Leo G. Carroll Perseguit per la mort Rebeca Cims borrascosos The Movie Orgy El premi Recorda Les neus del Kilimanjaro Estranys en un tren El pare de la núvia We're No Angels Sospita The Karate Killers El procés Paradine The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel Captius del mal Enchantment How to Steal the World The Spy with My Face Taràntula A Christmas Carol City in Darkness Tower of London The House on 92nd Street El cigne Sadie McKee The Right to Live Stamboul Quest Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex So Evil My Love Tu a Boston i jo a Califòrnia Murder on a Honeymoon Bahama Passage The Helicopter Spies One Spy Too Many The Casino Murder Case Forever Amber Song of Love One of Our Spies Is Missing Outcast Lady London by Night Treasure of the Golden Condor The Spy in the Green Hat The First Legion Mr. W's Little Game Clive of India Rogue's March Time Out of Mind Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police Scotland Yard La reina verge Captains Courageous The Happy Years Waterloo Bridge That Funny Feeling The Barretts of Wimpole Street This Woman Is Mine 1+1: Exploring The Kinsey Reports From Nashville With Music The Man from U.N.C.L.E. The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Studio One Going My Way Topper Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In Thriller Matinee Theater The Philco Television Playhouse Cavalcade of America Kraft Mystery Theatre Hazel Studio One Studio One Ironside The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse Alfred Hitchcock Presents Shirley Temple's Storybook