Glenn Morshower Black Hawk abatut Godzilla Bona nit i bona sort Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil Disaster! Defense Play Transformers: La venjança dels caiguts Death Benefit ExTerminators Deute de sang The Core The Crazies Psychic Experiment Moneyball Transformers: El costat fosc de la Lluna Delicate State Grizzly Park X-Men: Primera generació Desdemona: A Love Story After Earth 84C MoPic The River Wild Runaway Car Sketch Artist II: Hands That See Delta Farce I Did Not Forget You Backwards On Fire Rock-A-Die Baby Grumpy Old Santa Blackwood Follow Your Heart By Dawn's Early Light 12 Bucks Fire from Below Precious Victims Morts i enterrats A Few Days at Weasel Creek L’experiment Filadèlfia Hostage From the Files of Joseph Wambaugh: A Jury of One Flutter Under Siege Roe vs. Wade Els homes que miraven fixament les cabres Dominion Skeezer Sole Survivor When the Bough Breaks Bomb City Drive-In Air Force One L’últim cop Una història de venjança Parkland Pearl Harbor Gacy 12:01 Llocs foscos The Bermuda Triangle Transformers My Little Assassin Phoenix L’illa In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco Transformers: El darrer cavaller Curvature The Legend of Hell's Gate: An American Conspiracy Hoovey Rogue Assassin Alien Nation: Body and Soul The Jack Bull In the Army Now A Dark Foe Bug The Doo Dah Man The Waiter Every Other Holiday The Challenger Disaster Neon Days Tango i Cash Tots els homes del rei The Runners Shoot First: A Cop's Vengeance Striking Range Petits detalls Scream Test Under the Stadium Lights Star Trek: Generations The Short Game Viridian Grumpy Old Santa Hardcastle and McCormick Dark Skies Eli Stone Medical Investigation Star Trek: Enterprise CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shark Once and Again Star Trek: La nova generació The 4400 The Agency The Division Providence Alias Star Trek: Voyager Monk Matlock Bones King of the Hill Harsh Realm Cold Case 24 24 Crossing Jordan Charmed Murder One American Dreams Quantum Leap Criminal Minds Babylon 5 Summerland The X-Files Friday Night Lights Full House Millennium JAG The Huntress Diagnòstic: Assassinat Police Woman NCIS The Crow: Stairway to Heaven Dollhouse C-16: FBI Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revolution Castle Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Manhattan The West Wing Law & Order: Unitat especial de víctimes Supergirl Law & Order Viper ER Preacher Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams Star Trek: La nova generació Ozark Anatomia de Grey Panhandle Scandal Millennium The Resident JAG King of the Hill King of the Hill The Sentinel Invasió The Closer Manhunt Hawaii 5.0 NCIS: Los Angeles