Cary Grant Perseguit per la mort Arsènic per compassió Encadenats Atrapar un lladre Quina fera de nena! Històries de Filadèlfia Houseboat Lluna nova On Assignment: 'His Girl Friday' Il était une fois... « Les enchaînés » Ingrid Bergman Remembered Xarada Hollywood Heaven: Tragic Lives, Tragic Deaths Father Goose Indiscreta Destination Tokyo Topper Orgull i passió Em sento rejovenir The Talk of the Town People Will Talk Sospita La núvia era ell Tu i jo La gran aventura de Sylvia Gunga Din Els Blandings ja tenen casa In Name Only Client mort no paga Alice in Wonderland L'herba és més verda That Touch of Mink Operació Pacífic I'm No Angel Blonde Venus Sophia Loren, une destinée particulière El solter i la menor North by Northwest: One for the Ages The Amazing Quest of Ernest Bliss La meva dona favorita La terrible veritat Totes les noies s’haurien de casar Nit i dia Lluna de mel Serenata nostàlgica She Done Him Wrong Només els àngels tenen ales Holiday Apartament per a tres Hollywood on Parade No. B-5 The Killer of Fossil Gulch Pirate Party on Catalina Isle George White’s scandals The Road to Victory Notre Dame de la Croisette Mr. Lucky Temps era temps Sempre n’hi cap un altre The Bishop's Wife The Woman Accused Hot Saturday Suzy The Howards of Virginia Madame Butterfly The Toast of New York Un cor en perill Crisis Dream Wife Dóna'ls un petó per mi Jag är Ingrid When You're in Love Showbiz Goes to War Sinners in the Sun Entre l’espasa i la paret This Is the Night Alegrement anem a l’infern L’àliga i el falcó Singapore Sue Gambling Ship Born to Be Bad Enter Madame Wedding Present Ladies Should Listen Thirty Day Princess Ales en la nit Big Brown Eyes The Last Outpost Kiss and Make-Up Smash His Camera All Star Party for Lucille Ball Hollywood: The Dream Factory Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years with NBC Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood Frank Capra's American Dream Oops, Those Hollywood Bloopers! The Men Who Made the Movies: Howard Hawks The Shining Future Topper Takes a Trip Cary Grant: A Class Apart Before the Fact: Suspicious Hitchcock Destination Hitchcock: The Making of 'North by Northwest' Marilyn: Something's Got to Give Hippies Rat Pack You're the Top: The Cole Porter Story Edith Head: The Paramount Years Behind The Gates: Cary Grant And Grace Kelly Writing And Casting To Catch A Thief On Location with Gunga Din Això és l'espectacle (I) Cole Porter in Hollywood: True Love Cary Grant: A Celebration of a Leading Man All-Star Party for Frank Sinatra Grace Kelly: The American Princess Mae West and the Men Who Knew Her The Trouble With Forgetting Kraft Salutes the George Burns 90th Birthday Special The Big Parade of Comedy Mel Brooks: Unwrapped Blow-Ups of 1947 El somni d’Arizona Grace Kelly – Hollywoods tragische Prinzessin Hitchcock, Selznick and the End of Hollywood Becoming Cary Grant Without Reservations Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? Metropolis refundada Complicated Women Això és l'espectacle (II) Myrna Loy: So Nice to Come Home To A New Romance of Celluloid: The Miracle of Sound Elvis: That's the Way It Is Screen Snapshots (Series 16, No. 1) Why Be Good?: Sexuality & Censorship in Early Cinema George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year And the Oscar Goes To... The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender A Tribute to the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital It's Showtime Screen Snapshots Series 19, No. 1 Dans l'ombre d'Hitchcock, Alma et Hitch Frank Sinatra: The First 40 Years Breakdowns of 1942 True Blue Hooray for Hollywood Topper Takes a Trip L'herba és més verda The American Film Institute Salute to ... The Oscars The Kennedy Center Honors V.I.P. Schaukel Spécial cinéma Tony Awards Star Life Reflets de Cannes Golden Globe Awards