Don Towsley Energia Tom-Ica Fora els intrusos Sky Trooper Sleepy Time Donald Old Sequoia The Plastics Inventor Wet Paint Wide Open Spaces Donald's Nephews Donald's Better Self Mr. Duck Steps Out Donald's Cousin Gus The Clock Watcher Crazy with the Heat Donald's Dilemma Donald's Double Trouble Donald's Golf Game Donald's Lucky Day Cured Duck Donald's Tire Trouble The Bear That Wasn't The Night Before Christmas The Cookie Carnival Two-Gun Mickey Dumbell of the Yukon Drip Dippy Donald Donald's Crime Mickey's Service Station On Ice Moving Day The Hockey Champ Gat i dupli-gat Pinotxo Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness Duel sense fi Dolça és la venjança El gat amunt i el ratolí avall Donald's Snow Fight El ratolí encantat It's a Grand Old Nag El somnàmbul The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics Tecnologia i robòtica Panotxes roses Estima’m a mi i estima el meu ratolí Talking of Tomorrow El ratolí invisible El ratolí invisible Dr. Jerry, l’investigador És perillós caçar un ratolí How the Grinch Stole Christmas!