Julia Faye Fool's Paradise The Ten Commandments L’espectacle més gran del món The Squaw Man A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court The Volga Boatman Reap the Wild Wind Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots The Golden Bed Changing Husbands The Great Moment Manslaughter The Squaw Man Dynamite Not So Dumb The Six Best Cellars Union Pacific The Affairs of Anatol The Yankee Clipper A Trip to Paramountown Nice People Saturday Night The Road to Yesterday Samson and Delilah The Fighting Eagle The Main Event Chicago The Godless Girl The King of Kings Male and Female Record d’una nit Adam's Rib The Life of the Party Feet of Clay The Spellbinder Holiday Inn The Lawless La vida íntima de Jody Norris Night Has a Thousand Eyes Beyond Glory Forbidden Fruit Something to Think About North West Mounted Police Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages Old Wives for New El crepuscle dels déus Califòrnia Nobody's Money Casanova Brown Les proeses de Paulina Bachelor Brides Els Deu Manaments Corporal Kate His Dog The Woman God Forgot The Surf Girl Don't Change Your Husband Fear in the Night On viu el perill Pacific Blackout Joana d'Arc Venus in the East Don't Call It Love The Big Clock The Voice of Hollywood No. 3 Alias Nick Beal Hollywood So Proudly We Hail Hell's Highroad Unconquered Here Comes the Groom Till We Meet Again Till I Come Back to You Red, Hot and Blue You and Me