John Qualen Casablanca El raïm de la ira Lluna nova Centaures del desert Youth Will Be Served My Girl Tisa Blondie on a Budget Alaska, terra d'or El llibre de la selva L’home que va matar Liberty Valance La cicatriu Out of the Fog A Patch of Blue Charlie Chan in Paris The Strange Case of Dr. Meade Woman on the Run 7 Faces of Dr. Lao Dark Waters All That Money Can Buy Àngels damunt Broadway Those Calloways El destí també juga Les mil i una nits The Shepherd of the Hills El fugitiu I, the Jury Knute Rockne All American El gran combat Adventure Els quatre fills de Katie Elder El fabulós Andersen The High and the Mighty Larceny, Inc. The Big Steal Revolt in the Big House El retorn a casa Traficants d’armes The Other Woman The Jackpot The Impostor My World Dies Screaming Black Fury Angel's Holiday Million Dollar Baby Swing Shift Maisie Tortilla Flat Thunder Afloat Firecreek Honeymoon in Bali One More Spring Passió Our Daily Bread P.J. Goodbye, My Fancy Stand Up and Fight Roughly Speaking An American Romance Orchids to You Girls Dormitory Arrowsmith Meet Nero Wolfe He Was Her Man Seventh Heaven The Farmer Takes a Wife Sing and Like It Five of a Kind Captain Kidd Hail, Hero! The Flying Missile Fit for a King Let's Fall in Love Chasing Yesterday Ski Patrol The Mad Miss Manton Counsellor at Law Scheherazade 365 Nights in Hollywood Upperworld El gran país The Country Doctor The Bad Man of Brimstone Man on a Bus Alias a Gentleman Reunion Street Scene Captain China Let's Fall in Love Hi, Nellie! Dos cavalquen junts Persecució a alta mar Four Wives Let Us Live The Road to Glory Johnny Concho Man of Iron On Their Own La taverna de l’irlandès Thunder in the Night Anatomia d’un assassinat Reaching from Heaven Babies for Sale Unchained Ambush at Tomahawk Gap Ring Around the Moon 16 Fathoms Deep Wife vs. Secretary The Three Musketeers Saturday's Children La reina de Nova York Hell Bent for Leather Doubting Thomas Whipsaw Belle Le Grand Lliçons d’amor a Suècia Straight Is the Way Model Wife El premi Buccaneer's Girl New Wine Elmer Gantry Fifty Roads to Town The Chaser She Had to Eat Silk Hat Kid River Gang El plaer de viure High Conquest The Great Hotel Murder La Classe américaine At Gunpoint Mickey the Kid Servants' Entrance Breakdowns of 1942 Doc Getting Away from It All Mister Ed The Andy Griffith Show Burke's Law Cheyenne December Bride The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. The Odd Couple Dragnet General Electric Theater Sea Hunt Alfred Hitchcock Presents Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse The Millionaire The Virginian Thriller Yancy Derringer Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Lux Video Theatre Climax! Bronco The Donna Reed Show The Philco Television Playhouse The Alaskans Sugarfoot Ben Casey Racket Squad Tightrope Dr. Kildare Jericho Arrels profundes The Third Man No Time for Sergeants Maverick The Barbara Stanwyck Show Maverick Tate Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alfred Hitchcock Presents Mister Ed The Streets of San Francisco Public Defender The Odd Couple The Odd Couple The Partridge Family My Favorite Martian Green Acres Green Acres Father Knows Best The Real McCoys