Dorothy Yost L’alegre divorciada Somnis de joventut La història de Vernon i Irene Castle Thunderhead: Son of Flicka Broadway or Bust The Big Cat Smoky Hello, Everybody! Bad Little Angel Too Many Wives Kentucky Pride Hills of Kentucky That Girl from Paris The Strawberry Roan There Goes the Groom The Cowboy and the Indians A Dog of Flanders Racing Lady The Hunted Woman Marriage in Transit The Footlight Ranger Bunker Bean Blackmail Forty Little Mothers Little Miss Smiles Jackie Cinderella of the Hills The Sea Bat Sporting Blood Murder on a Bridle Path Saginaw Trail Laddie Loaded Pistols Loaded Pistols M'Liss Blossoms in the Dust Four Girls in White For the Soul of Rafael What Men Want What Men Want Judgement Of The Hills Judgement Of The Hills The Harvester Freckles The New Teacher Uneasy Payments Mother Little Mickey Grogan For the Soul of Rafael Little Mickey Grogan The New Teacher Cause for Divorce Smoky The Little Yellow House Wallflowers Ever Since Eve