Rick Sharp Memòries d’un home invisible Bowfinger Islands in the Stream That Thing You Do! Confidence Cocktail St. Elmo's Fire Nen ric Almost Summer La guerra d’en Charlie Wilson Impulse Switch Arac attack S.O.B. Eloise at the Plaza Forrest Gump Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead Tooth Fairy Steal Big Steal Little In the Army Now Desperate Measures Lost in America Date Night Date Night Eloise at Christmastime El cop Rain man 12 Angry Men The Concorde... Airport '79 The Distinguished Gentleman Superagent 86 de pel·lícula Things Are Tough All Over Yes, Giorgio Top Gun Dos vells rondinaires Sunset Yes Man The Butcher's Wife Quarterback Princess Smokey and the Bandit II Ghost Story L’ombra del testimoni The Limey La nit cau sobre Manhattan The Marrying Man Micki + Maude Our Sons The Cat That Looked at a King Jennifer Eight Flashdance Dies de tro Quan un home estima una dona The Steeler and the Pittsburgh Kid Els nostres meravellosos aliats The Quiet Man: The Joy of Ireland