The Canyons

The Canyons 2013


Manipulatívní a narcistický filmový producent Christian právě produkuje nový film. Hlavní roli v něm hraje přítel jeho asistentky Ryan. Co ale Christian netuší, je fakt, že Ryan a jeho přítelkyně Tara, také herečka, se znají mnohem důvěrněji, než by se mohlo zdát; kdysi totiž spolu chodili. A vypadá to tak, že jejich vztah není pouze minulost.


Project Ithaca

Project Ithaca 2019


Pět cizinců se probudí na palubě cizí kosmické lodi, která se zdá, že využívá jejich hrůzu k tomu, aby loď ovládala. Postupně začnou chápat, že lidé byli unášeni po celá desetiletí a možná století



Pazuru 2014


Středoškolačka Nakamura Azusa skočí ze školní střechy. Pád naštěstí přežije. O měsíc později do školy vpadnou čtyři maskovaní studenti, uvězní těhotnou učitelku a ostatní přítomné učitele nutí běhat po škole, pronásledovat autíčka na dálkové ovládání, ke kterým jsou připevněné kousky skládačky, kterou musí složit, jinak to s těhotnou paní učitelkou nedopadne dobře. Po incidentu zmizí ředitel a tři studenti. Kdo za tím stojí a proč to dělá? Navíc... hra nekončí.


Classroom of the Elite

Classroom of the Elite 2017


Kiyotaka Ayanokoji has just enrolled at Tokyo Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, where it's said that 100% of students go on to college or find employment. But he ends up in Class 1-D, which is full of all the school's problem children. What's more, every month, the school awards students points with a cash value of 100,000 yen, and the classes employ a laissez-faire policy in which talking, sleeping, and even sabotage are permitted during class. One month later, Ayanokoji, Horikita, and the students of Class D learn the truth of the system in place within their school...


Behind Her Eyes

Behind Her Eyes 2021


A single mother enters a world of twisted mind games when she begins an affair with her psychiatrist boss while secretly befriending his mysterious wife.


Brain Games

Brain Games 2011


Get ready to have your mind messed with! "Brain Games" is a groundbreaking series that uses interactive experiments, misdirection and tricks to demonstrate how our brains create the illusion of seamless reality through our memory, through our sensory perception, and how we focus our attention.





Nao Kanzaki, a student, was blackmailed into joining a "Liar Game" and ended up losing 100 million yen. In order to repay the debt, she enlists the help of Shin'ichi Akiyama, a genius swindler who was only recently released from jail for bankrupting one of Japan's largest scam companies.


Master Key

Master Key 2017


Master Key is an interactive variety show where celebrities compete with one another and play various games in order to achieve victory each week. The players have to find those who have the two Master Keys, reasoning through an intense psychological warfare. The viewers become "Watchers" and participate in the game as well. By the number of votes, each star receives special abilities. Who will be chosen by the Watchers and become the final winner?


Dangerous Liaisons

Dangerous Liaisons 2016


Brazilian version of the classic 18th century novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Set in the 1920's, this adaptation in 10 episodes takes the story of love, lust and revenge to another era.