the power between heaven and earth. While other races had previously bowed to this power, the human King Xin chose a different path and challenged the overwhelming power as a mortal. However, when he lost to Ditian, the king of the Yun clan, he perished in battle. At the cost of her life, the princess protected Prince Wu Geng from being chased by the Yun clan. Prince Wu Geng, filled with grief and resentment, was reduced to a low-level slave in a mine in Pingyang. However, he was determined to restore his country, oppose the Yun clan, and avenge his family. With the help of Fu Xi, the high priest of the Shenyin Ministry, Prince Wu Geng sought out allies for his quest to take down the Yun Clan and win back his freedom.
A sweeping epic of good and evil, treachery and intrigue, violence and beauty, a sensuous, spirited story set against a backdrop of war, religious strife and power struggles in 12th Century England.
Queen Insoo focuses on the fierce power struggle among three women in the royal court of the Joseon Dynasty.
A story that follows Emperor Renzong of Song as he struggles between maintaining his ideologies of governing the country and his love for his daughter.
In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.
The Kingdom of The Wind, also known as The Land of The Wind, is a 2008 South Korean historial drama, broadcast on KBS from 10 September 2008 to 15 January 2009. It was directed by Kang Il-soo, written by Choi Wan-gyu, Jung Jin-ok, Park Jin-woo; adapted from manhwa by Kim Jin.
This movie can make you drop all what you have to do a whole day to watch it.... It is intriguing and fantastics.... Every episode leaves you wanting more... Watch it and prove me wrong
Despite her supposed ineptitude with regular magic, Princess Anisphia defies the aristocracy’s expectations by developing “magicology,” a unique magical theory based on memories from her past life. One day, she witnesses the brilliant noblewoman Euphyllia unjustly stripped of her title as the kingdom’s next monarch. That’s when Anisphia concocts a plan to help Euphyllia regain her good name-which somehow involves them living together and researching magic! Little do these two ladies know, however, that their chance encounter will alter not only their own futures, but those of the kingdom...and the entire world!
"Sisi" follows the extraordinary life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Modern, honest, and authentic. Told from the perspective of her closest confidants, the series takes a new look at the empress' life and reveals a multi-layered woman.
Haute couture meets the high court in this drama based on Lady Jang Hui Bin, or Jang Ok Jung, one of the most celebrated royal concubines of the Joseon Dynasty. Lady Jang establishes herself as a coveted fashion designer who quickly finds herself sought after not only by fashionable noblewomen, but by the king himself. Political drama and the catwalk collide in this tale of fashioning dreams into reality!