John McGiver Esmorzar amb diamants El missatger de la por The Gazebo Cowboy de mitjanit 'Twas the Night Before Christmas The Glass Bottom Boat Fitzwilly The Spirit Is Willing Who's Minding the Store? The Littlest Angel En nom de la llei Period of Adjustment Take Her, She's Mine L’esport favorit de l’home Love in the Afternoon Johnny Cool I Married a Woman A Global Affair Made in Paris Arnold Els meus sis amors Bachelor in Paradise Divorci a l’americana L'Homme à l'imperméable The Feminist and the Fuzz Harvey Trampa al meu marit Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation Mame Once Upon a Horse... Love in a Goldfish Bowl The Apple Dumpling Gang Who Killed the Mysterious Mr. Foster? Tom Sawyer Big Deal in Laredo The Great Man's Whiskers The Stingiest Man in Town Something's Got to Give Mirror, Mirror Off the Wall Gilligan's Island Alias Smith and Jones Embruixada La dimensió desconeguda Alfred Hitchcock Presents Many Happy Returns La dimensió desconeguda The Patty Duke Show Mr. Terrific The Jimmy Stewart Show The Rogues The Fugitive The Barbara Stanwyck Show The Beverly Hillbillies The Lucy Show Honey West Ensign O'Toole The Lucy Show The United States Steel Hour Alfred Hitchcock Presents I Dream of Jeannie Love, American Style