Walter Lundin Safety Last! Never Weaken Number, Please? Dad's Choice Behind the Counter No Publicity Find the King Surprised Parties A Really Important Person Why Daddy? Gentle Annie The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case Lonesome Luke, Messenger Be My Wife The Chimp On řádí v New Yorku Feet First The Music Box Movie Crazy A Gasoline Wedding Pinched Third Dimensional Murder Dr. Jack Hot Water A Sailor-Made Man For Heaven's Sake Grandma's Boy Why Worry? Girl Shy Hasty Marriage The Bohemian Girl Mothers of Men Heap Big Chief The Tip Here Come the Girls Beat It Neodbytný hoch Hit Him Again Pistolník Gussie Fireman Save My Child Look Pleasant, Please Slim Becomes an Editor By the Sad Sea Waves Bliss Chop Suey & Co. The Film That Was Lost Don't Lie Bonnie Scotland Forgotten Treasure Count Your Change The Rajah Žádné strkání On zázračným studentem The Day of Rest Na divokém západě Over the Fence The Horse with the Human Mind Spuk um Mitternacht Quicker'n a Wink Calling All Pa's General Spanky Reducing On ve strašidelném domě High and Dizzy Pay As You Exit The Great American Mug Badminton An Eastern Westerner Going to Press Welcome Danger Move On Take a Chance The Kid Brother Bashful