Zmizení staré dámy

Zmizení staré dámy 1938


Skupina britských turistů uvízne na horské chatě, ale nakonec se jim přece jen podaří odjet vlakem pryč. Jedna z pasažérek, Iris Henderson, není návratem do Londýna příliš nadšena, protože se má po návratu vdávat. Seznámí se se starší ženou, slečnou Foryovou, která náhle zmizí.


Pět lupičů a stará dáma

Pět lupičů a stará dáma 1955


Černá kriminální komedie Pět lupičů a stará dáma patří mezi nejpopulárnější snímky studia Ealing. Její zápletka se točí okolo pěti mužů, kteří si najmou celé patro u excentrické paní Wilberforceové, aby měli klid k vybroušení svého vystoupení. Nebohá paní vůbec netuší, že nejde o smyčcový kvintet, ale kriminálníky plánující loupež.


Crapston Villas

Crapston Villas 1995


Crapston Villas was a British animated television series, in which the characters were made from plasticine and filmed with stop motion clay animation. It was a comedy satire on inner-city London life, directed at a mature audience. It featured a set of characters, living in a grim apartment building in the fictional postcode of SE69, who were plagued by various dilemmas. Foul language, sex and violence are present.



Readalong 1970


Readalong was an educational, Canadian television program for young children, first produced in 1976 for TVOntario. The program taught fundamentals of reading with the help of live child actors and puppets, including a comically dressed grandmother figure named Granny and anthropomorphic footwear: a brown, male boot and pink, female shoe named, appropriately, Boot and Pretty. Other characters were Mister Bones, the Explorer, House, and the Thing. The Granny, Boot, and Pretty puppets are now housed at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Noreen Young, who designed the puppets, also created puppets for other programs, including Under the Umbrella Tree. The characters were developed by Ken Sobol, who also wrote all the scripts for the series. The show's music was composed by Eric Robertson.