Paul K. Lerpae Just for You Road to Rio Roustabout Easy Come, Easy Go Son of Paleface Will Penny L’oest boig Tickle Me A Medal for Benny Samantha Conquest of Space La dona del quadre La bella de Yukon Here Comes the Groom El Dorado Johnny Reno Those Redheads from Seattle Els Deu Manaments Paris When It Sizzles Descalços pel parc Black Spurs Bring on the Girls Sylvia Assalt al Queen Mary Murder, He Says So Proudly We Hail Tomorrow Is Forever Unconquered L’estranya parella Reap the Wild Wind La guerra dels mons Kitty The Dark Mirror Boeing, Boeing The Family Jewels El professor guillat Un cas de clínica Jerry Calamitat Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? Who's Minding the Store? Money from Home The Caddy Scared Stiff Here Come the Girls The Lemon Drop Kid Camí de Bali Paradise, Hawaiian Style