Michael Socha Summer Shank Bonded by Blood The Other Me The Unloved Lady Margaret 28 tisíc Svengali Jericho Ridge Distressing Images Big Boys Don’t Cry Showpony Spike Island Soft Dogging: A Love Story This Is England Go Away! Harvest Motýlek Dvojitý rande Pram Snatcher Better Things Walk Like a Panther A Guide to Second Date Sex Anonymní zabijáci Brankář Jade Break Clause Creation Stories Edicius Bale Tales of the Creeping Death 500 Miles Preschool This Is England '86 Once Upon a Time in Wonderland The Aliens Paradox Showtrial Toxické město Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams Naše světová válka This Is England '88 This Is England '90 Bylo, nebylo Dive Skint On the Edge The Gallows Pole: This Valley Will Rise Černobyl Changing Ends Čas Cena za lidskost