Emergency Declaration

Emergency Declaration 2022


Ostřílený detektiv Ho (Kang-ho Song) obdrží anonymní hlášení o teroristickém útoku na let KI501 z Inčchonu na Havaj. Navzdory své fobii do letadla nastoupí. Těsně po vzletu umírá na palubě z neznámého důvodu muž a v letadle nastává panika. V Koreji na zprávy reaguje ministr Hee Sook, jenž svolává nouzovou schůzku s plánem zajistit bezpečné přistání letu KI501.


The Viral Delusion

The Viral Delusion 2022


n 2019, the virologists took center stage, and for the first time on film, their methods, miscues and tragedy they have wrought are put under the spotlight, revealing the extraordinary leaps of fantasy buried in their methodology, the contradictions quietly acknowledged in their papers, their desperate effort to change language to justify their findings, the obvious incongruence of their conclusions and the extraordinary stakes for our entire society in whether we continue to blindly follow their lead into a full-scale war against nature itself.