James Troutman In the Teeth of Jaws Čelisti II Obezřetný cizinec Brave New World The New Kids Broken Promise Připoutejte se, prosím! Navalha na Carne The Golden Gate Murders Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains Zázračný běžec Vice Squad Cold Feet Ničivá síla Son in Law Wild Horses A Piano for Mrs. Cimino Notorious Dadah Is Death It Happened One Christmas The Return of Hunter: Everyone Walks in L.A. Hitman Tiger Town Scott Joplin The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings The Comrades of Summer The Parade The Taking of Flight 847: The Uli Derickson Story Generál MacArthur Sins of the Past Letiště 1975 Letiště '77 Mistr kickboxu Kidz in the Wood Body Parts Holky se chtějí bavit taky Killpoint Vražedný víkend Pán šelem Zlaté časy na Ridgemont High Vice Squad Don't Go to Sleep Killer in the Mirror Deadly Intentions The Executioner's Song Život pod psa Nebeské dítě