Paul Ford To je ale bláznivý svět The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! The Music Man Vysoká hra pro pravou dámu Čajovna U srpnového měsíce The Matchmaker Advise & Consent Lust for Gold Who's Got the Action? Keep in Step Never Too Late The Spy with a Cold Nose In Name Only The Missouri Traveler The Comedians The Naked City Richard Všichni královi muži Perfect Strangers The Kid from Texas Fair Play Twinky Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker Návrat do země Oz Bloomer Girl The Front Page My World and Welcome to It The Merv Griffin Show Studio One General Electric Theater Hallmark Hall of Fame Alfred Hitchcock uvádí Outlaws The Phil Silvers Show The Philco Television Playhouse The Baileys of Balboa Suspense Tales of Tomorrow Tony Awards The Ed Sullivan Show What's My Line? Studio One DuPont Show of the Month The Danny Kaye Show Love, American Style